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Chapter 17 Section 2 Society on the Move.

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1 Chapter 17 Section 2 Society on the Move

2 Interstate Highway Act
1956 law that authorized the spending of $32 billion to build 41,000 miles of highway

3 Sunbelt Name given to the region of states in the south and the southwest

4 Service Sector Businesses that provide services rather than manufactured goods Such as healthcare, law, retail, banking, or insurance

5 Information Industry Businesses that provide informational services
Computers ENIAC, first computer, took up 18,000 square feet, or the size of three basketball court

6 Franchise Business Allows company to distribute its products or services through retail outlets owned by independent operators Holiday Inn’s founded by Kemmons Wilson

7 Multinational Corporation
Companies that produce and sell their goods all over the world General Motors, General Electric, IBM, and Coca Cola

8 AFL-CIO American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organization labor unions united in 1955 First president, George Meany

9 California Master Plan
Called for three tiers of higher education: research universities, state colleges, and community colleges, all of which were to be accessible to all of the state’s citizens

10 Post War Changes in U.S. Society Economy Education

11 Society Growth of Suburbs Build affordable houses in a hurry
Highways linked suburbs to cities

12 Society Increase in automobile ownership
Ownership jumped from 26 million in 1945 to 60 million in 1960

13 Society Interstate highways Eisenhower funded for first major highways
Around 41,000 miles built

14 Society Family travel to national and state parks

15 Society Migration to the Sunbelt

16 Society Shifts in political representation
When people moved the political power went with them The suburbs and sunbelt gained representation

17 Economy Service Economy

18 Economy Fewer people in manufacturing and farming

19 Economy Multinational corporations

20 Economy Franchise Businesses

21 Economy AFL-CIO

22 Education More people attended college

23 Education Federal people attended college

24 Education States boosted funding for public universities

25 Education California Master Plan

26 Causes and Effects of Moving to the Sunbelt
Jobs in new industries Better Climate Housing Shortage Effects Population growth and the development of air conditioning Population growth and the development in political power Growth of suburbs

27 Classwork How did Americans living in the suburbs benefit from the “car culture”? How did the Interstate Highway System spur the growth of the suburbs In what ways did American businesses change during the postwar period? How did American education change in the years following World War II?

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