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Trilinos Strategic (and Tactical) Planning Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United.

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Presentation on theme: "Trilinos Strategic (and Tactical) Planning Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trilinos Strategic (and Tactical) Planning Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.

2 Outline of Talk  Strategic Goals.  Future Trilinos Presentations.  Decisions: Made, pending, emerging.  Brainstorming.

3 Trilinos Strategic Goals  Scalable Computations: As problem size and processor counts increase, the cost of the computation will remain nearly fixed.  Hardened Computations: Never fail unless problem essentially intractable, in which case we diagnose and inform the user why the problem fails and provide a reliable measure of error.  Full Vertical Coverage: Provide leading edge enabling technologies through the entire technical application software stack: from problem construction, solution, analysis to optimization.  Grand Universal Interoperability: All Trilinos packages will be interoperable, so that any combination of packages that makes sense algorithmically will be possible within Trilinos and with compatible external software.  Universal Accessibility: All Trilinos capabilities will be available to users of major computing environments: C++, Fortran, Python and the Web, and from the desktop to the latest scalable systems.  Universal Solver RAS: Trilinos will be:  Integrated into every major application at Sandia (Availability).  The leading edge hardened, efficient, scalable solution for each of these applications (Reliability).  Easy to maintain and upgrade within the application environment (Serviceability). Algorithmic Goals Software Goals

4 Trilinos Presentation Forums  HPCSW Workshop Tutorial  High Performance Computer Science Week (HPCSW)  Successor to LACSI Symposium.  March 31 – April 4, 2008, Denver.  ACTS “Hands-on” Tutorial:  Aug 19-21, 2008 (approximate).  At Lawrence Berkeley Lab, Berkeley, CA, USA.  Next Trilinos User Group Meeting:  Proposal: Oct 21-23, 2008.  Old LACSI Symposium week.  At Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, USA.  SciDAC Conference (tentative).  July13-17, 2008.  Seattle.  SC2008 Tutorial?

5 Decisions Made: Scope  Trilinos scope is larger: capabilities, customers, platforms.  Capabilities key descriptors: When is a package appropriate for Trilinos?  Embeddable, reusable, interoperable.  Scientific/engineering.  Not applications (but probably app components in the future).  Others?  Customers:  NNSA, DOE Office of Science.  DoD, DHS, general WFO.  Broader community.  Platforms:  All Oses: Unix/Linux, Windows, Mac  Standard command line, Visual Studio, Xcode.  Goal: Downloadable self-extracting archives. Cmake is the ticket.

6 Decisions Pending: Aggregation  40+ packages: Aggregation necessary in some way.  Miller’s Law: 7 +/- 2.  How to aggregate?  Already some:  Epetra_Operator/RowMatrix.  Thyra operators evaluators.  Stratimikos.  How do we build on this?  No reason to introduce hierarchy in repository.  Aggregation in: Concept, documentation, packaging.  Big question: What gets put together?  Proposal: Start with Stratimikos-related packages?

7 Decisions Emerging: TDD  Rigor alternative?  TDD Steps: 1.Write the test. 2.Test and prove it failed. 3.Write code. 4.Prove test passed.  Test-driven development.  How?  Make test registration easier.  Inspections: Higher priority.  How do we facilitate?  Actions: Develop checklist for closing bug review: –Code review, confirm that test checked. –Second person signs off on bug. Add item to release checklist asking if code was reviewed.

8 Decisions Emerging: Others  Source management:  Continue looking at options.  M. Eldred brings up good arguments for SVN.  Trilinos Advisory Group:  Group of Trilinos technical stakeholders.  Quarterly phone meetings.  Communication of framework related issues.  Meant to communicate and avoid misunderstandings: SIERRA BJAM decision. If TAG around, could have avoided a lot of confusing discussion.

9 Risks: Infrastructure staffing  Loss of (and risk of loss of) critical skill sets:  Mike Phenow plans to leave at the end of January.  Present staffing model for infrastructure is weak, unattractive.  Staffing for support is less than 2 years ago (1.5 vs. 2), size of project much larger.  Working toward a matrixed solution.  ID’ed an additional role: scientific programmer.

10 Brainstorming  What’s missing from the vertical software stack?  Goal: Build an application using Trilinos building blocks.  Only the physics or similar is unique.  Andy’s list.  Tools for AtC interaction: Helgi Adelsteinssen, RichL. Mike Parks, Greg Wagner, Kevin Long.  Interaction with UQ efforts (John Red-Horse).  Builds from an app perspective.  Other topics?  Performance and scalability:  Can apps use Trilinos to get performance beyond previous capabilities?  Performance benchmarks in apps.  What are the drivers?

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