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Principle of Management

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1 Principle of Management
BY Muhammad Suleman MBA MIT BSC (COMPUTER)

2 Scope of Lecture What is Human Resource Management
Importance of Human Resource Management Functions of HRM What is job analysis Job description and job specification concept What is job design. What is job enrichment, job enlargement , What is job rotation What is Hiring Process What is selecting process Orientation VS Socialization concept.

3 What is Human Resource Management
A basic concept of management states that manager works in organizations. Organization has three basic components: People Purpose Structure. HRM is the study of activates regarding people working in an organization.

4 What is Human Resource Management
HRM is a managerial function that tries to match an organization’s needs to the skills and abilities of its employees Let’s see what is meant by the three key terms… human, resource, and management. Human (Social Animal) Resources (Human, Physical, Financial, Technical, Informational etc) Management (Function of Planning, Organizing, Leading & Controlling of organizational resources to accomplish goals efficiently and effectively)

5 What is Human Resource Management
HRM is the management of people working in an organization HRM is a subject related to human. For simplicity, we can say that it is the management of humans or people. HRM is responsible for how people are managed in the organizations. HRM is responsible for bringing people in organization helping them perform their work, compensating them for their work and solve the problems if arises.

6 Importance of HRM The success of organizations increasingly depends on people embodied know-how- the knowledge and abilities imbedded in an organization's members. This knowledge base is the foundation of an organization' core competencies (integrated knowledge sets within an organization that distinguish it from its competitors and deliver value to customers HRM plays important role in creating organizations and helping them survive

7 Function of HRM Staffing (HR planning, recruitment and selection)
Human resource Training and development Compensation and benefits Safety and health

8 JOB ANAYLSIS Job Analysis is the systematic process of collecting and making judgments about all the important information related to a job. Job analysis is the procedure through which you determine the duties and nature of the jobs and the kinds of people who should be hired for them.

9 JOB ANALYSIS Purpose of Job Analysis:
Job analysis is used to acquire the information in following areas Major duties or activities required Conditions under which the job is performed

10 Job Analysis So this process helps us to learn the following concepts: • Job: A group of tasks that must be performed if an organization is to achieve its goals. • Position: The tasks and responsibilities performed by one person; there is a position for every individual in an organization. • Task: A distinct, identifiable work activity • Duty: A larger work segment composed of several tasks that are performed by an individual. • Responsibility: An obligation to perform certain tasks and duties.

11 Job Analysis Outcome Following are the outcomes : Job Specification
Job Description Job Evaluation

12 Job Analysis Outcome Job Description:
A job description is a written statement of what the jobholder actually does, how he or she does it, and under what conditions the job is performed. There is no standard format for writing job descriptions, but most descriptions include sections on: • job summary • responsibilities, and duties • standards of performance • working conditions

13 Job Analysis Outcome Job Specification:
It tries to describe the key qualifications someone needs to perform the job successfully. It tells the important attributes of a person in terms of education, experience, skills, knowledge and abilities (SKAs) to perform a particular job. I

14 Job Analysis Outcome Job Evaluation: ?

15 Job Enrichment Job enrichment is an attempt to motivate employees by giving them the opportunity to use the range of their abilities. Job enrichment may be implemented by forming natural work groups, combining tasks, establishing client relationships, and having open feedback channels

16 Job Enlargement Job enlargement means increasing the scope of a job through extending the range of its job duties and responsibilities.\ In job enlargement workers are assigned some additional tasks in order to increase the number of tasks that they have to perform The continual enlargement of a job over time is also known as 'job creep,' which can lead to an unmangable workload

17 Job rotation In job rotation employees are shifted to different jobs.
It helps employee to learn more skills and knowledge in different fields.

18 Job design Job design refers to the number and nature of activities in the job. The key issue is whether the job should be more specialized or more enriched and non routine.

19 HIRING PROCESS HR hiring process involves the activities that are required to make the workforce or staff available to fill and keep filled different positions in the organization. This process includes the following steps Recruitment Selection Socialization

20 HIRING PROCESS Recruitment: It is the foundation of selection.
It is the process of generating a pool of qualified candidates for a particular job. Here we try to attract more employees to apply for our organization in terms of good salary, incentives etc.

the process of making a “hire” or “no hire” decision regarding to each applicant for a job. Here we check out a particular person to be hired. It is the process of picking the best one from the applicant pool, and picking the right person for the right place.

22 HIRING PROCESS Socialization: it is important activity of H R.
The process of orienting new employees to the organization or the unit in which they will be working. When a person is hired in the organization then it is necessary that person must know the culture of the organization.

23 Selection Process HR selection is the process of choosing qualified individuals who are available to fill positions in an organization. It involves judgment about not only applicant but about the fit between the person and the job. So here we create a match between a person and a job.

24 Steps in Selection Process
Initial screening. Application Form Pre employment testing Interviews Background Checks Medical Exam/ Drug Tests Selection Decision.

25 QUIZ NO 3 Q1- What is decision Making, and under what conditions we make decisions. Q2- What is Rational Decision Making, provide steps and also provide a simple example? Q3- What is Bounded Rationality provide a real life example?

26 Steps in Selection Process
Initial screening. Here we separate qualified and disqualify candidates for the job. The purpose is to decrease the number of applicant being considered for selection.

27 Steps in Selection Process
Application Form: It is a formal record of an individual’s application for employment. Employment Tests: Mostly intelligence , aptitude , Psychometric and honesty tests are taken

28 Steps in Selection Process
Job Interview: Interviews are conducted because some points are not cleared in tests so they call for interview Here different people are involved specially HR managers, supervisors, subject specialists, psychological expert. Mostly in interviews confident, behavior, personality is checked

29 Steps in Selection Process
Background Investigation: Accuracy of application form Contact Reference Verification of Education Legal status to work Criminal record Medical /drug Test Selection Decision: Offer permanent job offer Probation period:

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