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1 Kindergarten Curriculum Night Welcome! We are very glad you are joining us tonight!

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Presentation on theme: "1 Kindergarten Curriculum Night Welcome! We are very glad you are joining us tonight!"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Kindergarten Curriculum Night Welcome! We are very glad you are joining us tonight!

2 Children may not be on the school campus before 7:15 A.M.  Kindergarten  First bell rings at 7:40 a.m., School begins at 7:45 a.m.  Dismissal at 2:35 p.m.  Early Release Day – Dismissal at 12:35 p.m. Tardies:  If you arrive after the bell and the class has already gone inside, you’ll need to go to the front office for a late pass.  All outside doors remain locked, so it will be necessary to go through the front office doors. 2

3  PLEASE inform us of any changes in E-MAIL or WRITING!!  If transportation change occurs that same day, please contact the office.  If address, phone, work number or any other important information changes please keep me updated in writing. 3

4  Attendance Phone Line – 541-3201(24 hrs./day)  If possible, inform teacher in advance in writing. Rainy Day Schedules:  Have children go to the MPR.  If possible, try not to come in early. 4

5 Labeling:  Please label your child’s belongings, so children will not mix up various items.  This labeling needs to include lunchboxes, backpacks, jackets, water bottles, etc. Lunch:  Please encourage your child to make different choices each day. Snack:  Please keep your child’s small snack separate from their lunch in a plastic baggie. Homework:  Homework guidelines for Kindergarten are 3 times per week/5-10 minutes.  The most important homework we can assign you is to read to and with your child on a daily basis.  Homework will usually require family interaction and will be given out on Monday and due back on Friday. 5

6 MRS. Quintanar  Monday: Music  Tuesday: PE  Wednesday: Computer Lab  Thursday: Library  Friday: Art 6 MS. FERNANDEZ  Monday: PE  Tuesday: Art  Wednesday: Computer Lab  Thursday: Library  Friday: Music MRS. RIVERA-  Monday: Art  Tuesday: Computer Lab  Wednesday: Library  Thursday: Music  Friday: P.E MRS. Gurule-  Monday: Library  Tuesday: Computer Lab  Wednesday: Art  Thursday: PE  Friday: Music

7  Remember your child’s library day and have your child bring their book to school. Students won’t be able to check out a new book if they don’t return last week’s book. Suggestions:  Keep books in a special place away from pets and younger siblings.  Talk with your child about taking care of his or her library book.  Keep library books in a zip lock bag if your child carries a water bottle in his/her backpack. 7

8 8

9  Children are asked to bring their own snack to school everyday.  Please provide your child with a healthy snack.  Please keep the snack separate from his/her lunch, since they place snacks in their cubby.  We will NOT have snack on Wednesdays. 9

10  Birthday parties CANNOT take place during school hours.  Invitations and treats CANNOT be given out at school.  You can SEND IN a healthy snack to have during the day. We ask that you drop off these items in the front office and the teacher will make sure they are passed out. 10

11  1 st Quarter: Parent/Teacher Conferences – October 22 nd and 23 rd. These are both early release days.  2 nd Quarter: Report Cards  3 rd Quarter: Student Led Conferences  4 th Quarter: Report Cards 11

12  Daily Folder  Monthly Newsletter  E-mail/notes/voicemail  Web Page links 12

13  We will let you know when volunteers will start.  Classroom volunteers will start once we feel classroom routines are in place. 13

14  Our DL program promotes bilingualism, biliteracy, biculturalism and grade-level academic achievement.  Two partner teachers implementing a 50/50 model  One teacher implementing a 50/50 model  The next successive grade level is added each year.

15 Literacy and academic achievement for all students in English and Spanish Prepare students for our global community with 21 st century skills that will be needed in the job market Develop oral language proficiency in English and Spanish Goals Develop positive attitude, awareness and appreciation for other people and cultures

16 English  Reading  Writing  Math (IFG)  Health/Social Studies Spanish  Reading/Writing  Math (Core)  Cultural Awareness  Science


18  Read and write numbers 0-20  Count up to 20 objects  Count by 1’s and 10’s to 100  Counting on from any number to 100  Construct a model to represent numbers through 20  Count to represent how many  Comparing quantities to determine more, less and equal (1 to 10)

19  Add and subtract to 10 using objects, drawings, fingers, mental images and equations  Solve addition and subtraction word problems with objects or drawings  Decompose numbers less than or equal to 10 in different ways  Fluently add and subtract within 5

20 Examples of Kindergarten Word Problems: In kindergarten your child will use a variety of pictures and models to understand and solve addition and subtraction problems. + Addition Three red apples and three green apples are on the table. How many apples are on the table. - Subtraction Mom has ten apples. She gives one to Mary Ann. How many apples are left?

21  Compose and decompose numbers from 11 to 19 (example: 18 = 10+8)

22 Your child will learn to find “partners” that make ten for any number. This drawing shows that if you have 8, it takes 2 more to make 10. From there, students learn to think of ten as a unit and to break all the teen numbers down to a ten and some leftover ones.

23  Describe measurable attributes of objects such as length and weight  Compare 2 objects with a measurable attribute in common  Classify objects into given categories. Count objects in each category.

24  Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes and positional terms  Identify and name shapes  Identify, analyze and compare shapes as 2 dimensional or 3 dimensional  Build and draw models of shapes


26  Provide key ideas and details from text  Understand the craft and structure of various kinds of text  Make comparisons within and between texts  Engage in group reading activities  Demonstrate understanding of concepts of print  Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, rhyming, syllables and sounds  Apply decoding skills, read common sight words and appropriate texts

27  Demonstrate listening comprehension  Effectively presents knowledge and ideas orally

28  Draw, dictate and write to create different types of text  Engage in the writing process  Participate in projects to recall or gather information  Use appropriate writing conventions  Acquire and use appropriate vocabulary  Multiple genres of writing

29 Sciences

30  Arizona animals  Gathering data  Exploring through the 5 senses  Analyzing information  Hygiene – dental and personal health  Nutrition  Living and Non-living  Magnets  Weather  Balance and Motion

31  All About Me  My Community, who works in the community and economics  How families are different  Holidays and special days  Arizona geography  American symbols and presidents  Historical figures  Landforms

32   School Website  standards standards  Common Core Standards 32

33  Develop essential technology skills  Apply technology  Integrate other content areas  Students will work on laptops and the SMART board during workstations and throughout the day 33

34 34 We look forward to a great year!!

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