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Reflecting on the Practice of Teaching PCMI Secondary School Teachers Program July 2007.

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2 Reflecting on the Practice of Teaching PCMI Secondary School Teachers Program July 2007

3 deLange, et al, 1993

4 The Teaching Principle Effective teaching requires understanding what students know and need to learn and challenging and supporting them to learn it well. (NCTM, 2000)

5 As teacher learned to Choose tasks carefully Listen to students(’) work Students are often smarter than I am Manage student responses carefully Take risks Let students do the work

6 Learning from Experience Working with Japanese Colleagues Working with Preservice Students Conducting Demonstration Lessons Developing Curriculum Designing Professional Development Using new technology

7 Learning from Experience Working with Japanese Colleagues

8 Typical flow of a class United States Demonstrate a procedure Assign similar problems to students as exercises Homework assignment Japan Present a problem to the students without first demonstrating how to solve the problem Individual or group problem solving Compare and discuss multiple solution methods Summary, exercises and homework assignment Takahashi, 2005

9 Introduction: Hatsumon Thought provoking question Key question – shu hatsumon Individual or small group work Walking among the desks – kikan-shido Anticipated student solutions Student solutions - Noriage Massaging students’ ideas Summing up- Matome Bass et al, 2002 The Lesson

10 Which shape will hold the same amount of spaghetti and be the most economical? Area of base Surface area VolumeRatio of surface area to volume Cylinder Rectangular prism Shape 3 MDoE, 2003

11 Learned the importance of Being explicit about the math students are to learn Anticipating student solutions Lesson plan Starting investigations with a “launch” that invites students into the math ……

12 Teaching means having “eyes” to see the mathematics Can teacher identify the mathematical essential points of materials? Does teacher deprive students’ of the opportunity to think mathematically? Ikeda & Kuwahara, 2002

13 And “eyes” to see the students Can teacher understand what students understand? ・ Can students understand teacher’s asking questions? ・ Does teacher ignore students’ ideas by his/her selfish reason? ・ Can teacher accept and evaluate students’ ideas appropriately? ・ Can students discuss cooperatively? Ikeda & Kuwahara, 2002

14 Learning from Experience Conducting Demonstration Lessons

15 Pencils cost 15 cents Erasers cost 25 Cents How many pencils and erasers can you buy for $1.10? For $1.50? Kindt, et al, 1997

16 1540 025 Number of erasers 0 1234 0 1 2 3 Number of pencils

17 155 115140165 100125150175200 6085110135160185210 457095120145170195 305580105130155180 15406590115140165190 0255075100125150175 Number of erasers 0 1234 0 1 2 3 Number of pencils

18 1540 025 Number of erasers 0 1234 0 1 2 3 Number of pencils

19 Number of erasers 0 1234 0 1 2 3 Number of pencils

20 Scaffolding matters Preactivities leading to main goal 1x25 2/25 3x25 4x25 5x25 1x15 2x15 4x15 5x15

21 What and how the work is recorded matters 2x 15 + 25x3 15 25 x2x3 3075 2x15 + 3x25

22 What and how the work is recorded matters 2x15 + 3x25 = 30+ 75 = 105 3x15 + 2x25 = 45 + 50 = 95 4x15 + 2x25 = 60 + 50 = 110 15 25 x2x3 3075 Goal: Ax+By = C

23 Learned to deliberately think about: How will students work? What tools will be useful and how should they be made available? How will the work be recorded? How will they share their work? How will I know what the students understand and do not understand?

24 Learning from Experience Working with Preservice Students

25 Expect the Unexpected

26 Learned that Boards are disappearing Modeling is not enough; need to be explicit Preservice students are not really aware that others have different ways of thinking Difficult to honor mistakes

27 Learning from Experience Developing Curriculum

28 In the figure below, what fraction of the rectangle ABCD is shaded? A B D C a)1/6 b)1/5 c)1/4 d)1/3 e) 1/2 NCES, 1996

29 Dekker & Querele, 2002


31 Comparing Quantities. Kindt et al, 2006

32 Learned to Pose tasks that go beyond routines Ask what would happen if…? What should you do if you want….. Frame a situation and let students comment Collaborative work is better than individual - in doing math and in thinking about lessons

33 Teaching is a profession with a body of knowledge that can be learned and applied to improve the practice of enabling students to learn.

34 Research in mathematics education Quantitative Studies -experimental -quasi-experimental Experimental-observation Theories of learning - frameworks for thinking about teaching and learning Qualitative Studies --Case studies --Ethnographic studies

35 Research findings Synthesis of the literature Nature of conclusions -suggestions -insights -causal Meta-analysis Peer reviewed journals

36 Other sources of information Visions - projections of what might/should be possible Information from colleagues Doctoral theses Professional organizations Lecture notes Exhortions Beliefs

37 Teaching involves Choosing and setting up tasks Adaptation/modification Implementation Response to student questions Discussion Manage solution strategies Probing for understanding Evidence of learning

38 Our Work Formative Assessment Cognitive Demand/Scaffolding Discussion/Questioning Transfer/Learning for Understanding

39 Research Report Describe what the topic means and why it is important Give three or four key findings and their relevance for teaching

40 Reflect on your own teaching What are some questions you have? What are one or two things about your teaching you would like to improve? What would you like to learn about teaching?

41 Teaching is harder than it looks - making students come to life in the world of mathematics. But we can learn not only from our own experience and that of our colleagues but from the research that helps explain and provides insights into teaching and learning math

42 References Bass, H., Usiskin, Z, & Burrill, G. (Eds.) (2002). Classroom Practice as a Medium for Professional Development. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Dekker,T. & Querelle, N. (2002). Great assessment problems (and how to solve them). CATCH project deLange, J., Romberg, T., Burrill, G., von Reeuwijk, M. (1993). Learning and testing mathematics in context: Data visualization. Los Angles CA:, Sunburst. Ikeda, T. & Kuwahara, Y. (2003). Presentation at Park City Mathematics Institute International Panel. Kindt, M., Abels, M., Meyer, M., Pligge, M. (1998). Comparing Quantities. From Mathematics in Context. Directed by Romberg, T. & deLange, J. Austin, TX: Holt, Rinehart, Winston Michigan Department of Education. (2003). MMLA Lesson Study Project. Burrill, G., Ferry, D., & Verhey R. (Eds). Lansing, MI National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2000). Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. Reston, VA: Author.

43 Takahashi, Akahito. (2005). Presentation at Annual Meeting of Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Teachers for a New Era (2003). Michigan State University grant from Carnegie Foundation. Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). (1995). Released Item. National Center for Education Statistics. U.S. Department of Education. (1999).

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