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Here’s to the kids who are different, Kids who don’t always get A’s,

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Presentation on theme: "Here’s to the kids who are different, Kids who don’t always get A’s,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Here’s to the kids who are different, Kids who don’t always get A’s,
Kids who have ears Twice the size of their peers, And noses that go on for days, Kids who bloom later that some, Kids who don’t fit, But who bloom later than some, But who never say quit, Who dance to a different drum, Kids with the mischievous streak, For when they have grown, As history has shown, It’s their difference that makes them unique. ~Digby Wolfe Centers set up for teachers as they arrive in the morning Touch (oven mitts to pick up little things and write) 2. Sight (glasses with vasoline on them to read) 3. Smell (Strong perfume, clothespin for nose) 4. Hearing (Ear protectors/plugs and tape to listen to) 5. Taste (peppermints and water which are supposed to enhance concentration)

2 Brain Research Brains have been the subject of research as long as anyone can remember. We do know that brains are universal. Every society has the same number of right or left brains. The brain is not divided equally. The left side is larger and that is why so many people are right handed. However, being right handed does not mean that you are left-brained.

3 Are you left brained or right brained?
In general the left and right hemispheres of your brain process information in different ways. We tend to process information using our dominant side. However, the learning and thinking process is enhanced when both side of the brain participate in a balanced manner. This means strengthening your less dominate hemisphere of the brain. Take a dominance test. Right Brained Children in a Left Brained World p. 49

4 Right Brain/Left Brain
As you probably know, our brains have two hemisphere's, the left and right. We use both sides of our brain to solve problems, make decisions and learn things, but for most of us one side dominates. Some people prefer to approach things very analytically and logically, focusing on detail, working in a linear fashion. Others prefer a more global, holistic approach, synthesising many pieces of information simultaneously, using intuition and imagination to generate ideas and links.


6 Left Brain Learning Style
Learning Style If you are left brain dominant, then you probably like to work through learning step by step. You'll prefer resources that guide you through learning in sizable chunks and you'll be happier breaking down your learning into an ordered series of goals and tasks. You work best with other people who are systematic and focused. The left side controls the right side of the body and is often considered to be the rational side of the brain because it deals with such things as language, mathematical processes, and logical analysis. The left brain analyses, and builds parts into a whole.

7 Right Brain Learning Style
If you are right brain dominant, you will prefer learning resources that give you the big picture, such as case studies, and examples of good practice. You will prefer to start work on a broad goal or project, and fill in the detail, the specific skills you need as you go. You will probably learn well from observing, discussing and sharing experiences with colleagues. The right side of the brain, controls the left side of the body and is associated with more creative, abstract, non-verbal functions such as music, visual images, spatial patterns, emotions, and intangible conceptual thought. The right side synthesises, it starts with the big picture and works down to the detail.

8 Sequential Vs. Random Left Brained
List maker Daily planning Make master schedules Complete tasks in order Pleasure in checking things off Good speller because it involves sequence Follow directions

9 Sequential Vs. Random Right-Brained
Random approach Flit from one task to another Get it done without addressed priorities Assignments may be late or incomplete because they were working on something else Ready to rebel when asked to make schedule of week Must make lists to survive because of random nature of brain Spelling makes them cringe Must make special effort to read directions Color sensitive-try using colors to learn sequence 1st green, 2nd blue, last red or imagine sequence

10 Linear Vs. Holistic Left Brained
Part to whole Takes pieces, lines them up, arranges in order then draws conclusions

11 Linear Vs. Holistic Right Brained
Whole to part: Start with answer, see the big picture first not the details Difficulty following lecture unless they have the big picture first Important to read/know background information before lecture: Teacher must give overview Have trouble outlining: Write paper first then outline later because it is required Needs to know why you are doing something

12 Symbolic Vs. Concrete Left Brained
No trouble processing symbols Comfortable with mathematical endeavors Memorize vocabulary words or math formulas

13 Symbolic Vs. Concrete Right Brained
Things must be concrete Need to see, feel, touch the real object Have trouble learning to read using phonics Need opportunities for hands-on activities Draw out math problems Must illustrate notes

14 Logical Vs. Intuitive Left Brained
Linear Sequential Logical Use information piece by piece Look for pieces to draw logical conclusions Writing mechanics: spelling, agreement, punctuation

15 Logical Vs. Intuitive Right Brained
Intuition Know right answer to math problem but not sure how you got it May start with answer and work backwards Gut feeling on quizzes as to which answers are correct-usually right

16 Verbal Vs. Nonverbal Left Brain
Little trouble expressing themselves in words Right Brain Know what they mean but often have trouble finding right words. The best illustration of this is to listen to people give directions. The left brain person will say something like "From here, go west three blocks and turn north on Vine Street. Go three or four miles and then turn east onto Broad Street." The right brain person will sound something like this: "Turn right (pointing right), by the church over there (pointing again). Then you will pass a McDonalds and a Walmart. At the next light, turn right toward the BP station."

17 Reality-Based Vs. Fantasy-Oriented
Left Brained Deals with the way things are—reality Adjust to things Want to know rules and follow them. If none, want to make up rules to follow. Know consequences of not turning in assignment or failing a test Right Brained Try to change environment Not aware anything wrong Need constant feedback and reality checks Must keep careful record of assignments and tests Creative Focus on emotion

18 These are just some of the differences that exist between the left and right hemispheres, but you can see a pattern. Because left brain strategies are the ones used most often in the classroom, right brain students sometimes feel inadequate. However, you now know that you can be flexible and adapt material to the right side of your brain. Likewise, those of you who are predominantly left brain know that it would be wise to use both sides of the brain and employ some right brain strategies.

19 Humor in the Classroom



22 Learning Styles Left brains learn by hearing. They find the lecture system just fine. Right brains need to see something done--show me, to feel, and to actually experience the process--then, they remember. Lecture style is a challenge for a right brain.

23 Planning Lefts plan days in advance and are prepared for weekends, parties, and going to the movies. Rights decide things on the spur of the moment.

24 Neatness Lefts usually have a tidy personal space and know where things are.

25 Neatness Rights have a "piling" system that they use quite often. They sometimes say, "Don't touch my piles. I know where everything is." Other rooms in a right brain's world may be neat and tidy, but the personal space rarely is.

26 Testing Lefts memorize well. They can remember dates and facts easily. On tests they do quite well. Rights remember images and patterns. They can see the picture of that soldier next to the cannon, remember details in his uniform, know what season of the year it is, and they know the date is below--but what is that date? Lefts usually do better on tests even if both left and right brains have the same I.Q.

27 Impulse Control Lefts can control their behavior easier. If a left has an eraser thrown at him, he first checks the location of the teacher. If the teacher is looking at him, he does not touch the eraser. A right will "not" look to see where the teacher is, pick up the eraser, throw it back at the person that threw it at him and get caught.

28 Punctuality Lefts will be on time and even early for everything. They are the ones in the theatre before anyone else gets there. Rights, on the other hand, are usually only on time for the most important things. Rights are likely to be on time for church if in the choir. If not in the choir, it is probably optional to be on time.

29 Gestures Lefts speak with few gestures and are not very animated. Their voice does not fluctuate much. Rights can not talk without using the hands. Their facial expression and voice may both be quite animated and entertaining.

30 Famous Right Brains: The Right Brains Among Us Are Many

31 Albert Einstein According to Patty Emerson, "Einstein had a hard time in school." He couldn't show is work in math. He would skip steps. His mind would process answers so quickly that he just couldn't slow down to show his work. His brain streaked toward the answer so quickly that he lost focus if forced to slow down. Showing his work distracted him so much that he could not continue the process. Of course, we now know that Einstein knew the process and computers are still proving his theories. Learning Disabled He was considered learning disabled and was sent home as a hopeless case. His mother homeschooled him. Today, he would be tested, labeled and probably placed into the Resource Room or the Behavior Disorder Room. And, unless homeschooling fit the family schedule, he would have been forced to endure continuous testing and labels. Einstein was very right-brained. Many learning disabled students are right-brained. It is their misfortune to be right-brained in a left-brained world that favors a different wiring system--left. Breaking things down into little chunks where you can not see the big picture drives right brains nuts.

32 Leonardo Da Vinci Ad Vinci was an inventor, scientist and artist. He developed his own paints. He did it by experience, not by careful calculation. The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper are two of his great works. He believed that man could fly. His sketches were found revealing that Leonardo had drawings of a helicopter hundreds of years before invented. When the helicopter design was tested, what did they find? It could have flown. He was centuries ahead of his time--thought out of the box. That is what right brains do. Right brains often find reading difficult. The severely right-brained often see the written word backwards. Da Vinci was so right-brained that you need to hold a mirror up to his writing to read it. It was written in mirror image. He didn't need glasses. Today's eye exam would probably show that he had good vision but when the word reached the page, it was processed into something we do not see when we read.

33 Jonas Salk According to Patty Emerson, Jonas Salk disliked school. He didn't learn like the teacher was teaching. So, Salk studied the material on his own, figured out what was being taught and then filled in the worksheets and homework assignments to fit the teachers specifications. It "looked" like he was understanding it the way it was being taught. He was not. He learned how to play the school game. Salk started a creative institute for children so they wouldn't have to get an education under "insane" conditions. Salk knew he had cured polio long before all the calculations and experiments were done. He just knew. His mind processed the end result and he had to go back and prove his theory to be accepted. This is the way right brains think.

34 L.D. vs. A.I.G. "LD, Learning Disabled, students are not that much different from AG, Academically Gifted. The difference is that the AG students have learned to play the school game." LD students know that it is a game and refuse to play or have not figured out how to play because of their disability. TAG students know that it is a game but will play because they want to be successful in the world. IQ is often the same. Because half of the students are right brained, teachers must teach to many modalities and not just one--lecture.

35 How They Approach A Project
Left brains naturally arrange the various steps in order and begin with the first one. Right brains prefer the ricochet method. They select steps without any obvious order--doing what comes to mind at the moment. Both get the job done but in different ways.

36 Recall Left brains can go to a party, meet 12 new people, and remember their names the next day. The right brained person will not remember the names but will remember what they were wearing, the couch they were sitting on, the room they were in, how their hair was done, and possibly what they were talking about. Everything but the name.

37 When teaching, managing and communicating are going well, they are most likely whole-brained. They also noted that when things don’t seem to be working, it’s likely we’ve forgotten one or more of the quadrants. Teachers and trainers typically design learning experiences that reflect their own thinking/learning preferences. Right brain students tend to do poorly in school because educators tend to be left-brained: detail-oriented, auditory processors. Right brain students need a different teaching method.

38 It’s T I M E ……… Technology Integrated into Meaningful Experiences
Increase students’ abilities to understand complex ideas and learn challenging content using technology Integrate technology into teaching for students’ deeper understanding of complex ideas and skills Technology that supports curriculum topics-connect schoolwork to matters worldwide through websites (bureau of labor status, NASA) Allow students to approach topic from more than one entry point than textbook helps make schoolwork relevant and interesting

39 Stopwatch Gives a programmable stopwatch for timing tasks.

40 Technology Resources Handhelds GPS and Geocaching
PRS: Personal Response Systems United Streaming Schoolpads Google Earth Movie Maker Network Music

41 Inspiration Animoto Webquests Wikis Blogs Delicious Book Builder Storyline Online Podcasts

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