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Presentation on theme: "USING MICROSOFT DEPLOYMENT TOOLKIT IN THE REAL WORLD (NOTES FROM THE FIELD) Rhonda J. Layfield Sr. Deployment Architect Deployment Done Right SESSION."— Presentation transcript:


2 USING MICROSOFT DEPLOYMENT TOOLKIT IN THE REAL WORLD (NOTES FROM THE FIELD) Rhonda J. Layfield Sr. Deployment Architect Deployment Done Right SESSION CODE: #SVR310 (c) 2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

3 ► I’ve been in the IT industry since 1982 ► US Navy for 7 years ► Setup and Deployment MVP ► Desktop Deployment Product Specialist (DDPS) Rhonda Layfield

4 Overview ► MDT Basics ► Master Image ► Working Image ► Update the images ► Branch office deployments ► Deploying from a UFD (c) 2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

5 MDT 2012 Deployment Server Setting Up MDT 2012: as easy as 1-2-3 Install WAIK 1 1 Create a Deployment Share 3 3 Install MDT 2 2 Operating Systems: Server 2008 R2 Server 2003 R2 Vista Windows 7


7 W7 DVD Windows Server 2003 R2 Windows Server 2008 & R2 XP SP3 Vista SP1 Windows 7 & SP1 W7 DVD Windows Server 2003 R2 Windows Server 2008 & R2 XP SP3 Vista SP1 Windows 7 & SP1 MDT 2012 Deployment Server 2K8 DVD 1 1 Add an OS Create Image 2 2 Deploy OS Store Image 3 3 SYSPREP

8 Add Components ► Applications – Hardware utilities – Adobe Reader ► Drivers – 3 rd party ► Packages – OS patches – Language packs

9 Over Time You Will Have Multiple Images To Deploy: ► Multiple OSs – Windows Server 2008 R2 – Windows 7 SP1 base DVD – Windows 7 custom Hybrid.wim image ► Drivers for different models of machines ► Applications for different groups of users ► So you will need a way to group components together for a specific deployment ► This is called a Task Sequence

10 Then You Need To Update The Deployment Share ► Updating the deployment share creates a custom MDT Windows Pre Installation Environment (WinPE) ► This WinPE is very intelligent – Pre-configured to know who the MDT server is and the name of the Deployment Share


12 Automate the Master Build ► When you run the Deployment Wizard ► Choose which screens are displayed during the deployment ► Suppress the ones you don’t want anyone to see or change like: Product Key Administrator’s password

13 Automate The Client Deployment ► BootStrap.ini ► CustomSettings.ini ► If you make changes to the Boostrap.ini you will need to update the deployment share again to reflect those changes ► For Help on variables to add to these files: – Help – Microsoft Deployment Toolkit Reference Properties – Property Definitions

14 Then, Get MDT Ready To Deploy The Custom.wim Image ► Import the Custom.wim ► Create a task sequence ► Deploy

15 Update Master and Deployment Image ► Why – New versions of applications Flash Adobe reader – Updated drivers – Patches ► How often – 3 or 4 times a year – When needed (c) 2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

16 Notes From The Field ► Why not deploy the master image to your clients ► Time ► 3 hours to deploy the master and create a working image ► 20 – 25 minutes to deploy the working image (c) 2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

17 Selection Profiles

18 MDT Components ► The MDT components are: – Operating Systems – Applications – Drivers – Packages – Task Sequences ► To use some of the Advanced Features of MDT you will need to group MDT components together ► The way you group MDT components is by creating a “Selection Profile”

19 MDT’s Selection Profiles ► The MDT components you group will determine what you can do with the selection profile: – Group drivers and packages to inject into the MDT generated Windows Pre Installation Environments (WinPEs) – Group drivers to inject into an OS task sequence – Control which MDT components are included in “Media” – Group MDT components to replicate (and keep in sync) linked deployment shares

20 Linked Deployment Shares (LDS)

21 Branch Offices MDT DS Auckland Wellington Christchurch OS Application Drivers Task Sequences Good WAN Links

22 Linked Deployment Shares (LDS) ► LDS allows you to copy a subset (or all if you choose) of components to another machine ► Even Windows 7 can host a LDS ► But, if you host the LDS on a server you can integrate WDS with it ► To create a LDS ► Begin on the target computer

23 On The Target Computer ► This is the computer you want to copy the LDS to… ► Create a folder – Ensure there is enough hard drive space – MDT will not check this for you ► Share the folder ► Now you are ready to create the LDS on the MDT server

24 Create A LDS ► Create a selection profile containing all the MDT components you would like copied (replicated) to the target computer ► Create a new LDS – Type in the UNC path to where you want the new LDS Example \\server\share \\2K8\Christchurch\DS ► Choose your selection profile

25 Create A LDS - Continued ► Select one of the options: – Merge the selected contents into the target deployment share – OR – Replace the contents of the target deployment share folders with those selected ► Rename the LDS ► R-click the LDS and choose Replicate Content ► The contents you selected in your selection profile will be copied to the new LDS via ROBOCopy


27 When You Make Changes ► The changes need to be replicated to the target computer ► You can either right-click the LDS and choose “Replicate” – This will replicate EVERYTHING again even things that have not changed ► OR ► Change the replication technology to use Distributed File System-Replication (DFS-R) ► Create a scheduled task that will replicate changes whenever you want them replicated ► Only what has changed will be replicated

28 Notes From The Field ► LDS set up to use DFS-R – Replicate the LDS locally on the MDT server and then create DFS-R This sets the default path of the deployment share back to the local MDT server – NOT the LDS – Scheduled task to run the powershell command will always use the default path of the LDS


30 Deploy OSs From a UFD

31 Branch Offices MDT Deployment Server Sydney Brisbane NewCastle Good WAN Link Unreliable WAN Link

32 Media Deployment Bare Metal MDT Deployment Image

33 Create Media ► First you’ll need a selection profile containing the MDT components needed for deployment to a client (include everything) ► Within DW r-click Media ► Choose New Media ► Give it a name, choose your selection profile ► Update Media (r-click the MEDIA001 and choose Update Media Content) ► Copy files to external hard drive, UFD or burn the.ISO to DVD


35 Prepare Media ► Open an elevated command prompt – DISKPART List disk (record the number of the external device) Select disk N (N is the disk number Select disk 2 Clean create partition primary select partition 1 Active format fs=ntfs Assign exit Close the command prompt

36 Preparing Media Completed ► Open Windows Explorer ► Turn on show hidden files ► Navigate to the Media “Content” folder ► Copy the entire Content folder – Boot folder – Deploy folder – EFI folder – Autorun.inf – Bootmgr – Bootmgr.efi

37 What We Covered… ► MDT Basics ► Master Image ► Working Image ► Update the images ► Branch office deployments ► Deploying from a UFD (c) 2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

38 Get In Touch With Me… ► Let me know how your deployments are going: – Rhonda@DeploymentDr.Com ► Follow me on Twitter – ► Bring me into your organization to hear more about deployment – For short term consulting and in-house training

39 Enrol in Microsoft Virtual Academy Today Why Enroll, other than it being free? The MVA helps improve your IT skill set and advance your career with a free, easy to access training portal that allows you to learn at your own pace, focusing on Microsoft technologies. What Do I get for enrolment? ► Free training to make you become the Cloud-Hero in my Organization ► Help mastering your Training Path and get the recognition ► Connect with other IT Pros and discuss The Cloud Where do I Enrol? Then tell us what you think.

40 © 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION. (c) 2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

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