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Social Institutions Family.

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1 Social Institutions Family

2 The family is the most important primary group in society
The family is the most important primary group in society.It is the simplest and the most elementary form of society. It is the basic form of all social groupings.It is the first and most immediate social environment to which a child is exposed.The family, as an institution is universal.

3 The word ‘Family’has been taken over from Latin word’Famulus,’which means a servant . Thus , originally , family consisted of a man and woman with a child or children and servants.

4 “Family is a more or less durable association of husband and wife with or without child, or of a man or woman alone, with children.” Nimkoff “Family is a group defined by sex relationship sufficiently precise and enduring to provide for the procreation and upbringing of children.” Maciver

5 “Family is a group of persons united by ties of marriage, blood or adoption constituting a single household interacting and intercommunicating with each other in their respective social roles of husband and wife, father and mother , son and daughter, brother and sister creating a common culture.” Burgess and Locke

6 Elements/Characteristics/Features of family
Universal Nature Emotional basis Formative influence Nuclear Position in the social structure. Unlimited responsibility of the members Social regulations

7 Permanent and Temporary nature of the family
A mating relationship Selection of mates A form of marriage A system of nomenclature A way of Tracing the descent

8 A common residence An economic Provision Social Control Blood relation Helpful in socialisation Family is an association

9 Types of Family On the basis of marriage- Monogamous family
Polygamous family Polyandrous family On the basis of nature of residence- Patrilocal family Matrilocal family Neolocal family

10 On the basis of descent -
Patrilineal family Matrilineal family On the basis of members - Nuclear family Joint family Extended family

11 On the basis of authority -
Matriarchal family Patriarchal family

12 Functions of family Broadly of two types- Primary &Secondary Functions
Primary Functions Satisfaction of sexual needs Reproduction or Procreation Production and rearing of children Provision of home

13 Provides physical security
Provides psychological security Provision of clothing Provision of food Secondary functions – Educational functions Economic functions

14 Division of labour Provision of income and property Inheritance Social functions Provision of status Transmission of experience from generation to generation Social control Recreational functions

15 Agent of socialisation
Agent of transmitting culture Development of human characteristics Standardisation of behavioural pattern Cultural functions Religious functions Political functions

16 Factors responsible for the changes in Family
Economic Factors Industrialisation Economic independence Working mothers High living standard

17 Mobility in population
Higher education among females Urbanisation Commercialised entertainment Revolution among the Youth Political Factors

18 2.Social Factors Dominance of state over parents Voting rights to females 3.Philosophical Factors Decline of religious basis of marriage Materialistic ideology

19 New pattern of moral values
Individualistic ideology Recrational function

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