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Bureau of Community Food and Nutrition Assistance.

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Presentation on theme: "Bureau of Community Food and Nutrition Assistance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bureau of Community Food and Nutrition Assistance

2  Eat Smart 1: Childhood Obesity and Missouri Eat Smart Child Care  Eat Smart 2: Setting the Stage for a Healthy Nutrition Environment  Eat Smart 3: Planning to Become a Missouri Eat Smart Child Care

3  Updates/revisions  Updated forms  No longer have list of Approved Cereals  Replaced MyPyramid with MyPlate

4  Socializing Healthy Habits in Young Children: Physical Activity  Currently in progress of developing Physical Activity Guidelines ▪ Plan to implement sometime in 2013 ▪ Align with Missouri Eat Smart Child Care ▪ Will replace Socializing Healthy Habits for Physical Activity  Updates/revisions  Replaced MyPyramid with MyPlate

5  Nutrition 101 Helping Kids Grow Up Healthy  Supporting Breastfeeding Families in Child Care  Menu Magic – Menu Planning for Child Care

6  Align messages with Eat Smart Guidelines  Do not provide candy as a “prize” in Breastfeeding Bingo  Discuss disadvantages along with the advantages of ready-prepared food (do not want to portray the image that we support ready-prepared, processed foods)  Provide healthful suggestions, such as spreading hummus on whole grain crackers (instead of spreading butter or jelly on toast)

7  Approved “Standardized Children’s Health Promotions” may be used at any time and submitted for reimbursement  Children’s Health Promotions that have not been approved must be submitted to Ann McCormack, Bureau Chief prior to the event for approval before reimbursement can occur

8  Department Standardized Health Issue Training  OrganWise Guys: “Taking a Healthy Break!”  OrganWise Guys: Happy Healthy Hearts  Cape Girardeau County  Getting Fit with your Food Friends  Clinton County  OrganWise Guys- All Hearts Need Love  Madison County  MyPlate Children’s Program  Montgomery County  MyPlate  Putnam County  Childhood Exercise

9  Prior list is currently approved  Will eventually combine the current Health Promotion trainings into 3 standardized categories:  MyPlate  Physical Activity  Heart Health

10  With family style meals, all meal components need to be present at meal time  HOWEVER….  Division of Responsibility  Children decide how much or IF he/she chooses to eat ▪ Do not have to have every component on plate ▪ May choose to not eat anything  Adults actively encourage children to try all foods. ▪ NEVER force!  Handout on Family Style Meals

11  Trainings have been changed to reflect ChooseMyPlate instead of MyPyramid

12  Make sure all messages are consistent with the Eat Smart Guidelines  Do not send mixed messages  Encourage use of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats  Limit the use and encouragement of consuming sweetened items (candy, juice, sugar sweetened beverages, sweet breakfast/snack foods)  Suggest healthful celebration ideas

13  DO NOT change the trainings to any format or version that differs from the approved  Make sure to use the EXACT version, available on the Intranet  Do not change the delivered message to your own

14  Handout  District Boundaries  Central  Northwestern  Southwestern  Eastern  Southeastern

15  Ann McCormack, MPH, RD- Bureau Chief   Denise Redmon- Nutrition Specialist   Sarah Gaines, MS, RD, LD- Nutrition Consultant   573-751-6269  800-733-6251

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