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Storyboard. Needs Create a electronic tablet that would increase collaboration for learners in primary grades. Create a electronic tablet that can compete.

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Presentation on theme: "Storyboard. Needs Create a electronic tablet that would increase collaboration for learners in primary grades. Create a electronic tablet that can compete."— Presentation transcript:

1 Storyboard

2 Needs Create a electronic tablet that would increase collaboration for learners in primary grades. Create a electronic tablet that can compete with other electronic device. An inexpensive device that is easy to handle and provide access to information that helps complete assignments.

3 Needs continued …. Computer simulators provide hands-on experiments and allowing students the opportunity to observe, manipulate, and investigate phenomena that are normally inaccessible Reduce barriers for media in the classroom Alternative learning Provide models for skill learning Increase content knowledge Games engage the learner

4 Research It began in the 1960s with Ivan Sutherland of Stanford University experimented with computer graphics and wrote a software program called SketchPad while working toward his doctoral degree making his computer manipulate engineering drawings. The first electronic tablet was created in 2000. It was called “webpad”. It was introduced by Comdex.

5 Developent The development by Comdex failed due to small video screens, awkward keyboard and cost. Provide an opportunity for innovators to adopt the new equipment. As stated by Rogers (2003) “adopters serves as their own change agents in diffusing their innovations to others”.

6 Commercialization The Electronic mobile devices such as iPads, and Android tablets are targeted to use for more than a book reader. It is targeted for education with opportunities to enhance with many educational applications. School systems have received funding to use in schools to replace the cost of revised textbooks.

7 Knowledgable Android tablets is “now” innovation for communication and learning. The ©Apple iPad and iPhone, netbooks, other smart phones, e-readers, and electronic tablets are all mobile devices that are capable of “on the go” learning. These devices can store and retrieve information. The ability to access email Check online course information. Capture and share real time videos, audio, and pictures.

8 Persuasion Researched based evidence supports motivation for learning. Early adopters Game ware/Software Internet games/software Learning goals Interactivity Social connections Curriculum

9 Decision Trial software packages online and classroom Instructor practitioners Interviews with vendors and institutions Literacy

10 Implementation Participating students Teachers develop curriculum to incorporate mobile technology. Smart phone used for audio, video, and pictures and collaboration. Support resources

11 Confirmation The early adopters who are knowledgeable, excited and experts at using the electronic tablets. Administrators, Educators and stakeholders who invest in implementing the tablets in the school and integrating it in the curriculum.

12 Timeline of Innovation Innovation of Decision Time Frame Knowledge 1989 Introduction of the GRiD Systems became the first to offer a portable tablet computer called the GriDPad. But in 2001 Bill Gates introduced Windows XP. Persuasion 2006 The development of other portable tablet devices such as e-readers, to compete in the technology market. Decision 2006-2010 The social media advances and the education upgrades. Implementation 2007 – 2011 A rise in the adoption of electronic tablets such as the iPad have increased in recent years. Confirmation 2010 – 2011 The confirmation comes with the increase use of Apple ‘s iPad, Samsung’s Galaxy Tab and Motorola Xoom

13 Adoption of the Bell Curve

14 S Curve of Diffusion of the Electronic Tablet Early Adopters

15 Innovation Diffusion Curve

16 Early Adopters - Technology enthusiast - Business community - Doctors - Schools - Teachers - Students - Special Needs

17 Late Adoption Reasons Graph

18 Laggards Textbook Companies Laptop and Desk top users who are content Consumers who purchase at a discount


20 Persuasion to Adopt Electronic Tablets - Technology driven people who are interested in the latest innovation to use. - Mobility of using applications on the go. - Price affordable technology - Productivity is the key to the electronic device. You are able to learn and gather information on the go with all necessary tools (PBS TeacherLine) - Compatibility with other mobile devices that connect to learn and gather information.

21 Attributes It is an effective tool to reach the mass of learners. It is mobile. Allow community and other learners see the usefulness. Allow everyone access by low cost and availability in school that will connect users to one another.

22 Critical Masses “When enough individuals in a system adopt an invention and it becomes self-sustaining “ (Rogers, 2003) In 2010 electronic tablets along with e-readers came off the shelves and are now consider popular and not for geeks any more (Boston Consultant Group, 2010) 51% of consumers familiar with electronic devices will purchase a e-reader or tablet. (Boston Consultant Group, 2010)

23 Decentralized Diffusion When innovations develops from various sources in the school system a decentralized diffusion system evolves.

24 Change Agents The key change agents that will influence the innovation of the android tablets would be stake holders in education system. The educators, media specialists, administrators and IT education developers that have adopted the android tablets in the classroom. The desire to obtain this new innovation increases. The early adopters have a “sequential interdependence effect on later adopters” (Rogers, 2003).

25 References Bradley, T. (2011) Nielsen Study: Tablets replacing laptops and e- readers. PCWorld. Retrieved from _study_tablets_replacing_laptops_and_ereaders.html _study_tablets_replacing_laptops_and_ereaders.html Fishburne, T. (2007) New product adoption. Retrieved from Roger, E. M. (2003) Diffusion of Innovation. Free press, New York City, NY Whitney, L. (2011) Nielsen: Tablets are hot, but few actually own one. Cnet News. Retrieved from tablets-are-hot-but-few-actually-own-one/8301-17938_105- 20064626-1.html tablets-are-hot-but-few-actually-own-one/8301-17938_105- 20064626-1.html

26 References continued n.a., (2011) How will the iPod change education? PBS Teacherline, 2011 Retrieved from: change-education/ change-education/ Staff writer, (2011) iPads instead of textbooks in U. S. high schools: will it rule out the textbook culture? International Business Times. Schools and Degrees. 2011 Retrieved from: textbooks-u-s-schools.htm textbooks-u-s-schools.htm n.a., (2010) E-Readers and tablets are poised to become popular mass-market devices, according to new study. The Boston Consulting Group, Retrieved from: 2-46750 2-46750

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