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Winning with leadership! annual conference 2011 aston business school 18 h may 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Winning with leadership! annual conference 2011 aston business school 18 h may 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 winning with leadership! annual conference 2011 aston business school 18 h may 2011

2 who the hell is andy hanselman?

3 i research, write about, talk about and work with high performance organisations (and have been for over 20 years!)



6 how I work…….




10 awareness assessment action


12 what do we want from our people?

13 committed, motivated, effective

14 what do our people want from us?

15 5 key things..... the ability to convey a clear vision the ability to deal with challenges a commitment to high quality valuing employees (and their opinions) having the confidence of employees the kenexa research institute’s 2010 worktrends research report, exploring leadership and managerial effectiveness

16 we’re not performing! the kenexa research institute’s 2010 worktrends research report, exploring leadership and managerial effectiveness “less than 50% of uk employees believe their leaders are ‘performing effectively’ in these areas!”

17 what’s the difference between management and leadership?

18 managers maintain the status quo monitor situation allocate resources communicate targets measure the results feedback on the trends

19 leaders strategic thinkers look forward and create visions challenge motivate inspire engage

20 7 ideas to help you ‘win’ with your leadership

21 idea 1 – ‘on’, not ‘in’!

22 strategic operational tactical on in

23 it’s ok to go for a walk!

24 idea 2 – get that ‘vision thing’

25 getting that ‘vision thing’ “creating a clear picture of the future that ‘stimulates, excites and inspires”

26 what does a vision look like?

27 a vision....... is not simply a set of financial figures or targets is not a business plan is not a ‘pie in the sky’ idea is more than words in the principal’s annual speech at the staff conference

28 a vision is a picture of the future that we want is a point of strategic focus for the leadership of the organisation or team is something for everyone to work towards

29 a leader's job is to rally people toward a better future marcus buckingham

30 imagine the future - what does it hold for your college? err.......are you sure?

31 “well-informed people know it is impossible to transmit the voice over wires and that were it possible to do so, the thing would be of no practical value” editorial in the boston post 1865

32 “heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible” lord kelvin,mathematician, physicist, and president of the british royal society, 1865

33 “the telephone has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. the device is inherently of no value to us” western union internal memo,1876

34 “i think there is a world market for about five computers” thomas watson, chairman of ibm, 1943

35 “there is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home” ken olsen, president of dec at the convention of the world future society, 1977

36 “640k ought to be enough for anybody” bill gates, 1981

37 “by the end of the year the ipod will be dead, kaput, finished” sir alan sugar, early 2005

38 “you’ll look great wearing that hat at the wedding sis” beatrice to eugenie and eugenie to beatrice, 2011

39 what does your vision look like?

40 what will we have in place by the end of may 2012?

41 what will we have in place by the end of november 2011?

42 people tell us they need to know:

43 how is this vision relevant to me?

44 what specifically do you want me to do?

45 how will I be measured?

46 what consequences will I face?

47 what tools and support are available?

48 what’s in it for me?

49 how are we doing?

50 the leader’s role?

51 to help people answer these questions!

52 idea 3 - get ‘engaged’

53 what uk workers really think about work

54 ?? % are actively ‘ engaged ’ ?? % aren ’ t engaged ?? % are actively ‘ disengaged ’ = 100% ?? % want to work hard and do their best ?? % worked just hard enough to avoid being fired! ?? % believe they could be significantly more productive Source: Gallup

55 17 % are actively ‘ engaged ’ 63 % aren ’ t engaged 20 % are actively ‘ disengaged ’ = 100% 88 % want to work hard and do their best 50 % worked just hard enough to avoid being fired! 75 % believe they could be significantly more productive Source: Gallup

56 the benefits of an ‘engaged’ workforce

57 50% more likely to have lower staff turnover source: gallup

58 56% more likely to have higher than average customer loyalty source: gallup

59 38% more likely to have above average productivity source: gallup

60 27% more likely to report higher profitability source: gallup

61 give your people a damn good listening to

62 i know what is expected of me at work? i have the materials and equipment that i need in order to do my work right? work, do i have the opportunity to do what i do best every day? the past seven days, have i received recognition or praise for doing good work? 5.does my supervisor, or someone at work, seem to care about me as a person? there someone at work who encourages my development? Source: Q12, The Gallup Organisation 12 questions to consider.....

63 Source: Q12, The Gallup Organisation 12 questions to consider..... work, do my opinions seem to count? 8.does the mission or purpose of my company make me feel that my job is important? 9.are my coworkers committed to doing quality work? i have a best friend at work? the past six months, has someone at work talked to me about my progress? 12.this past year, have i had opportunities at work to learn and grow?

64 idea 4 – create leaders, not followers


66 idea 5: ‘create an UBER culture’

67 what exactly is culture?

68 a classic definition of ‘culture’ “a pattern of shared basic assumptions that the group learned as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valid and therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems” edgar schein, organisational culture and leadership, 1993

69 my definition of culture “the way we do things around here”

70 creating an UBER culture! people Understand what’s expected of them in terms of behaviours and behave accordingly and consistently systems and processes are Built to reinforce those behaviours people are Engaged, Empowered and Encouraged to act in line with them people are Rewarded and Recognised for doing so!

71 it’s not what you say…… it’s what you do!


73 what do you do to reinforce your values in your organisation?

74 “i never had control, and I never wanted it. if you create an environment where the people truly participate, you don’t need control” herb kelleher, founder, southwest airlines “ there may be 50 ways to leave your lover, but there are only 4 ways out of this airplane." “your bags will be available on carrousel x. if you do not find them, they will be available in 2-3 weeks on eBay.” “ in order to enhance the appearance of your flight crew, we will be dimming the cabin lights.”

75 “ we entrust every single ritz-carlton staff member, without approval from their general manager, to spend up to $2,000 on a guest. and that's not per year. it's per incident” simon f cooper, president ritz carlton

76 “ we interview people for culture fit. we want people who are passionate about what zappos is about– service. i don’t care if they’re passionate about shoes” tony hsieh, CEO, zappos

77 “ the more you engage with customers the clearer things become and the easier it is to determine what you should be doing” john russell, president, harley-davidson europe

78 champion your champions idea 6:

79 spot people doing things well!

80 walk the talk! idea 7:

81 45% feel that their managers behave in a way which is consistent with company values only Source: mercer hr consulting

82 some questions..... 1.what are you like as a role model? 2.which of your behaviours reinforce your organisation’s values? 3.which of your behaviours contradict your organisation’s values? do you know?

83 “there’s no ‘i’ in ‘team’, but there is a ‘me’ if you look hard enough” david brent



86 Stop Start Continue

87 conclusions

88 successful leaders recognise that people need to understand: how well the organisation is performing against goals and targets their contribution to the aims of the organisation and the team their tasks, what is expected of them, and to what standard the behaviours expected of them how well they are performing against these things personally

89 they also ensure that people have the opportunity to contribute!

90 when two people in business always agree, one of them is unnecessary william wrigley jr

91 encourage, welcome and praise loyal opposition renee carayol

92 ‘my door is always open’ does not count!

93 “ i’ve always said I would put my employees first, customers second and shareholders third, but if you do that … the customers and the shareholders benefit anyway ’’ richard branson

94 “when people leave companies, they tend not to quit the company, they are more likely to have quit the boss.” ken blanchard

95 7 ideas..... ‘on’ not ‘in’ 2.get that ‘vision thing’ 3.get ‘engaged’! 4.create leaders not followers 5.develop an UBER culture 6.champion your champions 7.walk the talk!

96 so, what are you going to do?

97 leaders take action, not notes

98 “vision without action is hallucination” andy law, st.lukes

99 “take the first step in faith. You do not have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.” martin luther king

100 scare yourself, otherwise you’re not doing anything new mary murphy hoye, head of r & d, intel

101 people can be divided into three groups

102 those who make things happen those who watch things happen those who ask ‘what happened’?

103 don’t just stand there….. do something! dick dastardly

104 you can find out more at: you can follow me at: you can email me at: you can buy my books too!

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