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Front End Processes 2010 ITRS
ITRS Public Conference 03 December 2010 Tokyo 2010 FEP ITWG Meeting Participants: US: J. Barnett, R. Jammy, M. Walden, P. Majhi, T. Pan, L. Chang, G. Celler, M. Goldstein Japan: M. Watanabe, Europe: M. Alessandri, Y. Le Tiec clarion2\Spin-off roadshow exhibits\Spinoff_roadshow_05.ppt 3/27/ :35 PM3/27/ :35 PM
2010 ITRS FEP Sub-TWG Leadership
HP MPU ASIC - FEP 2 Prashant Majhi (US) LOP - FEP 3 LSTP - FEP 4 DRAM - FEP 5 Open Floating Gate Flash - FEP 6 Mauro Alessandri (EU) Charge Trapping Flash - FEP 7 PCM - FEP 8 FeRAM - FEP 9 Yoshimasa Horii (JP) Starting Materials - FEP 10 Mike Walden (US) Mike Goldstein (US) Surface Preparation - FEP 11 Joel Barnett (US) Therm/Thin Films/Doping - FEP 12 Prashant Majhi (US) Etch - FEP 13 Tom Lii (US) CMP - FEP 14 Darryl Peters (US)
2010 FEP Update Goals Close PIDS-FEP Table inconsistencies
Address Design Vdd Scaling Concerns Correct DRAM a-Factor in DRAM Table Incorporate any ORTC Scaling Changes Update Surface Prep. Potential Solutions Update CMP Potential Solutions Update Difficult Challenges
2010 Starting Materials Highlights
Minor correction in analysis area for nanotopography table entry (FEP10) to better reflect industry actual practice (from 2 mm diameter to 2 mm x 2mm analysis area) – related footnote I also corrected No other changes
2011 Starting Materials Opportunities
Continue to monitor industry activities related to 450mm development and assess impact on the Starting Materials table entries Several key table items are indicated at 32nm HP and beyond as “Solutions not Known” – these need to be addressed Revisit adding edge roll-off metric(s) – model development dependent (treat in text if model is not available) Consider the possible impact to wafer flatness requirements assuming adoption of EUV for lithography Review progress relative to FinFET potential adoption and revisit “Partially Depleted” silicon starting layer thickness table entries, as appropriate
2010 Surface Prep Update 2010 Updates limited to Potential Solutions
More on Integrated Cleans - Thermal Budget driving needs Multi level resists considered for resist strip Advanced material (Ge/ III-V) considerations for PR and particle removal YE group in agreement that particle models need updating Obtaining pertinent data extremely difficult FEP/YE to discuss best approach
2011 Surface Prep Opportunities
Improving outdated metrics Particles Identify drivers/modules Epi a defect magnifier, pre gate metrics same for gate 1st/last Metals (No longer gate related metrics?) Pre-EPI now more critical? Sum of all 30 < 1E10 CCD? DRAM? Consideration of wafer organic, oxygen and moisture specifications for low temp processing Separate out oxygen as pre-epi and metal (front end vs. BEOL) Identify where there may be a need controlled environments/FOUPS Modify material loss specs per appropriate clean Is current loss spec aggressive enough? Move to 0.1A – reiterate methodology Incorporate loss specs for Spacer SiN, WF metal, High-k? Metal loss spec for DRAM stacked capacitor. Measuring loss a metrology issue Incorporate new materials/architectures – Ge based, III-V, MUG-FinFET Particles probably the same, material loss different? Update BEOL tables for cleans K value shift, CD Loss, bowing, adhesion, particles – steer clear of electrical parameters that aren’t easily measured; suppliers to define, IC houses to approve
Thermal/Thin Films/Doping 2010 Update and 2011 Opportunities
No updates in 2010 Identification of deterministic doping requirements and techniques in 2011 Considerations for Ge and III-V processing in 2011 Close discussion with PIDS-ERM to incorporate high mobility channels as solutions for scaling CMOS for high performance at low power. Include any potential impact of 3D for FEP tables
2010 Etch Update Etch process technology requirement table updated, table listed below Recent advanced litho tool greatly improves across chip line width variation to allow same LWR budget between 2010 and 2011 On-etcher metrology will be needed for further reducing lot to lot and wafer to wafer gate CD variation
2011 Etch Opportunities Update etch potential solutions table
LWR becomes largest portion of gate CD variation. Add VUV resist treatment for potential LWR improvement Include etch induced silicon recess reduction with pulse plasma and new etch chemistry Include alternative channel material etching development Add high-K/MG replacement gate integration highly selective gate metal to gate metal etch Add 3D device highly selective gate etch Continue improving outdated metrics in etch process technology requirement table
HP, LOP, LSTP 2010 Highlights and 2011 Opportunities
Unified Vcc Scaling with PIDS-Design Revise technology insertion points and re-align timelines for major transitions (planar; ETSOI; finFET and for MUGFET and high mobility channels (Ge, III-V)) in consultation with ERD, PIDS Working on including high mobility channels into tables for main technology solution with PIDS-ERM Conducted workshop during VLSI to gather expert opinion Continue with e-workshop’s with experts to include specific targets for the tables. Unify certain device specifications [including speed and power] with PIDS (in consultation with Design) Ion, Ioff, CV/I Roadmap Understand 3D interconnect impact to device (strain, leakage, parasitic’s, etc) with PIDS List N and PFET Tables separately
Memory (DRAM, Floating Gate Flash, Charge Trapping Flash, PCRAM, FeRAM) 2010 Update and 2011 Opportunities No updates in 2010 For 2011, consider adding scaling parameters related to the transistors in the array and periphery for DRAM Incorporate 1 year pull in for DRAM M1 ½ pitch and NAND Flash un-contacted poly ½ pitch Consider adding requirements for 3D memory architectures (Charge Trapping Flash and DRAM) Consider adding STT-RAM requirements
CMP Plans and Opportunities
No update for 2010 Revise 2009 STI tables and text, where necessary Review and revise timetable and metrics Review and revise challenges Review and revise solutions Review and revise text Add section for replacement metal gate Proposed CMP metrics (poly open polish (POP), and metal polish) to be extracted from literature, ISMI, and Sematech Time table, text, challenges, and solutions Define post-CMP cleans requirements Coordinate with Interconnect TWG Avoid duplication of effort clarion2\Spin-off roadshow exhibits\Spinoff_roadshow_05.ppt clarion2\Spin-off roadshow exhibits\Spinoff_roadshow_05.ppt 13 3/27/ :35 PM3/27/ :35 PM 3/27/ :35 PM3/27/ :35 PM
2010 FEP Updates Summary Starting Materials:
Minor correction in analysis area for nanotopography, 2011 activities identified Surface Prep: Updated Potential Solutions Table, 2011 activities identified Thermal/Thin Films/Doping: No updates, 2011 activities identified Etch: Adjust 2011 Line Width Roughness (LWR), 2011 activities identified Stacked DRAM: Non-volatile memories HP/LOP/LSTP Unified Vcc Scaling with PIDS-Design Working with PIDS-ERM on including high mobility channels into 2011 tables for main technology solution Continue with e-workshop’s with experts to include specific targets for the tables. Revising technology insertion points for MUGFET and high mobility channels (III-V) Work with PIDS on 3D interconnect impact to device (strain, leakage, parasitic’s, etc) clarion2\Spin-off roadshow exhibits\Spinoff_roadshow_05.ppt 3/27/ :35 PM3/27/ :35 PM
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