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Ego Id Parapraxis Humor Write a funny caption for this picture.

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Presentation on theme: "Ego Id Parapraxis Humor Write a funny caption for this picture."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ego Id

3 Parapraxis Humor


5 Write a funny caption for this picture



8 Findings Tend to write captions with sexual or aggressive themes –“Sorry for being late, I was just with your best friend” Interestingly, rarely make such statements when asked what they might do in this situation

9 Themes Sex Aggression Elimination

10 Why? Which part of the mind emphasizes these themes? How does a joke work? Surprise!

11 How a joke works The surprise “punch line” is important Ego doesn’t have a chance to defend against it Rush of pleasure comes from sudden release of tension Tension released because repressed impulses suddenly allowed expression The punch-line evades the censor

12 How a joke works Expression of unacceptable impulses, often of sex and aggression Jokes allow you to enjoy these impulses in a relatively safe manner

13 Practical Jokes Examples Expression of mild hostility in an enjoyable way

14 Research The art of telling a joke (if Freud is right) The more tension a person experiences before a punch line, the funnier the joke Told they would be using a rat –Low tension (just held it) –Mod. tension (took blood; told it was easy) –High tension (took blood; told it was hard) Id Ego

15 Research Reached into cage and found

16 Research “Punch Line” How funny was that?

17 Research

18 When jokes go bad! If joke is too crude it is typically not seen as funny. Why? Its purpose is too obvious to the audience – ego has time to censure the impulse

19 Nice jokes What about “nice” jokes? “I don’t believe in astrology, because I’m a Virgo, and we’re hard to convince.” Silliness in general allows for a brief escape from reality Demands of reality are resented by the mind –It constantly thwarts release of tension! Defying reality is mildly pleasant

20 Remembering Jokes Have trouble remember jokes? Repression occurs afterward

21 Ego Id

22 Parapraxis Humor

23 Parapraxes When the ego does not do its job properly, elements of the id may slip out and be seen Forgetting Slips

24 Ever forget Anything? Birthday? Name? Forgetting what you were talking about at a party? Forgetting a dentist appointment or showing up on the wrong day ? Due dates for papers? Why? There are no accidents!

25 Forgetting You forget to try to avoid thinking about something that may produce anxiety Every time you forget something there is a reason! –You forget to do something because it reminds you of something else

26 Possible explanations Birthday? Name? Forgot about a date? Due dates for papers?

27 Possible explanations Birthday? –Reminds you of age, death. If parent, maybe an issue from the phallic stage Name? Forgot about a date? Due dates for tests or papers?

28 Possible explanations Birthday? –Reminds you of age, death. If parent, maybe an issue from the phallic stage Name? –Perhaps you have sexual impulses about this person Forgot about a date? Due dates for tests or papers?

29 Possible explanations Birthday? –Reminds you of age, death. If parent, maybe an issue from the phallic stage Name? –Perhaps you have sexual impulses about this person Forgot about a date? –Anxiety about the date / person is too similar to a parent Due dates for papers?

30 Possible explanations Birthday? –Reminds you of age, death. If parent, maybe an issue from the phallic stage Name? –Perhaps you have sexual impulses about this person Forgot about a date? –Anxiety about the date / person is too similar to a parent Due dates for papers? –Fear about rejection from parents

31 Freudian Slip

32 8199834939868699582&q=slip+of+tongue+site%3Avide earch&plindex=2 8199834939868699582&q=slip+of+tongue+site%3Avide earch&plindex=2 8202751&q=slip+of+tongue&total=570&start=70&num=1 0&so=0&type=search&plindex=0 8202751&q=slip+of+tongue&total=570&start=70&num=1 0&so=0&type=search&plindex=0

33 Slips Unintended actions that are caused by the leakage of suppressed impulses Denial and slips –People don’t do them on purpose –The more they deny them the more truth there is to it!

34 Examples Me and “mother” / “girlfriend” story I don’t think we’ve been properly seduced, um, introduced” “What do you think of Fraudian theory?” “I hope you are well and unhappy” “Pleased to beat you” “He can eat and drink what I want” Using the name of an ex? Breaking something on accident “Accidentally” leave something at someone's house?

35 Slips More likely to occur when a person is tired or fatigued Note: Being tired dos not cause a slip to occur

36 Parapraxes vs. Humor Parapraxes –Impulse leaks out in an uncontrolled manner Humor –Impulse is crafted to come out in a controlled manner Parapraxes are a failure of the ego; humor is a success!


38 Ego Id

39 Defense Mechanisms

40 Anxiety Ego tries to keep reality in check Ego tries to keep the id, superego, and reality “happy” The tools the ego uses to do this (and avoid anxiety) –Defense Mechanisms Note: these are not “cures”, just Band-Aids

41 Defense Mechanisms Anna Freud Organized different types of defense mechanisms

42 Defense Mechanisms Tools used by the ego to “trick” other parts of the mind –Primary vs. Secondary Thinking Tools used by the ego to distort reality to protect the self Reduces anxiety Used unconsciously by the ego once anxiety is sensed

43 Test Grade

44 F

45 “No!”


47 “No -- I just didn’t do that!”


49 “No!”


51 “Oh No!”


53 “No!”

54 Why do we say “no” in these types of situations?

55 Denial Denying that the source of anxiety exists (or failing to perceive it in the first place) Gives a psychological “breather” Just temporary After it is used we can deal with the issue or use another defense mechanism





60 Repression The process of excluding distressing thoughts and feelings from consciousness –“Deeper” than denial “Motivated forgetting” Freud thought is was the primary ego defense –Direct approach to avoid anxiety

61 Repression Forget a name? Forgot to call someone? Do you remember the Oedipal/Electra complex?

62 Evidence Extremely weak Why does this sometimes happen?





67 Reaction Formation Ego guards against id impulse by expressing its opposite extreme Two steps: 1) The unacceptable impulse is repressed 2) The exact opposite is expressed on a conscious level

68 Reaction Formation

69 Id Sexual Desire

70 Reaction Formation Id Sexual Desire Sexual desire causes neurotic and moral anxiety Sexual desire is repressed

71 Reaction Formation Id Sexual Desire Sexual desire causes neurotic and moral anxiety Sexual desire is repressed To further protect woman, the ego has her go to the opposite extreme

72 Reaction Formation Id Sexual Desire Sexual desire causes neurotic and moral anxiety Sexual desire is repressed To further protect woman, the ego has her go to the opposite extreme

73 Reaction Formation Id Sexual Desire “Of course I not a sexual deviate, I actually protest against pornography!”

74 Reaction Formation Examples: In grade school – what do you do to the people you “liked” the most? Homosexual impulses

75 Reaction Formation “Giveaway – There is a lack of proportion between the provocation and the response”

76 Reaction Formation Do you love your younger brother / sister? Why? Reaction formation!

77 Reaction Formation Evidence: Women were measured on “sex guilt” Exposed to erotic stimuli Women high on sex guilt reported lower levels of arousal, but.... had greater physiological arousal.

78 Reaction Formation Evidence: “Homophobic” men Exposed to homosexual erotic stimuli These men reported lower levels of arousal.... but, had greater physiological arousal.

79 “Why were you looking at her?!?!”

80 “The teacher was not very good at getting me ready for this test”

81 “All people are idiots”

82 “Its your fault”

83 Projection A person attributes unacceptable internal thoughts or feelings to other people or to the environment Giveaway – do you see almost everyone the same way?



86 “They were probably sour anyway”


88 “She is not that great anyway!”


90 “Its for his own good”


92 “It doesn’t really matter – My wife doesn’t even wash the dishes” “His wife is awful to him”

93 Rationalization Ego misrepresents irrational behavior in order to make it appear rational and thus justifiable to others Rationalizations are obvious Person doing them really believes them


95 “During the conflict we sustained minor causalities, while inflicting major causalities on the enemy”

96 “We attempted to remove the blockage which likely caused discomfort. Unfortunately, the patient expired”

97 Intellectualization Turn emotional issues into cold, intellectual, and analytical issues Intellectual issues vs. emotional issues Grandfather example

98 “During the conflict we sustained minor causalities, while inflicting major causalities on the enemy”

99 “During the bloody war, where many men were seriously wounded – 46 men were killed – they will not be coming home. We killed 204 of the men on the other side – they will not be going home to their families either.”

100 “We attempted to remove the blockage which likely caused discomfort. Unfortunately, the patient expired”

101 ““We attempted to remove the blockage which likely caused Frank to feel great pain. Unfortunately, the Frank died during this operation.”


103 You get an F in this class! You are mad at me! You go home and....

104 Hit a pillow

105 You get an F in this class! You are mad at me! You go home and....

106 Kick the dog!

107 You get an F in this class! You are mad at me! You go home and....

108 Yell at your mate!

109 Why?

110 Displacement The expression of an impulse is redirected from a more threatening person or object to a less threatening one. Can be turn against self


112 “I’m giving you the silent treatment”

113 “Be de bo bo do ba ba”

114 Death row inmate

115 Regression Reverting to immature and childlike patterns of behavior. Alleviates anxiety by retreating to an earlier period in life



118 ID Aggression

119 ID Aggression Ego

120 ID Aggression Ego

121 Sublimation “Good defense mechanism” Person diverts impulses so that they may be expressed via socially approved thoughts and actions

122 Sublimation Examples: Artists Childhood sports Who are you attracted too?

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