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1 “Media on-demand” Electronic Distribution of Educational Media — New Developments in Germany — Dr. Uwe L. Haass, Director FWU Institute for Educational.

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Presentation on theme: "1 “Media on-demand” Electronic Distribution of Educational Media — New Developments in Germany — Dr. Uwe L. Haass, Director FWU Institute for Educational."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 “Media on-demand” Electronic Distribution of Educational Media — New Developments in Germany — Dr. Uwe L. Haass, Director FWU Institute for Educational Media, Grünwald near Munich

2 2 Requests, Feedback

3 3 Continuous Chain of Digital Functions:  Catalogues  digital production  digital transmission  digital storage  digital rights management  digital copy protection  digital booking Requests, Feedback

4 4 Problem No. 1: Transmission 6,250,000 Pixel /s Capacity: 250,000 Pixel /s

5 5 Example Near-on-demand: Ordering over Internet from home, possible until midnight: Videos in MPEG-2 Qualität on-demand: streamed Videos (Real,...) Other digital, low-volume Media (Pictures, Charts, Video-Clips...)

6 6 Distribution in a communal intranet Communal Media Centre Office School Media Server Media Server at FWU commune buys a licence for controlled usage at schools Server replaces shelves in media centre Connection not permanent

7 7 Advantages of an Intranet- Solution controllable paths easier to obtain licences for media Role of Communes does not change (responsibility to purchase media) Centralised systems (play-out servers for all Germany) are not feasible

8 8 Project in Munich County: BMOD Elementary School Putzbrunn Inauguration of the project 12.09.2000

9 9 Teachers can order a title from home, using the Internet Catalogue MPEG2- file available for downloa d Video- Stream available for on- demand viewing

10 10 Electronic Distribution: Projects Are Gaining Momentum Norderstedt Bremen Wittmund Wolfenbüttel Göttingen NRW / EDMOND Thüringen Lkrs. Koblenz Karlsruhe Nürnberg Lkrs. München Austria (3 Regions)

11 11 Modularisation:  editing-out  Digitisation  Media banks  virtual DVD  links to other modules and supplements  importance of meta-data

12 12 Click to start the viewer! Different file formats including MPEG2 are supported. Screen for the Teacher in Classroom: wasser.rm wasser.mpg2 Netsurfer.rm

13 13 in every moment of learning and teaching the “right” medium at hand Our Vision:

14 14 Costs of lending out a 15 min. Video in € material carrier (VHS-Video, Film) MPEG2-Download (realistic aim) ‘Server instead of shelves‘

15 15 Vision Part 2: the integrated Learning Portal Server of a communal school district Media on Demand for Teacher and Students interactive Online-Contents Information W W W Communication: Chat, Tele-tutoring School Projects

16 16 Obstacles Licence agreements with producers Copyright protection Standard of data formats and interfaces Standard of meta data Costs for equipment and maintenance (?) Chances New ways of teaching and learning: Media are more than just PC and internet International network for producing and distributing educational media

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