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What is SciVee? SciVee Partners University of California, San Diego.

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2 What is SciVee?


4 SciVee Partners University of California, San Diego

5 SciVee Team Philip E. Bourne, PhD - Co-Founder Leo M. Chalupa PhD - Co-Founder Louis R. Coffman – Financial Consultant Lynn Fink PhD - Scientific Developer Apryl Bailey - Creative Director & Production Manager Willy Suwanto - Web-Data Applications Programmer Alex Ramos - Flash Developer/Web Designer

6 SciVee Gets Noticed

7 Press: Before Alpha Launch 08/01/2007 – SciVee Begins Accepting Uploads of Videos and Papers 08/14/2007 – NewScientistTech article “Online video is transforming perceptions of science” 08/17/2007 – CTWatch Quarterly article “Reinventing Scholarly Communication for the Electronic Age” 08/19/2007 – Slashdot article: “YouTube for Science?” 08/20/2007 – SciVee responds to the huge community response in a formal newsletter detailing upcoming new features to be added based on the customer’s requests 08/22/2007 – BizOrigin article “SciVee – An excellent concept and should be “required” in science publication” 08/22/2007 – Mashable article “SciVee to Launch Video Site for Scientists” 08/22/2007 – InformationWeek article “SciVee: The YouTube For Science Research Papers” 08/22/2007 – The Scientist article “Web sites and publishers plan video offerings, but will researchers embrace the new medium?” 08/23/2007 – 40,000 unique visitors, approaching 6 million hits from worldwide interest, 60% of visitors bookmarking SciVee 08/28/2007 – CORDIS News article “YouTube for scientists launched” August 2007: 38,609 Unique Visitors, 6,744,228 Hits, 311.22 GB bandwidth 09/01/2007 – SciVee Official Alpha Site Launch

8 CNN and USA Today Coverage

9 The Five Main Elements of SciVee Science Videos Channels Science Communities Profiles

10 A pubcast is a scientific publication combined with a corresponding video. What is a SciVee Pubcast?

11 Scientific Publishing Models authorreaderspublisher €€ Closed Access: © Open Access: € ©

12 How does SciVee make use of Open Access literature? SciVee and Open Access SciVee retrieves the full text of an Open Access publication and allows the author to synchronize their video to the graphics and specific parts of the text.

13 Is it worth making a pubcast? SciVee proposes that pubcasts could enable scientists who author them the possibility of increasing: 1) broadening audiences 2) increased readership 3) feedback from peers 4) increased citation

14 An Example of Increased Publication Access After being linked to a SciVee pubcast, traffic on the publisher’s site jumped from around 200 hits to around 2500. Eighty days after a pubcast was posted July 19, 2007, it had been accessed over 39,000 times, roughly 500 times per day.

15 What Does This Data Imply? Watched 6047 times in 24 days or about 252 times per day. Watched 5489 times in 44 days or about 124 times per day. Many more people access your article when it is made into a pubcast. For papers published some time ago, a pubcast creates renewed interest in the work.

16 How can viewers benefit from pubcasts? 1)Scientists who view the video can gain a deeper comprehension of an article’s teaching points directly from the author. 2)Scientists can quickly review the main content of more articles than would be possible from a complete reading of entire articles. 3)Scientists can participate in virtual discussions directly with the author and other viewers directly through commentary, community discussions and blogging.

17 Four more benefits for scientists. Science Videos Channels Science Communities Profiles

18 What Are SciVee Channels? Pubcasts from the same journal When a scientist creates a pubcast, it is associated with other pubcasts that are from the same scientific journal that the paper was published forming a channel by the same name of the journal. Journal Named “SciVee Channel” ++=

19 SciVee accepts other science related videos. All videos that are related to science can be posted to SciVee. Examples of videos include: Supporting Data for Pubcasts Videos of Science Experiments Science Outreach Videos Non-profit Science Group Promos Science Film Contest Entries Scientific News Lab Descriptions Scientist’s Curriculum Vitae

20 What are SciVee communities? Videos from the same topic, lab group, or organization Communities can be formed on SciVee to group certain videos together that belong to a particular research group or organization. “SciVee Community” ++= Relevant pubcasts can also be connected to communities

21 SciVee promotes communications between scientists by providing them with the ability to create and develop their own virtual communities around their own scientific research interests, organizations, papers and videos.. The SciVee team endeavors to continually listen and change SciVee to meet the needs of all of its various communities. SciVee Communities can be formed around: Specific Fields of Scientific Research Scientific Organizations Specific Educational Science Interests

22 How do profiles benefit scientists? Scientists can customize their own professional profile into a comprehensive multimedia representation of their work. Profiles provide a way for individual scientist to collect together a listing of publications, research interests, educational and vocational achievements, and other rich media related to their research. Pubcasts and science videos are automatically linked when you upload them.

23 Does SciVee provide any video production support for scientists that want to make a video? SciVee provides video production support to scientist in many ways. 1) Tutorials, Tips and Help. 2) Video producers listing 3) Send us a question about video production, we are happy to help Video production providers from all over the world can join SciVee, add their contact information, create a profile and post examples of their work on science videos.

24 Postercasts Full Screen Option What is Next for SciVee?

25 SciVee looks forward to the feedback from the community to guide its forward progression. Just email us at: Science Videos Channels Science Communities What do you want to happen next on SciVee?

26 SciVee invites scientists to “make your research known” by creating an online presentation called a “SciVee pubcast.” An Invitation to Scientists!

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