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Black Spot Programs in South Australia
Jim Psyridis Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure Good morning and welcome everyone. Thank you to you & AITPM for inviting me to outline our South Australian Black Spot programs. I am JP from DPTI. In Planning Division, - includes transport policy, planning and infrastructure program development. My team coordinates the BS Pgm development and administration, in liaison with the Safety people in DPTI.
Overview Context Funding Programs Programs Overview Typical treatments
Objectives/ Timing Nomination / Eligibility Criteria/ Assessment Typical treatments Effectiveness Outcomes Today’s focus is on: An overview of SA’s BS Pgms How they operate and are run Types of treatments & improvement types Benefits Overview
National and State Road Safety Targets
National Road Safety Strategy South Australia’s Strategic Plan - target T22 By 2020, reduce annual numbers of road fatalities & serious injuries by at least 30% Road Safety South Australia’s Road Safety Strategy 2020 – Towards Zero Together By 2020, annual fatalities < 80, annual serious injury < 800 A clear focus BS pgms works towards tackling these targets Many of us in this room play a role in helping work towards this outcome in our communities. National and State Road Safety Targets
What is a Black Spot Black spots - road locations with
Large numbers of recorded fatal and injury crashes over recent years or High potential for crash risk Often common problems at these sites which can be treated with engineering methods. Road agencies, councils, public, organisations identify from Crash records & trends Concerns Road safety audits What is a BS ? General term used to describe high crash locations or high potential risk locations Not ‘formal’ list What is a Black Spot
Program Objectives Two Black Spot Programs in SA:
Aligned to Safety Strategies Safer Roads - infrastructure improvements Reduce social & economic costs of road trauma by : treat locations with a casualty (fatal & injury) crash history treat locations with a potential for serious casualty crashes Complements other road safety and infrastructure & non-infrastructure programs/projects This BS program contributes to both National and State strategic objectives BS fits under “Safer roads & Roadsides” focus Ie make our roads safer and more forgiving Black Spot infrastructure improvements are only 1 vital element of the approach to tackling road safety. Evidence based interventions Safer Vehicles / Safer People are other elements. Other strategies are: Education / Encouragement / Enforcement Program Objectives
Two Programs Nation Building Black Spot Australian Government funding
Nation Building Program (National Land Transport) Act 2009 program life 2008/09 to 2013/14 administered by Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure & Transport (DoIT) State Black Spot South Australian Government funding Annual ongoing funding administered by DPTI 2 BS Programs are part of the commitment to reduce crashes and trauma on our roads. Road crashes are a major cost to Australians every year. Two Programs
Directly target low-cost safety improvements to roads with proven crash history or high-risk locations Effective crash risk reduction Save community many times the cost of the minor road improvements. Supports other programs in a suite of road safety actions Eg education, enforcement Targeted treatments at problem locations Focussed on fatal and injury crashes – not property damage b/c Alignment to targets & outcomes By funding measures such as traffic signals and roundabouts at dangerous locations, the program reduces the risk of crashes. Programs of this sort are very effective, saving the community many times the cost of the relatively minor road improvements that are implemented. Benefits of programs
Benefits of programs Spread across city and rural areas
National, state and local commitment Funding avenue for local government (Safer Local Roads sub-program & cycling & level crossings) Benefits of programs
General Process Nation Building StateBlack Spot Black Spot
Reactive Projects (eligible) SA Black Spot Consultative Panel DPTI assessment Rank by BCR Panel recommend to C/Wth DoIT Approval by C/Wth Minister for Infrastructure & Transport Recommendation to & Approval by State Minister for Road Safety Proactive Projects (eligible) If eligible for SBS Rank by Risk Reduction Score RRCR 3 stage process Within an annual funding and budge cycle General Process
Funding trends SBS SA NBBS C/Wth $8.9m pa ave $7.7mpa ave $6.7m pa ave
$ ? tba Annual budgets– may fluctuate between years – due to overspend/underspends across years & funding rules State BS – boosted by $1m from 2010/11 State budget In the Budget, the Australian Government announced that it will provide $300 million ($60 million per annum) to extend the Black Spot Program for a further five years from to 1996 2002 2008/09 2013/14 2018/19 Funding trends
Timetable Sept 2012 Call for Nominations 15 Nov 2012 Nominations Close
Dec 2012 / Jan 2013 Assess & prioritise nominations 1st March 2013 SA Black Spot Consultative Panel Meeting – recommended Commonwealth NBBS program March 2013 Submit NBBS program for Australian Govt. approval April/May 2013 Submit State BS program for SA Govt. approval Mid (*) Approved final programs by (*) (*) Indicative date only Timetable
Nation Building Black Spot
State Black Spot State Roads Local Roads Cycling Projects Program Funding Overall Funding Split (*) Australian Government 100% $4.7m annual (approx) State Government 60% of State Black Spot Program State and Local Government 30% of the State Black Spot Program 10% of the State Black Spot Program Contributions to Project Cost Yes – encouraged N/A Yes 33% Mandatory from Councils, Up to 50% optional Yes 33% Mandatory from Councils Funding Distribution Metro / Rural 50% - 50% 60% - 40% 80% - 20% Reactive Projects Proactive Projects Up to 100% Up to 30% Up to 20% Maximum Project Cost $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $100,000 Minimum Project Cost $20,000 METRO & RURAL CRASH BASED & POTENTIAL RISK Indicative splits - Dependent of available funding for new works, nominations mix, projects meeting eligibility criteria Are a guide Varies according to mix of project nominations & relative merits (*) depends on nomination mix, eligibility met, available budget Program Criteria
Program Criteria Reactive projects
Minimum crash history criteria & Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) at least 2 ( SBS >=1) Eligible projects ranked by BCR Address identified hazards / crash types 3 or more casualty crashes over 5-year period or 0.2 casualty crash / km / year over 5-year period Include only those crash types addressed by the proposed treatment BCR sheet Proactive projects (not meeting crash history criteria) supported by Road Safety Audit Report Treatment must address safety audit issues Ranked by Risk Reduction Cost Ratio (RRCR) Compares safety risk level both before & after treatment Road Safety Risk Manager Software REACTIVE Eligible projects ranked by BCR (Benefit-Cost-Ratio ) Simple consistent method for measuring the value for money ie $ crash reduction benefits compared to construction $ costs Completeness & accuracy Meet eligibility criteria. Address identified hazards / crash types PROACTIVE Formal Road Safety Audit (RSA) report Approach used when crash criteria unable to be met Treatment must address safety audit issues Ranked by Risk Reduction Cost Ratio (RRCR) Use Road Safety Risk Manager software also used in other states Assess relative risk benefit of project Compares safety risk level both before & after treatment Program Criteria
Nominations for funding
Annual program based on nominations received Nominations may address some crash concerns and road user needs Encourage Safe Systems philosophy for nominations: Different users and crash types, more forgiving environments, ongoing whole of life costs & benefits Scope up before nominations received Is balance between Level of site safety improvement - scope - cost effectiveness - eligibility criteria – benefits Nominations from parties are encouraged Still need to meet criteria We assist pre-nomination queries – aim to ensure well-scoped & well-costed projects before nominations submitted. project We work with nominees if need to seek clarification during assessments where needed. Eligible costs - Road works and traffic control devices including traffic signals Work on adjacent road environment Ineligible works - Purchase of road building plant and equipment Purchase of law enforcing equipment such as speed and red light cameras Operating and maintaining activities Nominations for funding
Typical Treatments - Rural
Roadside protective barrier Sturt Hwy East of Waikerie Shoulder sealing Naracoorte-Konetta Typical Treatments - Rural
Shoulder sealing & Safety barrier
Mt Pleasant – Sedan Mt Pleasant – Sedan – Shoulder sealing & Safety barrier – NBESP $ 210,000 Reduce run-off road crashes & reduce severity of such crashes Typical of rural road projects Shoulder material to achieve shoulder pavement strength and correct slope Then spray seal bitumen and stone W-beam safety barrier installed Typical Treatments - Rural
Typical Treatments - Urban
Traffic Signal/Junction Upgrades – eg mast arms, lanterns, lane mods Typical of urban traffic signal treatments – often low cost, high benefit Costs dependent on related civil works – eg turn lane extensions, underground service relocations etc Typical Treatments - Urban
Typical Treatments - Urban
Roundabouts 19th St, Gawler Median closures/traffic mgt schemes Sudholz Rd/Palmerston St Typical Treatments - Urban
Typical Treatments – Urban/Rural
Urban Intersection Rural Intersection Typical Treatments – Urban/Rural
Crash based nominations
Funding priority – by BCR BCR ranking Reduction in crash costs / treatment cost BCR Calculation tool MS excel based – accessible, simple to use, supporting info BCR – safety based – relative benefit of a project Assists ranking & priority for funding consideration The benefit‑cost ratio (BCR) is the ratio of the expected present value of project benefits to the expected present value of project costs. Assessment – Crash based nominations
Crash based nomination
Crash based projects - Used for Reactive projects Example of calculation worksheet for Benefit Cost Ratio Analysis Aim = simple & consistent approach Simple and consistent method to compare on equal basis Purpose – To check eligibility & prioritise Use last 5 years of crash data - to determine the average number of crashes or crash rate per annum. Only those crash types addressed by the proposed treatment should be included in the analysis. Assessment – Crash based nomination
Crash based nominations
Crash Reduction Factors & Crash Costs Use Nation Building Program factors & costs Crash reduction factors % per crash type Adopted for State BS Refer to other/ interstate crash reduction factors if not available Costs by Metro/Rural/Crash type Crash Costs (by type) used – amalgam of fatal/injury costs Why National basis Consistent & simple - across nominations & assessment Fair ranking Assessment – Crash based nominations
Proactive nominations
Funding priority for non-crash based nominations By RRCR ranking (Risk Reduction Cost Score) Supported by relevant Road Safety audit Treatment must address safety audit issues ARRB Road Safety Risk Manager software RRCR – compares safety risk level before & after treatment MS excel based – accessible, simple to use, supporting info Assessment factors include: Exposure Traffic Volume Road Section Type Eg. Intersections, roundabout, divided/undivided roads Relative Risk ie relative safety of hazard or proposed treatment Influencing factors Other site issues/ conditions that influence risk (eg weather, pavement condition, etc) Relative Severity assuming a crash occurs - how severe will it be Risk Reduction = Risk Score (before) – Risk Score (after) Risk Reduction Cost Ratio = Discounted Risk Reduction Discounted Costs Assessment – Proactive nominations
Road Safety Risk Manager
Road Safety Risk Manager ARRB Used for relative priority for Proactive nominations a consistent & logical approach to assessing potential projects Is a means to work out relative risk improvement of a nomination (before treatment & after treatment) •Allows the comparison of some 60 different safety deficiencies on an equal basis Enables assessment of different road risk factors – eg poor sight distance, proximity of roadside hazards, likely crash types etc) Provides a Road Safety Risk Crash Reduction (RSCR) Score This score is then used to compare & rank relative merits of nominations
Delivery Delivery within timeframe & cost Funding deed with Councils
Regular Status reporting required All variations to scope or cost need to be approved. Claims to be supported with evidence DPTI monthly claim & progress report with NBBS Recognition & Signs Completion reports to close out project & funding Delivery
BITRE Evaluation of (C/Wth)Black Spot programs1996-2003 (May 2012)
BITRE Evaluation of (C/Wth)Black Spot programs (May 2012) ** identifies Australia-wide program estimated to reduce crashes in total at treated sites fatal and casualty by 30% reported PDO by 26%. Most effective urban treatments Roundabouts - casualty crashes reduced by over 70% & PDO crashes 50%. New signals during the day and altering the traffic flow direction – over 50% reduction Crash reduction factors –mostly 20% to 50% range - for treatment types with statistically significant effects No treatment types systematically increased crashes. 1.7 crashes = average number of reported crashes avoided per project . BITRE = Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport & Regional Economics Commonwealth DoIT This Report is very wide ranging and comprehensive Latest update includes 2005 data Acknowledge old project information But is robust in analysis & Australia wide program focus. By extrapolation, projects funded in State Black Spot programs may return slightly lower benefits due to lower BCR’s compared to national funded projects. Internal DPTI reviews Effectiveness
Outcomes Reduce crash risk & trauma in our communities
Black Spot Programs - effective programs - sound safety outcomes Reduce crash risk & trauma in our communities Safer and more forgiving road environments Good value for money. Black Spot programs continue as key element in road safety strategy Outcomes
Other safety initiatives (eg enforcement, education) & variables may influence outcomes
Acknowledge nominee effort in identifying, investigating and submitting their nominations Outcomes
Conclusion For more information, SA Government websiteO
Australian Government Black Spot website Contact DPTI – Road Asset Policy and Programs Jim Psyridis – ph Eugene Rogalewicz – ph Conclusion
Thank you Thank you Any questions ?
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