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 Two plans in one School-wide Title I PL221 plan (SIP)  Current Team Sandra Brown Betsy David Denise Rodenhuis Vickie Dykhuizen Gretchen Honeycutt Amanda.

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2  Two plans in one School-wide Title I PL221 plan (SIP)  Current Team Sandra Brown Betsy David Denise Rodenhuis Vickie Dykhuizen Gretchen Honeycutt Amanda Rector Lana Maschino Brandi Bogemann Lee Ann Uecker

3  Kids Team  School Improvement Planning Team  Building Level Discussion  Grade Level Teams  Leadership Team/Safety Team












15  Literacy Groups grade 1  Power Writing  Scott Foresman 90 minute block  Every Day Math 60 minute block  Compass Learning  Tutoring Programs  Differentiated Instruction  Parent Involvement  Technology  Title I/Interventions/RTI tier 2  Tiered Positive Behavior Support  Student Success Skills  Safe and Disciplined Environment

16  Direct Instruction  Data Driven Instruction  Professional Development  Mapping Curriculum and Standards  Math and Reading blocks  Title I (40 minutes daily)  Professional Growth Plans by grade level (key to success and great teaming)

17  Intervention Goal: Tier II students to read at grade level.  Program follows Corporation Belief Statements:  1. Students learn at different rates and in different ways.  2. Students learn more effectively while actively engaged.  3. Students develop positive relationships with adults and peers. 

18  40 minutes in addition to 90 minute whole group class instruction  Repetition  Skills from the classroom  Coping strategies  Motivation  Prep and planning with grade level teachers  40 minutes of intervention time in the general classrooms for at and above grade level work with students

19  K, 1 and 2: DRA, Dibels, Letter Recognition (K), Teacher recommendation  3 and 4: ISTEP from third grade test, NWEA, Oral fluency test, Teacher recommendation  Dibels progress monitoring  Daily monitoring

20  One teacher and 3 assistants  Service 65 students a day  Daily centers  Literacy groups  Writing  Compass Learning  Tumble Books  Spelling  Phonics  Comprehension skills

21  Word work  Sight words (Scott Foresman program)  Letter recognition (K)  Dibels/TRC assessment and progress monitoring  DRA

22  One teacher, one assistant  Both a pull out program and a push into the classroom program  Servicing 23 students  Scott Foresman weekly story  Vocab activities  Whole group and small group instruction  Listening comprehension  Fluency phrases  Fluency reads/poems, songs, etc.

23  Writing (4 th grade Indiana Essays)  ISTEP prep/writing prompts  Directions  Quick writes/topics

24  Incorporating the State Reading Plan into our SIP  Becoming more specific with our data  Post what data we are working on with goals  Students need to be involved with their data  Improving Pass Plus totals  All Alan’s questions and thoughts (thanks)

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