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17 TH ANNUAL PUBLIC SECTOR TRAINERS’ FORUM November, 2014 Is our South African Public Sector Productive? A community-based perspective!

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Presentation on theme: "17 TH ANNUAL PUBLIC SECTOR TRAINERS’ FORUM November, 2014 Is our South African Public Sector Productive? A community-based perspective!"— Presentation transcript:

1 17 TH ANNUAL PUBLIC SECTOR TRAINERS’ FORUM November, 2014 Is our South African Public Sector Productive? A community-based perspective!

2 WHAT IS PRODUCTIVITY TO THE CIVIL SOCIETY ? The output of a prolific community, if all things being equal; enables the populace to do more for its people to develop The community is at large the engine of productivity; bucked by constant behavioural change Productivity is also achieved in ourselves – through constant upgrade of Knowledge, Skills, Disciplines of individual and team work.

3 Yes and No ……..Reasons The South African Public Service is still in a process of transformation, Although numerous interventions have been made to improve service delivery, the outcomes are still not reflected in the eyes of the citizens High expectations from government by communities ( citizens ) Pressure from community again to government to deliver Structural, administrative and culture adjustments by the public service are still being transformed. Inadequate systematic service culture is perhaps still absent” says Ferreira The amalgamation of different public sectors working together Externally imposed contradictions and constraints, Inadequate leadership experience to exercise effective governance

4 Core Factors of Productivity Growth: every aspect of our life especially knowledge acquisition Enabling environment to produce: creation of job opportunities and jobs Efficient and Effective Working Community: ??????? Wealth Creation – then affluence will be created

5 SIGNIFICANCE OF PRODUCTIVITY TO THE CIVIL SOCIETY Provide special counselling to government Advocate for better service delivery Provide effective leadership (Governance ) Increase competitiveness for ownership and business Provide social security / orderliness Health / wellness conscious Providing better care for the vulnerable and poor.

6 CIVIL SOCIETY APPREHENSION ON PRODUCTIVITY Adequate engagement Adequate public participation Adequate Skills and Professionals (not polarised workforce) Protected community Security

7 Major priorities identified by the NDP for quality public service deliveries raising employment through faster economic growth. improving the quality of education, skills development and innovation. and building the capacity of the state to play a developmental, transformative role. The state, in turn, will need to improve its service delivery efficiency by enhancing its capabilities and strengthening the skills profile of public servants.

8 THANK YOU CONTACT: By Daniel I. K. Prah South African National NGO Coalition – SANGOCO / Tel: 071-553-4658

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