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Mary Gallant, PhD, MPH Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

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1 Mary Gallant, PhD, MPH Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

2  Why and when to cite sources  How to cite sources properly  Required plagiarism tutorial 1 Germain, CA. (2013, Oct). When and Why to Cite Sources Retrieved from

3  To acknowledge other people’s ideas  To demonstrate how you came to your own ideas and conclusions  To demonstrate integrity and skill as a responsible student and participant in your field of study [1]  To avoid plagiarism [1] Adapted from "Sources and Citation at Dartmouth College." Dartmouth College. 1998. Retrieved 9 Feb 2009.

4  “A piece of writing that has been copied from someone else and is presented as being your own work" or "taking someone's words or ideas as if they were your own" [2]  Can be intentional or unintentional “Ignorance of the law is no excuse”  This doesn’t mean you should avoid using other people’s ideas or even their actual words. [2] "Plagiarism." WordNet 3.0. Princeton University. 03 Apr. 2008.

5  Direct quotes of more than one word ◦ Use quotation marks and citations after each quote  Paraphrased or summarized material ◦ Don’t use quotation marks, but use citations, generally after each sentence  Information which may be common knowledge but unfamiliar to your reader  Any source that you use for information can and should be cited (e.g. books, articles, interviews, websites, TV programs, lecture notes)

6  Global warming is being recognized as a major issue throughout the world and as Al Gore instructs, "it is time to make peace with our planet." [3] [ 3 ] Gore, Al. "Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech." Al’s Journal. December 10, 2007. Retrieved April 10, 2008

7  "Instructors usually allow students to find their own topics for a major writing assignment; thus choose something of interest to you so you won’t get bored after a few days. At the same time, your chosen topic will need a scholarly perspective.”[4]  Paraphrase: When students are permitted to select their own topic to write about they should choose one that is interesting to them. The topic should also be scholarly in nature so that students will be able to find appropriate research and resources on the topic. [4]  Summary: Students should select writing topics that are interesting and also lend themselves to academic research. [4] [ 4 ] Lester, James D. & James D. Lester Jr. Writing Research Papers: A Complete Guide, 11th Ed. New York: Pearson Education, 2005.

8  The University at Albany located in Albany, New York and is part of the State University of New York.  The State University of New York was officially established in February of 1948 and currently consists of 64 institutions. The University at Albany is one of ten University Centers that are part of the SUNY system. [5] [ 5 ] "Short History of SUNY." The State University of New York. 2008. Retrieved April 25, 2008. university_suny_history.cfm

9  Whenever you are not sure if something should be cited, err on the side of caution and cite sources.  Relevant for research papers, but also presentations, take-home tests and assignments, online discussion posts  ASK!!

10  Different formats and styles for citations; find out from professor what format to use  IN TEXT citation format ◦ Author and date included in the body of paper ◦ References pages at end of document with references in alphabetical order ◦ APA format (American Psychological Association)  END NOTES citations format ◦ Citations are noted with a number in the text ◦ References are listed in numerical order at the end of the paper ◦ National Library of Medicine format

11  Style guide books ◦ Purchase or use at library  UAlbany Library website: ◦ APA – Citation Fox ◦  NLM Style Guide: ◦

12  Required for all students  Must be completed by Aug 29  ml ml  Select Plagiarism 101 Credit  Follow instructions on handout in orientation folder

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