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First Americans BeringiaBeringia Scientists believe that Native Americans migrated from Asia.Scientists believe that Native Americans migrated from Asia.

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Presentation on theme: "First Americans BeringiaBeringia Scientists believe that Native Americans migrated from Asia.Scientists believe that Native Americans migrated from Asia."— Presentation transcript:


2 First Americans BeringiaBeringia Scientists believe that Native Americans migrated from Asia.Scientists believe that Native Americans migrated from Asia. They crossed a land bridge over the modern-day Bering Strait more than 12,000 years ago during the Ice Age.They crossed a land bridge over the modern-day Bering Strait more than 12,000 years ago during the Ice Age.



5 Mesoamerica Maya (250 – 900 AD)Maya (250 – 900 AD) The only Pre-Columbian civilization to have a written language.The only Pre-Columbian civilization to have a written language. Created a sophisticated calendar using advanced mathematical & astronomical skills.Created a sophisticated calendar using advanced mathematical & astronomical skills. Created a pictograph language.Created a pictograph language.


7 Mesoamerica Aztecs (1100 – 1521)Aztecs (1100 – 1521) Located at modern-day Central Mexico.Located at modern-day Central Mexico. Built capital city of Tenochtitlan on series of swamps.Built capital city of Tenochtitlan on series of swamps. Montezuma was King.Montezuma was King. Very warlike people.Very warlike people. Used prisoners to sacrifice to their sun god.Used prisoners to sacrifice to their sun god.


9 Mesoamerica Inca (1200 – 1533)Inca (1200 – 1533) Located at modern-day Peru, South America.Located at modern-day Peru, South America. 1 st Ancient Native American civilization to create a record keeping process. (Quipus)1 st Ancient Native American civilization to create a record keeping process. (Quipus) Built more than 10,000 miles of stone roads.Built more than 10,000 miles of stone roads. Cusco was capital city.Cusco was capital city. Quechua was official language, still spoken today.Quechua was official language, still spoken today.


11 Early North American Eastern WoodlandEastern Woodland The major language was the Iroquois.The major language was the Iroquois. Used slash-and-burn agriculture.Used slash-and-burn agriculture. Families lived in wigwams.Families lived in wigwams. Area tribes of the East formed the Iroquois League.Area tribes of the East formed the Iroquois League.


13 Early North American Southeastern TribesSoutheastern Tribes These tribes were farmers.These tribes were farmers. Women were farmers and men were hunters.Women were farmers and men were hunters. These tribes were Matriarchal.These tribes were Matriarchal. Lived in Long-Houses.Lived in Long-Houses.


15 Early North American Plains TribesPlains Tribes Located from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River.Located from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River. Followed the buffalo – Used for food, clothing, shelter and tools.Followed the buffalo – Used for food, clothing, shelter and tools. Nomadic – Used the teepee (1 st Mobile Home)Nomadic – Used the teepee (1 st Mobile Home)


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