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Some thoughts about Internationalisation: perspectives from Africa Dr Jacqui Akhurst Wednesday 24 April, DG123.

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Presentation on theme: "Some thoughts about Internationalisation: perspectives from Africa Dr Jacqui Akhurst Wednesday 24 April, DG123."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some thoughts about Internationalisation: perspectives from Africa Dr Jacqui Akhurst Wednesday 24 April, DG123

2 My first ever ‘academic’ publication Akhurst, J. (1997). Challenges to teachers as schools in South Africa become more integrated. Journal of Education, 22, 5-18. Apartheid schools dismantled (from 27 April 1994) Shift from minority to majority power Need to re-distribute resources

3 Challenges encountered by teachers : diverse cultural and experiential differences in the classroom first and second (third / fourth) languages of learning relationships and expectations (teacher-learner and learner-learner) ‘culture of learning’ and familial support + the structural issues as departments merge / transform / change

4 Strategies These were identified, drawing from the debate in the UK related to integration in schools (Verma, 1988, 1989; Crozier, 1989; Troyna & Hatcher, 1992) Assimilation Multiculturalism Anti-racism The 3 T’s …

5 Assimilation Fit with the dominant group Does not acknowledge entrenched divisions / prejudices, or challenge attitudes ‘If it’s not broke, don’t fix it’ ‘Remediation’ / compensatory programmes for those who don’t keep up Risk of labelling (e.g. ‘disadvantaged’ learners) TOKENISM

6 Multiculturalism (MCE) Based on premise that ‘Contact changes attitudes’ Intention: to promote cross-cultural understanding and respect However, risk of focus on superficialities of culture; view of culture as static May be offensive, ‘culture’ as euphemism for racial prejudice, may reinforce ignorance and fuel disrespect Contact alone is not enough to change attitudes MCE does not confront basic power relationships which perpetuate discrimination against other groups TOLERANCE

7 Anti-racism Opposition to all inequalities To promote co-operation, partnerships and lead to mutual enrichment Requires willingness to confront implicit attitudes, within and out-with Attention to written and spoken language, widen content of teaching and pay attention to discourses of the oppressed; challenging … Beliefs and attitudes Power, participation and influence Practices, procedures and customs TRANSFORMATION

8 What do you see, when you look in the mirror? B6DB2E10386B068C&index=25&playnext=2&playnext_from=PL

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