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2014-2015. Entering the Classroom  Enter room at voice level 2.  Complete bell ringer on screen.  Follow any directions listed on screen.  Copy down.

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Presentation on theme: "2014-2015. Entering the Classroom  Enter room at voice level 2.  Complete bell ringer on screen.  Follow any directions listed on screen.  Copy down."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014-2015

2 Entering the Classroom  Enter room at voice level 2.  Complete bell ringer on screen.  Follow any directions listed on screen.  Copy down the TOC (Table of Contents) in your interactive notebook if posted.  Copy down the WWK (Words Worth Knowing) in your interactive notebook if posted.  Get to voice level 0 and get out homework to prepare for homework check.

3 What to do at the end of class  Put calculators and any other classroom materials away.  Be sure your work space is clean.  Remain seated until I dismiss you –you will not be dismissed until these things are done.

4 When I want you to get quiet…  I will raise my hand OR  Flicker the lights  You should get to a level 0 immediately!!

5 Staying Organized  The agenda will be written on the board everyday – copy it into your agenda!!!  Keep all papers that we do not put into your ISN in your folder.  Always put your first and last name, class period, and date on every handout!

6 Where to find assignments if you’re absent  Write down the agenda from the day you were absent. If absent on a Friday, look in the agenda book at the supply station.  Collect handouts, ISN pages, and/or returned work from the “while you were out” folder for your particular class period at the supply station.  Be sure to update your TOC from the agenda!!  WWK can be found on Edmodo (I will post a picture of WWK each day).  Remember to ask “3” before you ask me!

7 Missing ISN Pages  You can obtain additional copies of ISN pages from the top drawer of the blue filing cabinet.  Look for the folder with the date of the ISN page(s) you need.  For example: If you need the ISN page from August 21 st, look for folder #21 in the filing cabinet.  ISN folders will be cleaned out after each unit.

8 Request to Retest  Allowed one retake per unit test only!  You must complete this form before retaking test.  Must be scheduled within one week of receiving original graded assessment  Can only be completed before/after school, on math lab day, during detention.  Retake policy is subject to change if retake privileges are abused.

9 Small Group Work  C – Voice Level 1-2  H – Raise your hand or come see me  A – GROUP WORK  M – SUPPLY STATION  P – TEAM WORK  S – Success

10 Whole Group Work  C – Voice Level 0  H – Raise your hand  A – EYES ON ME  M – ASK PERMISSION  P – DISCUSSION TIME, TAKE NOTES, LISTEN  S – Success

11 Individual Work  C – Voice Level 0  H – Raise your hand or come see me  A – Working quietly  M – SUPPLY STATION  P – WORK DILIGENTLY ON TASK  S – Success

12 Keeping your desk area clean  The only materials on your desk should be those needed for math class.  Keep all other materials under your desk, not in the aisle.  If backpacks are in the aisle, you will not be allowed to bring your backpacks to my classroom.  Always place bottles and cans in designated recycling bins!!!  Plastic: bottles  Aluminum: cans

13 Getting materials in my classroom  If you need additional materials during class, such as paper, pencils, etc. please raise your hand and ask permission before getting them.  Never take things without asking.

14 Turning in papers  All papers should be turned into your designated orange class basket, unless otherwise directed.  No name papers can be collected in the NN Basket (No Name) then should be given to Mrs. Stovall in order to receive credit.  Late work should be turned into the Late Work basket for Mrs. Stovall to check.

15 What to do if you finish work early  If you finish your assignment early, be sure to ask Mrs. Stovall any questions you may have over the assignment.  Begin working on an Early Finisher Activity – the list and supplies are located at the supply station.  Remember to keep the activity to finish the next time you finish early!!

16 Be Respectful  Always raise your hand to answer or ask a question – calling out will result in a T3 card.  If someone enters the room, sit quietly and remain working as you normally would.  If the phone rings or announcements come on, please get to a voice level 0.  If I have to step out of the classroom, stay in your seat and continue working.

17 In case of emergency  Get to a voice level 0.  Wait for instructions.  You must be at a voice level 0 during all fire, tornado, earthquake, and lockdown drills.  Failure to do so will result in an immediate T3 card on first offense.

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