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Title V Fee Committee: Answers to July 2013 Questions September 11, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Title V Fee Committee: Answers to July 2013 Questions September 11, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title V Fee Committee: Answers to July 2013 Questions September 11, 2013

2 Committee Follow-Up Questions Supply Costs # 1: Per the 2012 Report, the Supply Costs have increased significantly, why? Answer: During Calendar Year 2012 there were routine purchases that needed to be made. We typically pay for these purchases out of other accounts to reduce the burden on Title V Fee Payers. However, because of the federal continuing joint resolution we had a reduction in grant funds and we shifted some of the expenses to Title V. These numbers reflect what we can expect to see in future supply expenses for Title V. $30,391.84 – Monitoring Equipment $12,588.08 – New Computers $20,310.08 – Typical Supplies

3 Committee Follow-Up Questions Non-Payments # 2:How many facilities have failed to pay fees for more than 1 year? How much? Answer: In 2012 we changed the status of a facility that should not have been considered a synthetic minor and improperly billed them $21,000. We also canceled permits for 6 facilities with a total debt of $176,490. We are currently evaluating how to collect the debt from the cancelled facilities. There are currently 6 facilities that are late on payments for more than one year. One of those facilities has worked out a payment plan with the Department. For 2013 the current revenue pending is $205,961. Of that pending revenue, $40,763 is from quarterly payers, leaving $165,198 due from delinquent accounts.

4 Committee Follow-Up Questions Non-Payments # 3:Have late fees been applied to delinquent facilities? Answer: Not Yet. We are working with our accounting office to apply late fees to outstanding 2012 debt for the delinquent accounts.

5 Committee Follow-Up Questions Non-Payments # 4:What options do we have to collect back Fees? Answer: We are currently consulting with our legal office.

6 Committee Follow-Up Questions Staffing/Personnel # 5:What is DAQ’s total number of authorized positions? Answer: 68.0 FTEs

7 Committee Follow-Up Questions Staffing/Personnel # 6: What is DAQ’s Department level personnel cap? Answer: 63.0 FTEs

8 Committee Follow-Up Questions Staffing/Personnel # 7: Per the List of Authorized Personnel, how many positions are Title V funded? Answer: 35.8 FTEs

9 Strategic Communication #8: How has DAQ communicated our reorganization and strategic planning efforts to the regulated community? Answer: Through the recent Title V committee meeting and the Title V Status Report. We are open to providing a presentation at a chamber meeting. We can also place information on our DAQ website and in our Office of Environmental Protection Newsletter.

10 Permit Application Problems #9:How is DAQ addressing the incomplete permit application and “rush” application problem that has been increasing? Answer: DAQ would like to hold a permitting seminar, but has not had the resources to develop a session. We are considering the Title V Fee Committee’s recommendation to develop a webinar, but the same resource restrictions apply.

11 House Bill for Fee Administration Continue discussion on Non-Title V Fees

12 Schedule Proposal from Title V Fee Committee for Fee Schedule by October 15, 2013 Meet to Review Proposal by October 31, 2013 Meet in Early December 2013 to Resolve Outstanding Issues Final Agreed Upon Legislation by January 31, 2013

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