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The National Business Coalition on Health Community Health Planning Grant Application Expectations January 31, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "The National Business Coalition on Health Community Health Planning Grant Application Expectations January 31, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 The National Business Coalition on Health Community Health Planning Grant Application Expectations January 31, 2011

2 Introductions Dennis White, NBCH – Overview and goals Liza Greenberg – Application management process Suzanne Mercure - Community Health Planning Lead Shelly Espinosa – United Health Foundation

3 Today’s Purpose Purpose of Community Health Planning Grants program Eligible applicants and projects Application and selection process Grant management plan Address questions

4 Program Funder Funding by United Health Foundation Jointly managed by NBCH/CCHI and UHF

5 What are the Planning Grants? Coalition lead partnerships with governmental public health and other stakeholders Address America’s Health Ranking indicator Formal prioritization and planning process to target a specific indicator Result: Community Action Plan that addresses programs, policies, and fundraising Funding 25-50k 9 month projects

6 Eligibility and Priority Issues NBCH member coalition Partnership with public health and others Community data Support of key stakeholders Knowledge of existing planning efforts Employer involvement AHR relevant project

7 What Will Coalitions Do? Any health indicator in Identify public and private data to support decision making Stakeholders review data and determine priorities Summit Comprehensive plan development Stakeholder endorsement of final plan

8 Examples of community indicators Prevalence of smoking Prevalence of binge drinking Prevalence of obesity Infectious disease Immunization coverage MUST BE HEALTH INDICATOR

9 Management Process CCHI lead and overseen Contracts issued to coalitions CCHI technical assistance, template development, and evaluation support Funding is milestone based Progress reporting and final plan using defined template is required

10 Selection Process Independent review committee Coalition, academic, public health Review panel evaluation of applications Coalition and geographic diversity Budget Capability Joint decision making by CCHI/UHF

11 Expectations – Coalition Capability Factors Experience Staffing plan Working relationships with public health Employer-member support Letters of support (member, public health, other stakeholder)

12 Expectations: Community assessment Specify the community or region Identify and show use of community Identify existing community health planning activities Describe past participation with community health activities and future coordination

13 Expectations - Description Details on how coalition will implement summit, subsequent planning efforts, and plan development Deliverables /Timeline – short is fine – we are looking to see you’ve thought through the process steps to get through priority setting and planning Fine to use / cite existing model

14 Expectations – Community Action Plan There will be obstacles – anticipate them and plan for them The “getting it done” part should be in your plan – how will you implement and fund execution of activities identified in plan Evaluation – two parts: coalition will evaluate the process of planning, the plan should address evaluation of the impact of interventions

15 Expectations – Budget and Staffing Reasonable budget up to $50 k (less is preferred) Budget linked to tasks and deliverables Reasonable staffing plan 9 month or less project In kind or matching preferred but not required The final project Action Plan is required to show plan for identifying resources

16 Timeline Email re intent to apply 2/4 Applications Due February 28, 2011 April 1, 2011 – decisions announced April 15, 2011 – projects start September 2011 – summits should be complete February 2012 – consensus supported plans complete

17 Miscellaneous Applicants that cannot carry out the project as proposed will be asked to return funds United and NBCH will have role in guiding/support activities and may participate in summits

18 Questions?

19 Contact: Liza Greenberg, RN, MPH Cell: 301 928 5909 Email:

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