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Anthropology 340 LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Basic Terms Kimberly Porter Martin.

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Presentation on theme: "Anthropology 340 LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Basic Terms Kimberly Porter Martin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anthropology 340 LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Basic Terms Kimberly Porter Martin

2 Culture is 1.Abstract 2.Learned 3. Shared 4.Rules/patterns/templates 5.Used to generate behavior 6.Used to understand experiences

3 Culture Definition: the abstract, learned, shared rules/patterns/templates for generating behavior and understanding experience.

4 Communication is Necessary for Culture to be Shared DEFINITION Communication is transferring information from one entity to another. Communication occurs at many levels within and between individual organisms and between parts of organisms. People talk and gesture, while organs in the body communicate using electrical and chemical signals.

5 Kinds of Communication between Humans NonVerbal Communication Kinesics Proxemics Social Expectations Verbal Communication Language (Speech) Paralanguage

6 Symbols vs Icons Symbols DEFINITION: A symbol is something that arbitrarily * represents something else. Language is made up of symbols in the form of sounds that arbitrarily* stand for something else. OR of graphic representations that arbitrarily *stand for something else. Icons DEFINITION: An icon is something that logically represents something else. Icons resemble the things they represent so that the representation is obvious to anyone. *Arbitrary means based on or determined by individual preference and not by a natural connection.

7 Symbols & Icons Freedom Family

8 Country Sound for Pain USOuch South AfricaEina (eye-na) Italy Ahia (eye-ah) or Ahio (eye-oh) Japan Otai (ita) Brazil Ai Germany Aua (ow-ah) or Au or Autch Poland Aua (ow-ah) France Aie (eye) Spain Uy (ooy) China Aiyo Denmark Av Philippines Aray or Aguy India Arghh Sweden Aj Romania Au or Af ChileAy (a-eeh) or Au (A-ooh) Pain Sounds Symbols or Icons?

9 Animal Sounds: Symbols or Icons m/Animal-Sounds.html

10 Language is 1.Abstract (symbolic) 2.Learned 3.Shared 4.Rules/patterns/templates 5.Used to generate speech 6.Used to understand speech

11 Language Definition: the abstract, learned, shared rules/patterns/templates for generating speech.

12 Society Definition: a group of people using a shared culture Society is the concrete manifestation of culture.

13 Speech Definition: the act of communicating using language Speech is the concrete manifestation of language

14 Barnga Simulation for on-campus classes

15 Powerpoint Study Guide Culture Abstract Concrete Learned Shared Communication Verbal Communication Non-verbal communication Symbol Icon Arbitrary Language Society Speech

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