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Design for Distinction! Presented by Stephen P. Anderson.

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1 Design for Distinction! Presented by Stephen P. Anderson

2 2 2 problems I see in web design…  Designers settling for “good enough”  few sites look great!  A lot of sites that look familiar…  sites not differentiated enough

3 3 Why is this?  Designers designing like developers (“Will this be easy to build and maintain?”)  A need to get comps done quickly  Not knowing what to do next…  (purpose of today’s meeting)

4 4 95%5% 8 hours…Also 8 hours! Average time I spend on one comp… What goes on here? Percent completed…

5 5  Details that enhance information design  Details that create distinction (“signatures”)  Details that make the page more vibrant!

6 6 “Signatures”

7 7 Brand ID examples:  Tiffany’sBlue Box  AOL  T-Mobile  Coca-Cola  Apple “You’ve Got ____.”, heavy black outline illustration style Black/Pink Colored Repeating Squares Red/White colors, wave clean style, fonts, object photos

8 8 Signatures can be (and often are) the singling out a specific attribute of a company’s logo

9 9

10 10 Signatures can be (and often are) the singling out a specific attribute of a company’s logo

11 11 Signatures can be (and often are) the singling out a specific attribute of a company’s logo

12 12 Signatures can be:  a collection of elements that (while not all that unique on their own) in combination create a distinctive style…  1 or 2 really distinctive elements pixel people HP’s ‘+’ campaign +

13 13 Be Intentional About… Fonts Colors Shapes Patterns/Textures Image treatment Balance Contrast Playing of negative space Creating “layers” Sounds Other Expressions Copy  same things we list when we talk about creating a unique brand identity

14 14 Fonts g g g g g g G g g

15 15 COLORS  GAME: oes.swf oes.swf

16 16 Shapes  What’s the one shape we see everywhere on the web?  un.html un.html

17 17 Texture

18 18 Images  Cropping  Stylizing  Cutting out photos (objects)  Adding texture  Masking portions of an image (Aquent),;  Playing off negative space: k/General/xhtml/default.asp?PageName=1 k/General/xhtml/default.asp?PageName=1  ???

19 19 The Little Details…  Font sizing, line spacing  Arrows/Icon before links  Lines /  Etc..  To increase usability (

20 20 Styles   Experience/Conceptual/OSXHIGuidelines/index. html Experience/Conceptual/OSXHIGuidelines/index. html 

21 21 Where do you get inspiration for “signatures?”  A great concept is most fundamental way to create a distinctive site  Magazine Design  Design books  Screen captures of good sites (for later reference)  Everywhere but design! (develop an awareness)

22 22 From Good to Great  (I hope!)

23 23 Considerations…  Be consistent – think ingredients!  If it takes extra effort to implement, it’ll probably be more distinctive  “Do we really need all those images?”  Know when to be different/when to be conventional/familiar/intuitive ( door example)  K.I.S.S. =clarity and simplicity should always be the focus  Don’t confuse “style” with being stuck in a rut

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