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1 NC Education Cloud Internet2 Member Meeting October 4, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "1 NC Education Cloud Internet2 Member Meeting October 4, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 NC Education Cloud Internet2 Member Meeting October 4, 2011

2 2 Agenda Team Introduction History/Background about NC Education Cloud Cloud Projects Overview and Status Updates General Q&A

3 3 About the NC Education Cloud The NC Education Cloud is a service delivery platform for modern instructional and administrative support systems. It will: Establish PK-12 education technology cloud infrastructure to provide cost-effective and robust networking infrastructure for LEAs Provide digital tools and resources to support all RttT initiatives

4 4 RttT Technology Snapshot Shared Infrastructure $11.2M Identity Management $1.2M Collaborative Tools $4.4M Learning Objects Repository $1.7M LMS/CMS $10.8M LEA Network $48.5M User Devices $25.5M NCVPS $6MPDS IIS $24M Hosting Provider Data Centers End Users (Students, Teachers, Staff, Parents) System Admin & Configuration Cloud PlatformCloud InfrastructureLEA Infrastructure

5 5 Cloud Team DPI The RttT Technology Project Team Peter Asmar Cloud Services Ed Chase Program Director Phil Emer NCSU ITng Lab The Friday Institute Sammie Carter, Systems Architect James Robinson, Systems Architect Larry Creglow, Project Facilitator Lee Sartain, Policy Specialist Instructional Tech Neill Kimrey MCNC Dave Furiness, Director CNE Steve Thorpe, Systems Analyst NC ITS Bob Giannuzzi, Project Management PM Office Jerry Bunn Data Systems Julien AlHour Adam Levinson NCVPS Chanin Rivenbark, CTO Nathan Thanos, LMS Admin

6 6 Data Collection & Analysis Functional Leads Organization & Collaboration NCDPI RttT Leadership Team RttT Education Cloud Shared Services Advisory Committee Identity and Access Mgmt Sammie Carter Content Management James Robinson Comms. & Collaboration Larry Creglow Data Integration & Analysis Lee Sartain advises NC State Board of Education & Governor’s Education Transformation Commission Identity and Access Management Content Management Collaborative Procurement Program Director Phil Emer Collaborative Procurement Ed Chase Deployment & Migration Dave Furiness LEA Working Groups

7 7 Cloud Plan Development Process LEA Webinars LEA Region Meetings LEA Site Interviews NC Education Cloud Proposed Plan Industry Best Practices LEA Working Groups Gather Information Define Problem Plan Development

8 8 LEA IT Infrastructure Platforms

9 9 NC Education Cloud Work Plan Strategies 1.Transition LEA infrastructure to a cloud-centric IT Enterprise service model 2.Deploy an NC shared learning infrastructure 3.Modernize statewide business operations systems 4.Form a dedicated NCEdCloud support organization 5.Initiate a digital inclusion model

10 10 NCEdCloud IT Enterprise Strategy Goal: Provide service-based alternatives to local hosting & admin of server and network appliance infrastructure. Survey shows: Email, VoIP, AS-400/iSeries, content filtering Learning applications and content licensing The work: Data analysis-complete in October K12 enterprise in the cloud blueprint-October Consortium buying process-ongoing LEA WG

11 11 NCEdCloud Shared Learning Infrastructure Strategy Goal: provide content learning and identity management platforms in support of planned instructional and professional development systems Survey shows: Complementary data management platform The work: Assist IIS to a Plan and system requirements Align with national SLI efforts of Gates & Carnegie & CCSSO IAM and LOR plan and service scope Develop near and long term plan

12 12 NCEdCloud Business Operations Strategy Goal: Align state and local financial and human resource systems with instructional and analytics backed systems. Survey shows: The work: Recommend modernization of business operation process and systems; BAFO on i-Series RFP; SOW; ODS tech specs

13 13 NCEdCloud Dedicated Support Organization Strategy Goal: Effectively manage collaborative procurement, shared governance, cooperative funding, service delivery Survey shows: need an Education Service Agency to serve as technology advisor and service provider The work:determine how to meet FCC(USAC) requirements; how to be accountable, inclusive, transparent; operational by 6/30/2012

14 14 NCEdCloud Digital Inclusion Strategy Goal: Stimulate debate to fund a study/plan, and deploy a statewide digital inclusion model Survey shows: “almost universally held expectation that student and teacher access to an individual, mobile and connected device is becoming mandatory” The work:provide the foundation (Cloud) on which can set a sustainable, fully connected, mobile, and always available digital enterprise

15 15 Projects to inform the Cloud Plan Goals, Summary & Status LEA & Charter site interviews Data Collection & Analysis Identity & Access Management Instructional Content Services Consortium Buying iSeries RFP Content Filtering and Firewall

16 16 LEA & Charter Site Interviews Thank you for your time and effort!! 113 LEA and 10 charter school site interviews completed (2 LEA site interviews pending/rescheduled) Reviewing data – some LEA and charter school follow-up required to clarify survey data or obtain missing data Site interviews/surveys informing the NC Education Cloud Plan Section 1: General >>>>>>>> Service Considerations and Financial Modeling Comprehensive IAM, recognizing the high cost of change (funding, resources, PD), consistency/stability/continuity of funding Section 2: Information Technology >>>>>>>> Enterprise Services Strategy Security services, hosted email integration, mobile device management, practices/infrastructure to support personal devices, consortium buying Section 3: Instructional Software and Platforms >>>>>>>> Learning Platforms and Services Strategy LMS/CMS/web hosting, instructional content, consortium buying, IIS alignment

17 17 Data Collection & Analysis Goals: To investigate and deploy contemporary analytics and business intelligence tools Modify State TCO formulas to include cloud services Streamline and automate data flows between LEAs, DPI, and technology systems Key actions to date Formed Working Group Initial Investigation of Business Intelligence Offerings Investigating technology solutions for DPI to LEA data return Begin deep analysis of Site Interview & AMTR Data (Final Data Captured September 1) Key actions next Key Policy Revisions to Support Cloud Project Sustainability Begin work on Total Cost of Ownership Modeling

18 18 Identity and Access Management – Big Picture Vision: "Every student, teacher/staff member, parent/guardian, and school community member has a single unique username/password to access learning resources in North Carolina" Challenges (Problem Statement): 1. Too many accounts for current services 2. Cumbersome manual process of updating account information from NCWISE to disparate local systems and services 3. Need solid foundation for K-12 cloud solutions growth

19 19 User Experience

20 20 Current Accomplishments Continued Vendor and Stakeholder Meetings The IAM team has continued having numerous meetings and discussions with vendors and stakeholders to inform the IAM planning process. The team has also established key relationships with other state entities/agencies that will be collaborating with the IAM system. IAM Proof of Concept – Summer 2011 The IAM team met with vendors for multi-day proof of concept sessions to demonstrate capabilities of products against the IAM requirements. IAM Planning / Architecture Document 2.0 Version 2.0 - Public draft whitepaper of IAM architecture model with requirements and specifications defined. ITS IT Procurement RFP Process Training IAM and other Cloud Team members attended an ITS IT Procurement RFP Process Training Class to better understand RFP Process. Identity and Access Management

21 21 Identity and Access Management Next Steps IAM Planning/Architecture Document (Oct 1) Version 3.0 - Public draft whitepaper of IAM architecture model with MORE requirements and specifications defined. Also IAM SERVICE description. Final IAM Plan Reviews by Stakeholders IAM Version 3.0 of IAM Plan will be presented for approval to IAM Stakeholders for approval before moving on to RFPs. RFP(s) for IAM Platform Provider(s) The IAM Team has gather enough requirements and specifications from the vendor and stakeholder community to create a definitive solicitation proposal for the IAM Platform. Once the IAM Plan has been vetted and approved by the stakeholders, we plan to start the RFP(s) process later this Fall.

22 22 Instructional Content Services Goals: Support anytime and anywhere learning opportunities with a 24/7 service accessible from any device with a web browser Provide educators and students with tools to create content, private and public, and facilitate conversations around the content Provide educators tools for curating existing web content

23 23 Instructional Content Services Key actions to date Met with some vendors and some existing clients to get some background information Working on Learning Object Repository (LOR) pilot with NCLOR and DPI Meeting with Instructional Improvement System (IIS) and Professional Development System (PDS) project directors to create a content management/learning management system plan

24 24 Instructional Content Systems Key actions next Continue LOR pilot Calling first Instructional Content Systems LEA working group meeting

25 25 Content Repository LEA Platforms Vendor Platforms NC Shared Infrastructure Teachers Instructional Designers NC LIVE TOPS LEA NC FALCON Content Management Learning Management Moodlerooms Pearson ThinkGate Microsoft SharePoint Haiku Bb Instructional Content Services Instructional Improvement System

26 26 Shared Learning Infrastructure Network US - SLI NC - SLI LEA- SLI Common-core aligned content LOR & collection management LEA1LEAn Students AdministratorsParents Teachers Data/Report templates Data management tools Content distribution node Content cache Operational Data Store

27 27 Consortium Buying Goal: Revise NC education services and equipment procurement Optimal purchasing model Aggregate purchases Efficient cycle Optimal Use of E-rate when applicable Benefit from economies of scale and effort

28 28 Consortium Buying Working Group Presently working the working group to establish business models on Consortium opportunities that leverage E-rate in order to have guidance before the upcoming E-rate filing season. Hosted VOIP Hosted Email Will next work with several groups to look at an instructional content opportunity and how that could be procured with greater scale.

29 29 iSeries RFP Goals: Migrate 20 LEAs from local infrastructure to cloud hosted infrastructure in FY12 Migrate all LEAs to cloud infrastructure in 3 years Currently reviewing vendor proposals-vendors have DPI questions Next Key Actions: Negotiate & Award Contract Identify 20 pilot LEAs DPI & Pilot LEAs validate vendor migration, test, and schedule plans

30 30 Managed Firewall & Content Filtering Services Service Summary E-Rate filed for bundled service offering (Internet access, firewall, content filtering/malware protection) – security services optional Premise-based firewall solution Option 1 – Fully managed Option 2 - Unmanaged Multi-tenant cloud-based content filtering/malware protection Option 1 - Replacement of existing LEA/charter school solution Option 2 – Complimentary service, e.g. enhanced malware protection or remote client filtering/malware protection Active Pilots Mooresville Graded School District Transylvania County Schools Mount Airy County Schools Cherokee County Schools General Availability – October 1, 2011 Service Inquires –

31 31 More Cloud Information Web site—place for FAQ, Guidelines, Presentations, Organization, Team members, news, links to NCDPI & others: Questions/comments:

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