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E-Cert Version 2 A Presentation by Maggie Chilton for a Chamber of Commerce.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Cert Version 2 A Presentation by Maggie Chilton for a Chamber of Commerce."— Presentation transcript:

1 e-Cert Version 2 A Presentation by Maggie Chilton for a Chamber of Commerce

2 EXPORTER REGISTRATION name) From the opening page read the terms and conditions and find out the software requirements Before you can access the site you must complete the registration details

3 The exporter completes all the company details and accepts the terms and conditions Issuing Body Password will be given to you by your Chamber, contact your local chamber for more information and details.

4 The user password must be at least 7 digits including at least 1 number. Once completed hit the submit button.

5 If any field has not been completed a prompt will be shown on screen The exporter will receive a message giving login details and the Chamber will receive a copy by email – please keep a note of this ID for future use

6 Using the login details that have been received log in to the Chamber site

7 Main Screen This is the first screen that the exporter sees. The message is controlled by the Chamber. ALWAYS READ THIS MESSAGE BEFORE PROCEEDING

8 Administration User Settings – The main user of the system can add additional users, edit existing users or delete users

9 Administration - Signatures A scanned signature must be uploaded before an application can be submitted The Chamber can help with the signature if you require

10 Scanned Signatures The format for the signature must be: Microsoft.bmp format Maximum size- half inch high x two inches wide Black and White, 300dpi Maximum size 30Kb When signature has been scanned and saved go to the administration – signature page. Name of signatory should be shown in full (this is what will appear on the documents) Upload the signature by browsing and clicking on the saved signature file.

11 Database Files All information stored in these files can be drawn on for future applications

12 Database Files-Exporters, Buyers,Consignees The information given in the database files is the information that will appear on the documents

13 Invoice Declarations As many declarations as required can be stored in the database

14 Charge Template and Item Templates These templates are used when the exporter has regular line items that they ship The Charge template is for charges other than for the goods eg. freight, insurance, post and packing etc.

15 Applications ‘Applications’ is where you view, edit, create and delete applications. The applications can be sorted by using the fields on the left

16 Creating a New Application using database information Click on new application and give the application a new and unique reference, Indicate what documents you want to create Save changes- this takes you to the completion screen

17 New application A new application can be made by either using information already stored in the database or by creating new details or by using an application template that has already been set up.

18 Always save changes To get information into the application from the database click on the headings on the left

19 Select the record required and then ‘associate’ Select the next area of the database that you wish to access and associate.

20 Alternatively you may have created application templates in which case click on the template required and edit that accordingly

21 You can add a new exporter/consignee /buyer by using the headings on the left instead of accessing the database files

22 Once the application has been completed the exporter can save it for future use or save it and send to the Chamber

23 I2i Document Viewer Click on Download Viewer This is done only once but must be done before viewing or printing

24 I2i Document Viewer Follow the on screen instructions

25 Sending the documents to the Chamber Select which application is to be sent and click on ‘send button’

26 You can copy and edit previous applications You can also print the documents onto white paper for reference purposes

27 Printing the documents Click Print Select which documents Click Print Preview Select open

28 View, Adjust Settings and Print

29 The positioning of the document on the Certificate of Origin can be adjusted by using ‘Settings’ To print the documents click ‘print’. A box will tell you which stationery to load.

30 EXPORTER BENEFITS FREE to access Allows you to create a range of documents including EC Certificates of Oring, Arab Certificates of Origin and Invoices Stores information on a database for future access Saves time and money No more repetitive typing Professional end product No need to fax back ‘pink’ applications Available for use 24 hours a day

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