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Published byGeraldine Randall Modified over 9 years ago
Estonian transport policy Estonian transport policy Peeter Tiks Economic Development Division Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications e-mail: December 2006
The basis for Estonia’s transport policy is Commissions White Paper on European Transport Policy, hence our main goals are: to shift passenger and freight traffic from road to rail and other modes to relieve congestion on the Trans-European Network to raise transport quality Specific influencing factors for Estonia that have to be taken into account in Estonia’s transport policy: Small geographical coverage Geographical location in the global transit traffic region Periphery regarding the EU core/states/markets– bigger logistical costs Environmental aspects have been identified to be of high importance in the future
PEAMISED PROBLEEMID Ühistranspordi madal maine, vähene reisijate arv. Tervikliku käsitluse puudumine ühistranspordi arendamisel. Puudulik ühistranspordi liinivõrkude optimeerimise tase. Ebaefektiivne toetuste süsteem. Veeremi ja infrastruktuuri halb olukord.
Estonia’s transport policy and strategic directions are given in the “Transport Development Plan 2006-2013” Was approved by the Government on 2/11/2006. Has been presented to the Parliament for approval Has three main directions: − Enhancing strategic steering and administrative capacity (elaboration of subsectoral action plans, research, managment and optimisation systems, better lawmaking, cooperation with other EU MS and neighbouring countries) − To meet the needs of users of transport networks, public transport and transport policy measures (enhancing the infrastructure, passanger transport and light transport, efficient use of resources) − To ensure sustainable development (to prevent accidents, to prevent environmental damage, to reduce regional divergence, to increase competitiveness of transport industy) To ensure implementation and involvment of interested parties, convening of Transport Commission is foreseen (already in preparation). The Transport Commission will also elaborate long-term goals for Estonia’s transport system
Arengukava eesmärgid: Tõhustada transpordipoliitika planeerimise, rakendamise ja järelevalve protsessi Arendada riigi omanduses olevat infrastruktuuri Vähendada transpordi negatiivseid keskkonnamõjusid Tagada transpordi ohutus ja turvalisus Kindlustada elanike liikumisvajaduse rahuldamine
Global, integrated approach in infrastructures, tranport networks support economic development Transport Development Plan forsees integrated approach for transport networks and enforcement of intermodality Our aim is to take advantage of the strengths of every mode and to create synergy between modes thus creating a flexible system for all kind of economic needs While developing transport networks, socio- economic aspects are taken into account Example: Logistical Center at Muuga port preparations to extend the range of cargo (RoRo, ConRo) development of the connections (rail, road) to TEN network
Strateegilise tähtsusega infrastruktuuri investeeringud Eesmärk - tegevused: Transpordi infrastruktuuri nüüdisajastamine ja võrgustike uuendamine. Kõrvaldada majandus- ja regionaalarengut takistavad transpordi ühenduste kitsaskohad ja kaasajastada ühendusvõimalused. Ühistranspordi infrastruktuuri arendamine. Transpordi ohutuse ja turvalisuse tagamine
Olulisemad tegevused: investeeringud reisijaid teenindava infrastruktuuri ja elukeskkonna parandamiseks raudtee mõjupiirkonnas investeeringud regionaalse tähtsusega transpordi infrastruktuuri suurobjektide rajamiseks, mis aitavad olulisel määral kaasa kohalikule arengule või strateegilise tähtsusega infrastruktuuride toimimisele investeeringud regionaalse lennuliikluse arendamiseks investeeringud ühenduse tagamiseks saartega ühistranspordi infosüsteemide arendamine Transpordi infrastruktuuri projektide mahukuse tõttu on oluliseks tegevussuunaks ka transpordiprojektide ettevalmistamine Prioriteetne suund 3: Strateegilise tähtsusega transpordiinvesteeringud (ERF)
Regionaalse tähtsusega transpordi infrastruktuuri arendamine Ühendusvõimaluste olemasolust ja ligipääsetavusest oleneb otseselt ka elukvaliteet erinevates piirkondades ehk piirkondade terviklik ja tasakaalustatud areng. Strateegilise tähtsusega investeeringud transpordi infrastruktuuri aitavad tagada riigi konkurentsivõime säilimise ja kasvu ning loovad aluse transpordisüsteemi jätkusuutlikuks arenguks. Nende investeeringute mõju võib aga jääda piiratuks, kui neid ei toeta tegevused, mis arvestavad ka regionaalseid vajadusi.
Prioriteetne suund 3: Regionaalse tähtsusega transpordi infrastruktuuri arendamine(ERF) Suuna üldeesmärk: Paremini toimivad regionaalsed transpordiühendused ja elukeskkonna paranemine Kitsamad sihid: Regionaalsete transpordi infrastruktuuri kitsaskohtade parandamine (väljaspool TEN võrgustikku) Kvaliteetse ühenduse tagamine regioonide vahel ja ääremaadega, s.h. regionaalsete sadamate ja lennujaamade kaudu ning raudteel Ühistranspordi atraktiivsuse tõstmine
Rail Baltica - policy and planning The concept of Rail Baltica refers to the imaginative, strategic and sustainable north- south rail project connecting Tallinn in Estonia - via Latvia and Lithuania - with Warsaw in Poland. Rail Baltica is identified as the priority project no. 27 of the Trans-European Transport Network in Europe The main idea behind Rail Baltica is to develop high-quality connections for passenger and freight transport between the Baltic States and Poland The provision of high-quality rail infrastructure and operations can potentially shift demand from road and air transport to rail transport.
Eesti Raudteevõrgustik
Public Transport Development Program 2006 – 2010 was approved by the Government 2/11/2006, foresees systematic public transport development Establishing of Public Transport Board is under preparation. The Board will coordinate the effective use and co-operation of different transport modes and optimal public transport system Continuing involvement of the counties is ongoing in order to foster public transport development and enhance operations: network and timetable optimisation projects in counties has started in order to ensure co-operation of different modes of public transport Ongoing raising of administrative capacities by training and cooperation projects Public Transport Information System project started in 2005 – covers all modes and different needs of public transport users and administrators Public transport infrastructure development projects are foreseen to enhance the quality and image of public transport Public transport, balanced mix of transport modes
EU Sustainable Development Strategy is under review, Estonia has given its input. Estonia has a national SDS “Säästev Eesti 21” EFT in Estonia focuses firstly on development of electric passanger transport Electric railways (Tallinn area, extention to Rakvere) Tallinn tram network Feasibility of electrification of Rail Baltica under discussion In urban areas and suburbs, the focus is also on light traffic Main cities are participating in international programmes and projects: Mentioning of EFT and SUT
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