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LMS Lessons Learned CUE 2015 Dr. Michael Myers, PhD Dr. Cynthia Sistek-Chandler, EdD

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Presentation on theme: "LMS Lessons Learned CUE 2015 Dr. Michael Myers, PhD Dr. Cynthia Sistek-Chandler, EdD"— Presentation transcript:

1 LMS Lessons Learned CUE 2015 Dr. Michael Myers, PhD Dr. Cynthia Sistek-Chandler, EdD

2 Lessons Learned from the LMS Review  Process  Vendor Selection  Universal Attributes  VoIP and Synchronous Discussion Tools  Technical Support  Professional Development  Challenges

3 Re-”Vision”  LMS Evaluation Process  Questions we asked, why we asked them?  What we discovered along the way  LMS Migration  What will it look like, when will we get there?  Restructure of resources  How we will get there?

4 Needs Assessment  Rich engaging content designed around key educational content and concepts (Content Management)  Consistent high-quality student experience  Focus on student learning outcomes- associated with signature assignments and rubrics (Learning Analytics)  Mobile experience  Synchronous Tools  Accessible courses (ADA Compliant)  Professional Development



7 Final 4  Pearson Learning (eCollege)  Desire 2 Learn  Canvas by Instructure  Blackboard Learn







14 LMS Needs: Course ExcellenceLMS Needs: Course Excellence  Audio/Video  Synchronous  Asynchronous  Gradebook/feedback  Depth & detail  Efficiency  Rubrics  Email  Robust exam/quizzing assessment tools  Structure and Pace  Device agnosticism  Content

15 LMS Needs: IntegrationLMS Needs: Integration  Course Content Management  One to many  Across systems  “De-siloed” experience  Faculty supplementation, collaboration  Incorporation of e-text  Single Sign On capabilities

16 LMS Needs: Mobile ExperienceLMS Needs: Mobile Experience  Notifications  Branded experience  LMS/other systems  Native and mobile web  Interactive, not passive  Comprehensive

17 LMS Needs: Student EngagementLMS Needs: Student Engagement  Integration of Social tools  Notifications  Badging  Adaptive learning  MOOCs  Program level spaces, cohorts, student clubs, portfolio and alumni

18 Blackboard CollaborateBlackboard Collaborate  Approx. 2000 enterprise customers in Higher Ed worldwide.  Running at a rate of about 2.5 billion minutes of web conferencing per year.  Based on decision, may be the synchronous tool  In the near term  Continue to explore other tools  Richer training, better support

19 Technical SupportTechnical Support  Quality support  High touch, timely  Metrics, reporting  Transparency  Nuanced understanding of us  Fix in the near-term, preclude in the long-term

20 Voice Over IP (VoIP Synchronous Tools)Voice Over IP (VoIP Synchronous Tools)  Screen and Application Sharing  Real time breakouts  Java Independent  Mobile Access  MP4 Cloud-based conversion  Integrated Telephony

21 Migration Process  30-40 courses developed by LMS vendors with NU faculty  Building a repository of rich content models for reuse/repurposing in remainder of courses  Define style sheets, responsive design, html-5 principles to be used across all courses  Create best-in-show courses that reflect the leading edge of new LMS capabilities  Refining automated process for migrating courses from legacy eCollege LMS  “Training the Trainer”- Vendor providing close collaboration with NU staff as courses developed so all future courses fully exploit LMS capabilities

22 Training Helpdesk Course Developers/ID Migration Management Technology Faculty

23 How it looks now Instructional Designers Course Developers Instruct. Design Curriculum Designers Faculty Fellows Curr. Design Sr. Programmer Innovat. Integrat. Producer Recorders Video Prod. Faculty Trainers Course Dev (2nd role) Faculty Training Client Services LMS helpdesk Concierge

24 How can it be better? Instructional Designers Course Developers Instruct. Design Curriculum Designers Faculty Fellows Curr. Design Sr. Programmer Innovat. Integrat. Producer Recorders Video Prod. Faculty Trainers Course Dev (2nd role) Faculty Trainin g Client Services LMS helpdesk Concierge Analysis and Action

25 Ongoing Formative Feedback

26 Major Considerations  scale  success  market position  visibility across higher education

27 Lessons Learned: Scale  Video Conferencing  Migration  Community

28 Lessons Learned: Single Sign On  IT Managed  Occurred during LMS migration

29 Lessons Learned: Transparency  System Help Desk  Use of Faculty Community  Communication

30 Contact Us  MPmyersPHD   @cynthiachandler   Dr. Michael Myers, PhD  Dr. Cynthia Sistek-Chandler, EdD  Evaluation in Sched

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