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Global Trends Global Agendas for ICT use in Teacher Professional Development Workshop : Developing a Framework for ICT Use in Teacher Professional Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Trends Global Agendas for ICT use in Teacher Professional Development Workshop : Developing a Framework for ICT Use in Teacher Professional Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Trends Global Agendas for ICT use in Teacher Professional Development Workshop : Developing a Framework for ICT Use in Teacher Professional Development for Pre-service and In-service Training in Tanzania Dar Es Salaam, 20 –22 October, 2009 Mary Hooker, Research Manager, GeSCI

2 Outline: Global context, case studies and frameworks for ICT use in Teacher Professional Development
A focus on the global challenges facing education systems SITE, UNESCO and GESCI frameworks Case Studies Ireland Singapore African experiences Development Path for ICT use in Teacher Professional Development

3 What is the Global Agenda of Education for All?
The Education for All (EFA) agenda is a Global Social Justice (GSJ) Project The concept of quality is fundamental to its achievement; Even if all children get into school by 2015, what is more important is that: they manage to stay in school and complete the education cycle and that they receive a quality education experience to enable them to become independent lifelong learners as a result of having been in school A quality education depends on quality teachers (Yates 2002)

4 What are the challenges?
75 million children worldwide are not in school UNESCO estimates that eighteen million new primary teachers are needed to achieve Education for All (EFA) by 2015 Acute shortages in the supply of suitably qualified and experienced teachers north and south Disparities accelerate as richer countries lure qualified teachers from less favoured regions In Sub-Saharan Africa up to third of teachers are untrained UNESCO 2008; Leach 2008 INCLUSIVE ACCESS? QUALITY ? RELEVANCE ? MANAGEMENT ?

5 What is the Global Agenda for a Knowledge Economy or Information Society?
“New Growth” economic models emphasize the importance of new knowledge, innovation, and the development of human capacity as the sources of sustainable economic growth; ICTs are engines for new growth and tools for empowering societies to change into knowledge economies or information societies Education is a major pillar of a knowledge economy.

6 Information was communicated from
Agricultural Economy Information was communicated from person to person or in group meetings. Written knowledge was rare.

7 Information became more readily available,
Industrial Economy Information became more readily available, through: libraries, newspapers, radio and TV

8 Information was in short supply. Teaching was teacher centred
Industrial Economy Information was in short supply. Teaching was teacher centred

9 Information is widely available, through: Internet, Books, CDs, DVDs
Knowledge Economy Information is widely available, through: Internet, Books, CDs, DVDs

10 What are the challenges?
Information is in abundant supply Technology is changing rapidly Learners need to keep up with technology and continually develop new skill sets. Jobs appear and disappear very quickly Jolliffe n.d

11 What skills do today’s learners need to participate in a Knowledge Based Economy or Information Society? Learners will need to be prepared in new technology literacy competencies inclusive of higher order thinking and sound reasoning skills – the ability to learn how to learn (i.e. to be a life-long learner), to reflect, analyse and synthesize to find solutions and to adapt to take initiative to be creative to work in teams to lead to communicate

12 Inclusive Education for All
Through access to an inclusive high-quality education by all –benefits to individual, business, private and public enterprise are multiplied and will lead to economic growth that is more equitably distributed and enjoyed by all. UNESCO 2008

13 The UNESCO “Information and Communication Technologies in Teacher Education: Planning Guide” (2002) recommends: “A shift from teacher-centred instruction to learner-centred instruction is needed to enable students to acquire the new 21st century knowledge and skills.” (p23)

14 Is ICT integration the solution?
ICT is often seen as being a ‘solution’ Delivering relevant quality instructional material Supporting student self directed learning anywhere and anytime Enhancing teachers’ skills and knowledge Promoting international collaboration and networking But ICT is also part of the fundamental shift in teaching and learning styles from didactic to constructivist They are not the ‘cheap’ solution that many people have argued (Unwin 2004)

15 Paradigm shift: Challenging our assumptions about knowledge and learning
Didactic Single way of knowing Transmission of knowledge Reading and writing principle access route Reproducing knowledge Learning as a solitary activity Constructivist Plural way of knowing Learning is a reconstruction of knowledge Interactive digital worlds as alternative route to knowledge Producing and sharing knowledge, participating at times as expert Learning collaboratively with others Linear – banking model (Freire) for knowledge acquisition/ Systems thinking (Senge) with feedback loop for continuous authentic experiential learning

16 Paradigm shift: Challenging our assumptions about models for Teacher Professional Development
Transmission One time initial or specialized training ‘Deficit approach’ focusing on content knowledge ‘Technical approach’ focused on teaching practice Transition ‘Empowerment approach’ focusing on teaching professionalism; collaborative practice Transformation Lifelong learning approach for professional preparedness, development and research initial preparation structured opportunities for retraining, upgrading and acquisition of new knowledge and skills continuous support Increasing capacity for professional autonomy Kennedy 2005

17 Existing Frameworks for ICT use in Teacher Professional Development: SITE
SITE (Society for IT and Teacher Education) Three key principles: Technology should be infused into the entire teacher education programme Technology should be introduced in context Student teachers should experience innovative technology-supported learning environments in their own teacher education programme Why are these so often ignored? (Unwin 2004)

18 UNESCO Conceptual Framework – ICT use in Learning
Adoption of ICT in Learning Instructional Approach to Learning What instructional approaches work most effectively with various ICT applications? Authenticity of Learning Which ICT applications can be a springboard for student learning in a real-world context? Complexity of Learning What types of ICT uses support thinking and learning? All approaches to learning will require different types of TPD Temechgn 2009

19 UNESCO Conceptual Framework – ICT Integration in Teacher Professional Development
Teacher integrating pedagogy and technology while operating within environmental (contextual) factors social and economic conditions telecommunications infrastructure cultural and linguistic factors change factors national vision for ICT curriculum reform and a need to continue learning throughout life recognition that learning continues throughout life and that learners need to learn how to learn

20 Existing Frameworks: UNESCO
Integration in stages The introduction and use of ICT in education proceeds in broad stages that may be conceived as a continuum or series of steps, namely: Emerging, Applying, Infusing, Transforming Each of the successive stages in the continuum gets richer in both technology and pedagogy in terms of quality and complexity Temechgn 2009

21 Emerging Stage Educational establishments just beginning to explore the possibilities and consequences of using ICT for institutional management and adding ICT to the curriculum Pedagogically speaking, institutions at this stage are still firmly grounded in traditional, teacher-centered practice.

22 Applying Stage Administrators and teachers use ICT for tasks already carried out in institutional management and in the curriculum Teachers involve themselves in integrating ICT to acquire specific subject skills and knowledge, beginning to change their teaching methodology in the classroom, and using ICT to support their training and professional development

23 Infusing Stage Educational institutions involved in integrating or embedding ICT across the curriculum, and in employing a range of computer-based technologies in laboratories, classrooms, and administrative offices. The curriculum also begins to merge subject areas to reflect real-world applications. The teachers use ICT to manage not only the learning of their students but also their own learning

24 Transforming Stage Educational institutions involved in integrating or embedding ICT across the curriculum, and in employing a range of computer-based technologies in laboratories, classrooms, and administrative offices. The emphasis changes from teacher-centered to learner-centered. Institutions at this stage of ICT4TED development have become centers of learning for their communities.

25 Existing Frameworks: UNESCO ICT Teacher Competency Framework
Three approaches for ICT Integration that connect education policy with economic development Policy & Vision Technology literacy Knowledge Deepening Knowledge Creation Curriculum & Assessment Basic Knowledge Knowledge Application 21st Century Skills Pedagogy Integrate Technology Complex Problem Solving Self Management ICT Basic Tools Complex Tools Pervasive Technology Organization & Administration Standard Classroom Collaborative Groups Learning Organizations Teacher Professional Development Digital Literacy Manage & Guide Teacher as Model Learner Source: UNESCO 2008

26 Technology Literacy Increase the technology uptake of students, citizens, and the workforce by incorporating technology skills in the curriculum

27 Knowledge Deepening Increase the ability of students, citizens, and the workforce to use knowledge to add value to society and the country and the economy by applying it to solve complex, real-world problems

28 Knowledge Creation Increase the ability of students, citizens, and the workforce to innovate, produce new knowledge and benefit from this knowledge

29 ICT a complementary technology
Existing Frameworks: GeSCI Towards Transformational Professional Learning Two dimensions of expansive TPD transformation. The upper right (sector 4) indicates the direction of the individual and collective technology enhanced expansive professional learning Institutions and schools in collaboration with the community (local, national, regional) ICT a core technology Given ‘Transition’ ‘Infusing’ ‘Knowledge deepening’ Teacher professional development focus on the use of ICT to guide students through complex problems and manage dynamic learning environment 3 ‘Transformation’ ‘Transforming’ ‘Knowledge creation’ Teachers are themselves master learners and knowledge producers who are constantly engaged in educational experimentation and innovation to produce new knowledge about learning and teaching practice 4 Experimentation in context Programmes 1 ‘Traditional’ ‘Emerging’ ‘Technology add-on’ Teacher training focus on the use of ICT as an add-on to the traditional curricula and standardized test systems 2 ‘Transmission’ ‘Applying’ ‘Technology literacy’ Teacher training focus on the development of digital literacy and the use of ICT for professional improvement with varying solutions ICT a complementary technology Institutions and schools as relatively isolated from the community A consolidated continuum of approaches for ICT Integration in Teacher Professional Development Sources: Kennedy, 2005; Hakkarainen et al. 2008; Olakulehin 2008; UNESCO 2008

30 Continuum of approaches represents a conceptual framework
Existing Frameworks: GeSCI Towards Transformational Professional Learning Continuum of approaches represents a conceptual framework Practitioners and institutions move from isolated, passive consumers and implementers of externally defined education programmes for ICT knowledge and skills to more open communities of active learners and learning organizations that generate new knowledge on the use of ICT to enhance educational practice

31 Case studies from across the world
Emerging Applying Infusing Transforming Ireland ? Singapore Africa

32 Ireland

33 Schools IT2000 National Centre for Technology in Education – Schools IT 2000 Initiatives Technology Integration Initiative (TII) Teaching Skills Initiative (TSI) Schools Integration Project (SIP) Interactive Software in the Curriculum (ISC) ScoilNet

34 Technology Integration Initiative (TII)
Support technology planning and infrastructure building in schools Supports schools with purchasing, planning, and technical information Grants provided to schools Target of 60,000 multimedia computers Every school has Internet access

35 Teaching Skills Initiative (TSI)
ICT Course development and delivery for teachers 120,000 training places since 1998, approx 10,000 annually Range of evolving courses to meet teacher needs accreditation path courses to Grad. Dip & Masters Ongoing course development to blended, online, e-learning

36 Teaching Skills Initiative (TSI)
Over 1,000 tutors recruited and trained to deliver courses Administered through the local education centre network Very high demand from enthusiastic teachers who were prepared to avail of the training in their own time

37 Teaching Skills Initiative (TSI)
Primary School Training Courses Introductory Phase One Introductory Phase Two ICT and the Primary Curriculum Intel Teach to the Future Post Primary School Training Courses Post Primary Phase One Post Primary Phase Two Specialist Courses Maths, Music, Guidance etc.

38 Schools Integration Project (SIP)
SIP is a collection of school-based projects focusing on the innovative use of ICT in teaching and learning over 70 projects involving more than 300 schools SIP is intended to: Inform future government expenditure on ICT Develop resources Suggest new pedagogic strategies Disseminate good practice Partnership: Support from industry, commerce Support from third level colleges to projects in their region Inter-school networking involving clusters of schools working collaboratively

39 Interactive Software in the Curriculum
NCTE Educational Software Evaluation Pilot 120 Software titles being evaluated Evaluations published on ScoilNet Software libraries in education centres Discounts and special licensing deals Identifying new software titles (UK, USA, Australia) Advice to companies developing new software

40 ScoilNet ScoilNet is the 'official' Irish educational web portal
Providing on-line resources and information for teachers, students and parents Range of categorised educational content online Collaboration through the development of user communities using discussion groups Partnership with Intel Ireland Platform for teachers to publish content Attracts an average of 900,000 hits per month Warde 2007

41 Ireland: ICT professional development model
The Schools IT2000 initiative teacher professional development model of training is inadequate as well as outmoded Need for a model based on current thinking about learning and social constructionist that looks beyond how teachers engage with technology to how teachers’ use of technology as they work alongside their students allows them to redefine learning itself Butler 2005

42 Where do you feel Ireland is on the knowledge ladder?
Share your reflections on the Irish experience of ICT use in Education and Professional Development with your neighbour Emerging Applying Infusing Transforming Ireland ? Singapore Africa

43 Singapore

44 Singapore: 1997 Masterplan for IT in Education
National Institute of Education – Integration of ICT in Education Key importance of teachers Human Resources Training every teacher in effective use of IT in education Equipping trainee teachers with core skills in teaching with IT Involving institutions of higher learning and industry as partners in schools Curriculum revision 3 types of IT courses – basic ICT, foundation, and elective courses Infrastructure 2:1 teacher-computer ratio School-wide network High-speed multimedia network across Singapore

45 Singapore: Success Principles for use of ICT in Teacher Professional Development
Integrated cohesive plan with sufficient funding Involving all stakeholders Especially the teachers Combining in-service and pre-service elements Sufficient technical support (infrastructure and mentoring advice) Building on existing examples of success Need for partnerships to ensure sustainability Wider links to teacher professional development and reward schemes

46 Singapore: Teacher achievements
2001 survey of teacher achievements 24,000 teachers received hours training in use of IT 78% of teachers said that IT helped to make teaching more student centred ICT-pedagogical integration A major concern 30 hours of instruction not enough for ICT –pedagogy integration proficiency Student - teachers want more ICT-Pedagogy integration in the praticuum Jung 2005, Unwin 2006

47 Where would you place Singapore on the knowledge ladder?
Share your reflections on the Singapore experience of ICT use in TPD with your neighbour Emerging Applying Infusing Transforming Ireland Singapore ? Africa

48 Africa

49 DEEP Digital Education Enhancement Project
Open University (UK) and Fort Hare University (South Africa) Investigating use of new technologies to improve teaching and learning in primary schools in Egypt and South Africa Using hand-held PDAs for teachers Focusing on Advantages of handheld computers for TPD How handhelds compliment other professional resources What curriculum development in literacy, numeracy and science is enabled by the devices (DEEP

50 Complex Landscape: Multiple Initiatives
Up to sixty ICT-related Teacher Professional Development programmes underway in Africa Many of the programmes consist of ‘one-off, topic-led, short-term training programmes that aim to develop specific skills of teachers, but which do not necessarily comply with professional standards of competency development’ Isaacs and Farrell 2007 p20

51 Mathematics, Science and ICT Education
World Bank Study (2007) conducted in ten countries in sub-Saharan Africa Systematic use of ICT for teaching and learning purposes in TPD programmes is low Students learn mainly basic computer skills Resources are inadequate for practical experiences Instructional models in both the teacher colleges and the universities are excessively academic, teacher-centric and remote from the real challenges of classroom practice Students who specialize in ICT tend to leave the teaching field behind for business and industry jobs Ottevanger et al. 2007

52 IMFUNDO’s African Experiences
Vast physical wastage Hardware under-utilised Hardware broken or ineffective High costs of Internet access Huge educational wastage Insufficient relevant content Multimedia potential underused Networking and interaction ineffective because of lack of connectivity

53 Lack of Research A dearth of evidence-based research and knowledge in the system, particularly from the African perspective Most research is drawn on the knowledge and experience of frameworks developed in the USA or Europe Isaacs 2006

54 Principles of Good Practice in effective use of ICT in Teacher Professional Development in Africa
Need to focus on ‘ICT for Education’ not on ‘Education for ICT’ Teachers and teacher educators should genuinely ‘own’ the process of ICT integration Pre-service and in-service initiatives should be combined to balance support to both environments Technology should be integrated across the curriculum in a blended way Content should be produced locally that is relevant to teachers and learners

55 Most if not all schemes should be scalable
Principles of Good Practice in effective use of ICT in Teacher Professional Development in Africa Most if not all schemes should be scalable Need for creation of real partnerships Communications between schools, teacher training institutions should be facilitated Need to develop policy to deal comprehensively with TPD for ICT integration The focus should be on sustainable, resource adequate and on-going professional development Imfundo 2001; Unwin 2004; Evoh 2007; Olakulehin 2007

56 At what stage would you position the Africa experiences on the knowledge ladder?
Discuss your reflection on the African experiences with your neighbour Emerging Applying Infusing Transforming Ireland Singapore Africa ?

57 Knowledge and Conceptual Gap
In view of the complexity of the teacher professional development landscape and the constancy of changes in the systems, a great deal remains unknown to the major stakeholders who act without engaging with one another. There still appears to be an absence of conceptual clarity on the objectives of teacher professional development and ICT integration. Isaacs 2006

58 The GeSCI ICT –TPD Matrix
GeSCI has taken the ICT Competency Standards statements and restructured them to create an ICT Teacher Professional Development Matrix to enable teacher education providers to assess the current status of ICT integration identify priorities and challenges for progression propose ways and means for further development of ICT in professional learning programmes.

59 The GeSCI ICT –TPD Development Matrix
The ICT-TPD Development Matrix builds on the “ICT Competency Standards for Teachers” and presents clear progression paths under the following key areas: Policy Policy Awareness Classroom Practice Curriculum and Assessment Curriculum Planning Learning Environment Assessment Communications and Collaboration Special Education Needs

60 The GeSCI ICT –TPD Development Matrix
Pedagogy Planning Problem Based earning Student Experience Project Based learning Communications and collaboration ICT Productivity tools Authoring tools Internet Communication and Collaboration Administration Student Learning

61 The GeSCI ICT –TPD Development Matrix
Organization and Administration Teacher Understanding ICT Integration Classroom Management Acceptable and Appropriate Use Professional Development Planning Teacher Awareness and Participation Informal Learning

62 The GeSCI ICT –TPD Development Matrix
The matrix can be used to localize or tailor a development path for ICT use in professional development to a particular country, its policies and its current educational conditions. The key to moving towards knowledge creation is to leverage current strengths to advance other components in the system.

63 ICT-TPD Development Matrix Exercise
Review the descriptors for each development area Mark an “X” on each continuum indicating level of progress (Left side – “Emerging” Right side – “Transforming.”) Circle top three priorities you want to focus on for ICT use in Teacher Professional Development in Tanzania for the next 3 years

64 Exercise Continued Post the RED dot indicating what you consider to be your first priority on the wall charts at the corresponding location on the continuum. Post the GREEN dot indicating what you consider to be your second priority on the wall charts at the corresponding location on the continuum. Post the BLUE dot indicating what you consider to be your third priority on the wall charts at the corresponding location on the continuum.

65 Exercise Continued Look at the charts:
What patterns do you see and what does this tell you? What seem to be highest ICT-TPD development priority areas for the total group and what might be the causes? What ICT-TPD development areas seem to be lower priorities and what might this indicate?

66 Thank you for your attention! Research Manager, GeSCI
Mary Hooker Research Manager, GeSCI

67 References Butler, D Reconceptualizing Teaching and Learning in a Digital Age. Dublin: St, Patrick’s College of Education, Dublin City University Davies, R and Dart, J The ‘Most Significant Change’ Technique [Online]. Available from: Evoh, C. J. (2007). Collaborative partnerships and the transformation of secondary education through ICTs in South Africa. Educational Media International [Online]. 44(2), Farrell, G. and Isaacs, S Survey of ICT in Education in Africa Volume 2: 53 Country Reports [Online]. Available from infoDEV at: [Accessed 04 June 2009] Hakkarainen, K., Engestrom, R., Miettinen, R., Sinko, M., Virkkunen, J., Aston, M., Hardman, J., Nleya, P and Senteni, A A Research Plan for the Academy of Finland. Helsinki: University of Helsinki Isaacs, S Towards a GeSCI Initiative on Teacher Professional Development in Africa. Dublin: GeSCI Imfundo Delivering the Vision: ICT in pre and in-service Teacher Training [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 14 April 2009] Jolliffe, A. n.d. Moving towards learner centred instruction with ICT. Bangkok: UNESCO Jung, I. (2005). ICT-Pedagogy Integration in Teacher Training: Application Cases Worldwide. Educational Technology & Society, 8 (2), Kennedy, A Models for Continuing Professional Development: A framework for Analysis. Journal of In-Service Education [Online]. 31 (2), pp Available from Professional Development Collection at: [Accessed 15 December 2008]

68 Leach, J Do new information and communications technologies have a role to play in the achievement of education for all? British Educational Research Journal 34 (6), pp783 – 805 Ottevanger, W., Akker, J.V.D., & de Feiter, L. (2007). Developing science, mathematics, and ICT education in sub-Saharan Africa: Patterns and promising practices [Online]. Available from Worldbank at: [Accessed 20 October 2009] Olakulehin, F. K. (2007). Information and communication technologies in teacher training and professional development in Nigeria. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 8(1) [Online] Available from: [Accessed 06 June, 2009] Temechegn , E Development of ICT-enhanced Teacher Standards for Africa (ICTeTSA). UNESCO-IICBA UNESCO Information and Communication technologies in Teacher Education: A Planning Guide [Online]. Available from UNESCO at: [Accessed 20 October 2009] UNESCO ICT Competency Standards for Teachers: Policy Framework [Online]. Available from UNESCO at: [Accessed 11 April 2009] Unwin, T Towards a framework for the use of ICT in teacher training in Africa. Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Education [Online]. 20, pp Available from: [Accessed 15 December 2008] Unwin, T ICT and Teacher Training: Case studies from around the world IN: Innovating with Technoogy. The Challenge to Education Policy, Leadership and Management. 6 September 2008, Cebu City, Philippines. Warde, E Ireland's e-Learning Story IN: African Knowledge Exchange Workshop II: E-learning in Education – The Way Forward . June 23 – , Kigali, Rwanda Yates, C Teacher education policy: International development discourses and the development of teacher education. IN: Teacher Policy Forum for Sub-Saharan Africa November 2007, UNESCO Paris [Online]. Available from UNESCO at: [Accessed 8 April 2009]

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