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Ontology Based Context Model Yingyi Bu NjuIcs. What is Context? Any information that can be used characterize the situation of an entity, where an entity.

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Presentation on theme: "Ontology Based Context Model Yingyi Bu NjuIcs. What is Context? Any information that can be used characterize the situation of an entity, where an entity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ontology Based Context Model Yingyi Bu NjuIcs

2 What is Context? Any information that can be used characterize the situation of an entity, where an entity can be a person, place, or physical or computational object Context is computer’s view of real world situations.

3 Research Intentions Mapping Contexts in Real World to Contexts in Computers Exactly or Approximately Discovering Implicit Contexts Sharing Contexts among Heterogeneous Software Entities

4 Chanllenges Uniform Context Representation Context Fusion Context Caching and Update Scheme Activity Recognition Goal Recognition Adaptive Behaviors ……

5 Context Modeling Approach Key-Value XML Object ER-UML Ontology Graph

6 Ontology Based Context Model Why?  Unifying context representation, 5-tuples or 8-tuples  Reasoning high-level implicit contexts  Facilitating Conflict Detection  Easy for sharing  Unifying Query Mechanism

7 Ontology Based Context Model What?  Ontology  Persistent Contexts  Dynamic Contexts  Ontology Reasoning and Rule Reasoning

8 Ontology Based Context Model Case  Byy locateIn Room506 - > Byy locateIn MMW  Byy talkTo Txp, Txp talkTo Xxm - > Byy talkTo Xxm  Byy talkTo Txp - > Txp type Person  Byy locateIn Room506, Byy talkTo Txp, Byy near Desk - > Byy giveLecture Room506

9 Ontology Based Context Model Implementations:  Ontology construction: OWL on Protégé.  Reasoning and conflict detection: Jena2.2

10 Ontology Based Context Model Roles  Raw Context Provider  Context Service  Context Consumer

11 Ontology Based Context Model Query  RDQL language: Select ?x where (?x giveLecture ?y), (?x type Student), (?x locateIn MMW)

12 Benifits Fusing Context Formally Detecting Conflict Easily Querying contexts easily

13 Drawbacks Time-consuming Dynamic context management

14 Future Work ER Graph-based Context Model Sensor-based Activity Recognition  Segmentation of Sensed Data  Semi-supervised learning Anomaly Detection Algorithms for Healthcare Learning-based Adaptive Behaviors

15 Reference Jie Yin, Dou Shen, Qiang Yang and Ze-nian Li Activity Recognition through Goal-Based Segmentation. Proceedings of the Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2005, Pittsburg, PA USA, July 2005. Pages 28--33. T. Strang, C. Linnhoff-Popien. A Context Modeling Survey.Workshop on Advanced Context Modelling, Reasoning and Management as part of UbiComp 2004 - The Sixth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, Nottingham/England, September 2004. T. Gu, H. K. Pung, D. Q. Zhang. Towards an OSGi-Based Infrastructure for Context-Aware Applications in Smart Homes, IEEE Pervasive Computing, 3(4) 2004, 66-74. H. Chen, T. W. Finin, A. Joshi, L. Kagal, F. Perich, D. Chakraborty. Intelligent Agents Meet the Semantic Web in Smart Spaces. IEEE Internet Computing, (November 2004):69-79.

16 Thanks!

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