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When Neutrality Act: Neutrality Act: 1935 and 1937 1935 and 1937 Lend-Lease Act: Lend-Lease Act: March 11, 1941 March 11, 1941 Start of WWII in Europe:

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Presentation on theme: "When Neutrality Act: Neutrality Act: 1935 and 1937 1935 and 1937 Lend-Lease Act: Lend-Lease Act: March 11, 1941 March 11, 1941 Start of WWII in Europe:"— Presentation transcript:



3 When Neutrality Act: Neutrality Act: 1935 and 1937 1935 and 1937 Lend-Lease Act: Lend-Lease Act: March 11, 1941 March 11, 1941 Start of WWII in Europe: Start of WWII in Europe: September 1, 1939 September 1, 1939 Attack on Pearl Harbor: Attack on Pearl Harbor: December 7, 1941 December 7, 1941 D-Day – Attack on Normandy: D-Day – Attack on Normandy: June 6, 1944 June 6, 1944 Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan: Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan: August 6, 1945 August 6, 1945 Atomic Bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan: Atomic Bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan: August 9, 1945 August 9, 1945 V-E Day (Victory in Europe): V-E Day (Victory in Europe): May 8, 1945 May 8, 1945 V-J Day (Victory over Japan): V-J Day (Victory over Japan): September 2, 1945 September 2, 1945


5 Who Axis Powers: Axis Powers: Germany, Italy, Japan Germany, Italy, Japan Allied Powers: Allied Powers: United States, Great Britain, Soviet Union, France, China, Canada, Belgium, Poland United States, Great Britain, Soviet Union, France, China, Canada, Belgium, Poland


7 Where European Theater: European Theater: Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Poland, Great Britain Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Poland, Great Britain Pacific Theater: Pacific Theater: Midway, Philippines, Guam, Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, Coral Sea, Okinawa, & Mainland Japan Midway, Philippines, Guam, Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, Coral Sea, Okinawa, & Mainland Japan Other Theaters: Other Theaters: Northern Africa & Atlantic Northern Africa & Atlantic


9 Why (Causes of World War II) (Immediate Causes) (Immediate Causes) Japan invades China Japan invades China Germany Invades Poland Germany Invades Poland Japanese attack Pearl Harbor Japanese attack Pearl Harbor

10 Why (Causes of World War II) (Long Term Causes) (Long Term Causes) Great Depression Great Depression Rise of Dictators Rise of Dictators Italy, Germany, & Japan expand their territory Italy, Germany, & Japan expand their territory The policy of appeasement fails The policy of appeasement fails


12 What (Effects of World War II) (Immediate Effects) (Immediate Effects) 34 Million soldiers dead 34 Million soldiers dead Axis Powers defeated Axis Powers defeated Founding of United Nations Founding of United Nations Destruction of Europe Destruction of Europe

13 What (Effects of World War II (Long Term Effects) (Long Term Effects) The Marshall Plan rebuilds Europe The Marshall Plan rebuilds Europe The Soviet Union dominates Eastern Europe The Soviet Union dominates Eastern Europe The Cold War between U.S. & Soviet Union begins The Cold War between U.S. & Soviet Union begins The United States becomes the dominate World Power The United States becomes the dominate World Power

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