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No Club Needed. Panama Canal  Desires for expansion needed better transportation route  Isthmus splitting N. and S. American perfect location  French.

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Presentation on theme: "No Club Needed. Panama Canal  Desires for expansion needed better transportation route  Isthmus splitting N. and S. American perfect location  French."— Presentation transcript:

1 No Club Needed

2 Panama Canal  Desires for expansion needed better transportation route  Isthmus splitting N. and S. American perfect location  French tried and failed, wanting to recoup losses  Tension was growing, group wanting independence  “Revolution” erupted with some assistance from abroad

3 Don’t Make Same Mistakes  Americans had to learn from others  Yellow fever a huge issue  Dr. Walter Reed able to identify carrier and find solution  Army worked on huge drainage project to wipe out the mosquito  Construction began 1906, completed August 1914

4 Roosevelt Corollary  U.S. intervention justified in any “wrongdoing” in Latin America  Addition to Monroe Doctrine  Dominican Republic area of interest for Europeans in 1904, Roosevelt takes control  Walking softly and carrying a big stick

5 America and Asia  Japan posed concern in China  Glad to see Russian expansion challenged  Roosevelt the mediator  Treaty of Portsmouth 1905  Goal: keep trade open in China  Slow down Japanese expansion

6 Cont…..  Japanese displeased with outcome  Roosevelt mediating again  Japan insulted by San Francisco school politics  Segregation of Asian students  Roosevelt persuades school to change policy  Japanese immigration restricted  Roosevelt's unintended outcomes  Show of might? “Great White Fleet”  Japan sees this as a challenge and are motivated to increase own navy

7 Roosevelt’s Shoes  William Howard Taft followed the Roosevelt show  Different style: MONEY will solve the problem  System was ineffective and made for poor foreign policy

8 Moral Diplomacy  Woodrow Wilson: rejected notion of expansionism  Still got involved in Latin American activities  Most notably: Mexico  Long standing conflict between wealthy elite and peasant class  Amidst chaos, Wilson tries to promote “good” gov’t  Refused to recognize General Huerta’s regime

9 Cont…..  Took a side, strongly  Prevented arms to get to Huerta, supported opposition, Carranza  U.S. presence made it’s point, Huerta backed down, Carranza gains power  Poncho Villa vs. the US

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