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What makes a Successful Free School Application? Learning From the Experience of Others Saturday 15 th September 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "What makes a Successful Free School Application? Learning From the Experience of Others Saturday 15 th September 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 What makes a Successful Free School Application? Learning From the Experience of Others Saturday 15 th September 2012

2 Application Process – Deadline 4 January 2013 2  Build your team and set out your vision.  Prepare a detailed application including: – Curriculum and delivery; – School organisation and staffing; – Evidence of demand; – Consideration of possible premises – Operating model; and – Budgets.  Set up company limited by guarantee.  Submit application to DfE.

3 The Pre-Opening Phase 3  Prepare school for admission of first cohort of students, including: – Readying physical building; – Completing all legal procedures; – Recruiting staff; – Running consultation; – Ensuring policies are in place; and – Running admissions.  Sign funding agreement with DfE.  Pass pre-opening Ofsted inspection.  Open school.

4 First few years of opening 4  First few years of operations, during which school may not be at capacity.  Finalising touches to premises, staff recruitment, etc may happen during this time.  Initial Ofsted inspection within the first two years.

5 Things to avoid: Planning a good application 5  Meets a clear, evidenced need in the community  Will be delivered by a strong team who can devote sufficient time to the project. Clear distinction made between bought in expertise and expertise within project group  Leaves sufficient time for tasks other than writing (e.g. gathering evidence of demand) A good application:  Not identifying your team’s skills gaps, and not being upfront with the DfE about any additional expertise needed  Not considering your plans for the pre-opening phase and/or when the school is up and running

6 Things to avoid: A good application: Writing a good application  Has a clear vision for the Free School which informs the entire application – each decision is justified  Provides a clear strategic plan for the delivery of the school  Meets the DfE’s criteria clearly and concisely (word limit)  Uses a style appropriate for the points you are making 6  Contradictory information in different sections of your application  Leaving writing your application to the last minute  Exemplars – all applications are different and must be a reflection of your distinctive vision

7 Meet and Greet NSN Team 7  Advisers’ introductions  Meet your adviser

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