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Bingo!  Fill out as much of your Bingo Card as you can  There will be prizes!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Bingo!  Fill out as much of your Bingo Card as you can  There will be prizes!!!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Bingo!  Fill out as much of your Bingo Card as you can  There will be prizes!!!

3 Welcome  Updates  Project Showcase  Hallway Rumors  Wrap-up & Thank You!

4 Last Staff Meeting Survey Summary  Having an opportunity to hear directly from the provost and the interim CIO  The open forum – appreciated the opportunity to ask questions of the provost, CIO, and the panel  Put more focus on the people behind our projects and services; let those individuals present  Biweekly newsletter  Social events  The focus on improving our communications internal to IET and with the campus, and the opportunity to contribute ideas about both.

5 IET Insider  IET Newsletter  ATS correspondent – Fernando  EAIS correspondents - Ahna and Bill (also produce the newsletter)  Other contributors from the HR/BOU/CIO - Peter Blando, Shannon, Nick Penrose, and Babette  Send items to

6 New IET Staff  Kevin Loenker - IT Express  Tim Kerbavaz – Media Production  Joshua Smith - IT Express  James Murray - Network Operations Center  Michael Loranc - IT Express  Jesse Avina - IT Express  Joseph Crain - uConnect  Joren Post - Application Development  Jacob DuCharme - uConnect  John Jones - Application Development  Sukhjinder Gill - Application Development  Jourdan Perla - Computer Lab Management

7  Trevor Williams - AV Engineering  Paula Shimada - Business Operations Unit  Ann Maeda - Budget Office  Allyson Crabbe - Budget Office  Laren Ferguson - IT Professional Services  Christopher Loureiro - IT Professional Services  Zhi-Wei Lu - Network Operations Center  Kathryn McClean - Business Operations Unit  Andrew Sattler - Application Development  Mark Miller - Application Development  Ted Yang - Computer Lab Management  Mark Deamer - Client Services  Tasslyn Gester - Client Services  Faith Lee - Budget Office

8  Troy Eury - Infrastructure Systems Management  Randy Rivers - AV Engineering  Todd Kaiser - Media Production  Nancy Molina - Computer Lab Management  Lynette Crocker – Business Operations Unit  Roger Moy – Network Service Center  Lorena Puga-Ayala – Project Management Office  Carl Banks – Infrastructure Systems Management  James Williams – Infrastructure Systems Management  Bob Cutler – Project Management Office  Sheila Johnson - Project Management Office  June Tuller - Client Services  Nathan Weddle - Application Development

9 STAR Awards  Dan Commins (ATS)  Joncarlo Ruggieri (EAIS)  Kevin Mayeshiro (CR)  Tim Leamy (ATS)  Josh VanHorn (EAIS)  Alex Alfieri (EAIS)

10 SPOT Awards  Constance Fuller (EAIS)  Blaise Camp (EAIS)  Tom Poage (EAIS)  Shawn DeArmond (EAIS)  Carson Black (EAIS)  Brian Donnelly (EAIS)  Debbie Edwards (EAIS)  Rick Hendricks (EAIS)  Mark Thonen (EAIS)

11 Fun Facts! Out of 239 total IET staff:  41 IET-ers have worked for UCD more than 20 Years  21 have worked 25 or more years  9 have worked more than 30 years  1 has worked over 40 years

12 Service Awards  Fernando Socorro (ATS) - 10 years  Rene Jimenez (CR) - 15 years  Joyce Johnstone (EAIS) - 30 years  Barbara Meyer (CR) - 40 years  Jennie Rush (CR) - 15 years  Rendell Bonoan (CR) - 10 years  Geraldine Finton (CR) - 20 years  Gary Sharpe (EAIS) - 10 years  Shawn DeArmond (EAIS) - 15 years  Gail Harder (CR) - 25 years

13 Updates & New Initiatives  Effective Communication (Inside & Outside)  Data Science Initiative  Joint Data Center Planning  TILT Plans  Collaboration with Med Center  Administrative Application Development

14 Project Showcase  A Joint Online Testing Experiment and a Vision for Teaching and Digital Technology Dr. James Carey, Professor, Entomology & Mark Redican, Director, Telecommunications & Data Center, IET  The Service Catalog and the Future of IT Service Management Anita Nichols, Client Services Manager, IET  New Developments in Campus Administrative Application Development Prasant Mohapatra, Interim Vice Provost & CIO

15 Project Showcase  A Joint Online Testing Experiment and a Vision for Teaching and Digital Technology Dr. James Carey, Professor, Entomology & Mark Redican, Director, Telecommunications & Data Center, IET  The Service Catalog and the Future of IT Service Management Anita Nichols, Client Services Manager, IET  New Developments in Campus Administrative Application Development Prasant Mohapatra, Interim Vice Provost & CIO


17 Service Management Program Service Catalog ServiceNow Reporting and Analysis Knowledge Base Service Level Management

18 ServiceNow  Live for IET on August 29  175 IT users  18137 incidents/requests recorded IET = 10,965  Other groups: College of Engineering School of Education Office of Chancellor / Provost Academic Affairs School of Law Administrative and Resource Management (soon)

19 ServiceNow community  Integrated the campus through: Community Administrators Beta program Technical committee 

20 Service Catalog Live demo!

21 Knowledge Base  In progress

22 Looking forward… 2014

23 It takes a village…  Ahna Heller  Anita Nichols  Aric Horstman  Arnaud Menut  Brian Donnelly  Caryn DeMoura  Curtis Bray  Dan Wright  Jason Fearing  Justin Anonuevo  Minor Rojas  Morna Mellor  Quico Gonzalez  Tasslyn Gester  Jamie Butler, CoE  Ken Jones, CoE  Steve Pigg, SoE

24 Questions?  Anita Nichols 752-4386 

25 Project Showcase  A Joint Online Testing Experiment and a Vision for Teaching and Digital Technology Dr. James Carey, Professor, Entomology & Mark Redican, Director, Telecommunications & Data Center, IET  The Service Catalog and the Future of IT Service Management Anita Nichols, Client Services Manager, IET  New Developments in Campus Administrative Application Development Prasant Mohapatra, Interim Vice Provost & CIO

26 Internal Audit GOAL:  Survey current administrative application development process and governance and identify areas of improvement Process: Review units with application development functions outside of IET; Identify opportunities to reduce redundancy and improve operations where appropriate. Included CA&ES, Bio. Sci, and L&S. Finding: “Governance remains fractured and a lack of coordinated investment in IT across campus results in unnecessarily redundant or duplicative infrastructures, and conflicting/incompatible development architectures.”

27 Findings: Governance No single body governs administrative app development + resource allocations across campus Limited success with PPM 200-45 (Development & Review of Admin. Computing Systems) Strategic Technology Advisory Committee (STAC) Admin. Application Development Initiative (AADI) Existence of multiple governance fosters barriers to partnerships among units “As a result of these limitations (…) many units choose to obtain, vet and complete application development projects on their own without using a formalized governance process or working with other units to determine if there is a broader campus need that can be addressed with their planned application.”

28 Findings: Staffing Increased reliance on IT to support business needs Large # of IT staff: ~800 FTE; $71.8M Key issues No comprehensive understanding of campus investments in IT staff or job functions Overlapping job functions across colleges, schools & admin units “The lack of clarity re: job functions (…) limits management’s ability to make strategic choices.”

29 Internal Audit: Recommendations REC #1: Governance  Develop and implement a governance structure and an advisory body to the CIO.  The CIO, informed by the advisory body, should provide ongoing oversight of administrative application development across the University.  The governance structure should be designed in such a way as to facilitate allocation of resources in the most efficient and effective manner.   Completion Date: February 15, 2014

30 Internal Audit: Recommendations REC #2: Staffing  Complete a study, including an inventory of IT staff functions that immediately relate to administrative application development, across the campus to support strategic decision-making by campus leadership regarding IT investments.  Identify each administrative application development organization on campus to identify opportunities for consolidation of IT staffing resources and roles, processes, tools and infrastructure.  Completion Date: April 15, 2014

31 Internal Audit: Recommendations REC #3: Varied & Redundant Application Development  Develop guidelines for the use of standardized development tools and infrastructures to ensure that the administrative applications that are developed by the University can be integrated, are scalable, and have the ability to be supported by units across the enterprise.  Identify a plan of action to achieve potential efficiency gains and cost savings for the administrative application development function for the campus.   Completion Date: June 15, 2014

32 Hallway Rumors

33 Reminders  Complete your surveys!  Next IET Staff Meeting – March 19 th, 2014

34 Thanks to  All of you !  Presenters  IET Planning Committee  IETLC

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