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MPRN Creation Workgroup Tuesday 27 th March 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "MPRN Creation Workgroup Tuesday 27 th March 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 MPRN Creation Workgroup Tuesday 27 th March 2012

2 Agenda  Introduction  Meeting scope  MPRN creation process overviews  High level overview  ‘FOM’ creation process  Triggers for MPRN Creation  Review scenario’s  Issues/exposure with current process  Review links to Shipperless & Unregistered sites  A.O.B.

3 Meeting scope  Stand alone ‘focus’ workgroup  Strictly distinct from Uniform Network Code MOD’s  Consensus to be met across industry participants  Aspire to formulate a ‘Best Practise’ document

4 MPRN Creation overview Shipper Shipper Identifies a site without an existing MPRN UIP has a new connection & requires new MPRN UIP submits FOM via ConQuest (inc. allocated MPRN) Requests rec’d & validated/DUP checks undertaken Xoserve create/reject MPRN as necessary UIP Response updated to Conquest & visible to requestor Shipper views response on ConQuest UIP receives QMR, QMJ, QCL files the following AM via email Shipper receives QMR, QMJ files throughout day via IX QCL after 8pm APPENDIX UIP:Utility Infrastructure Provider (Connection Company) FOM: ConQuest Contact Code for MPRN requests from UIP MNC:ConQuest Contact Code for MPRN requests from Shipper ConQuest:Xoserve Query Management System Shipper Submits MNC via ConQuest Response files.QMR.QMJ.QCL are sent

5 MPRN Creation process - FOM SOS 95% of requests to be resolved within D+1 Customer Shipper Developer End Consumer UIP confirms job acceptance & allocates MPRN UIP notifies customer & Xoserve of allocated MPRN xoserve validate & create MPRN on UK Link Xoserve notify UIP MPRN set up Xoserve allocate batches of MPRN’s to requesting UIP’s Customer requests service quote UIP produces quote Customer accepts quote

6 Triggers for MPRN Creation a) Service laid at same point on the main (Alteration of service, Service replacement & Capacity increase) b) Old service disconnected and new service fitted at a different location in the gas main

7 c) Old service disconnected and new service fitted at different main d) Additional service fitted at different points in same gas main Triggers for MPRN Creation

8 e) House converted to flats old service removed and additional services fitted at different points in the same gas main f) House converted to flats and existing service changed to flat 1 and additional services fitted at different points in the same gas main Triggers for MPRN Creation

9 g) New service laid at any point on the main (New Development) also Plot address Triggers for MPRN Creation

10 Issues with current process Connection company MPRN cancelation requests: 2011 JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC Total 536269226233205147247179224200111153 2730  Meters fitted; Shipper/Supplier not informed  Cancelation requests: Suspected low volumes;

11 Links to S&U sites  At the point of MPRN request;  Created prematurely  Created erroneously & not cancelled  Circa 105k MPRN’s created in 2011  ‘FOM’ = 85k & ‘MNC’ =20k  Inflation of Shipperless & Unregistered population

12 Links to S&U sites

13 AOB  Any other business?  Thanks for your attendance…  … your contribution & support

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