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Week 1 Vocabulary: CP Eng I Content-based aligned with Prentice Hall Resources.

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1 Week 1 Vocabulary: CP Eng I Content-based aligned with Prentice Hall Resources.

2 Week 1 20 Weekly Words: abstract comprise contemplate creed define degenerate desolate embody equivalent hallowed hence illuminate inextricably invoke mobility oppression palpable prejudice promissory segregation

3 Week 1 abstract (adj.) Heroes: Epic Considered apart from particular examples or concrete objects; general, as opposed to particular.

4 Week 1 comprise (v.) To include and contain. Heroes: Epic

5 Week 1 contemplate (v.) To look at attentively; gaze at. Heroes: Epic

6 Week 1 creed (n) A formal summary of religious beliefs. Heroes: Epic

7 Week 1 define (v) To state the meaning of. Heroes: Epic

8 Week 1 degenerate (v) To become worse or inferior. Heroes: Epic

9 Week 1 desolate (adj) Uninhabited or deserted. Heroes: Epic

10 Week 1 embody (v) To infest with or as with a body. Heroes: Epic

11 Week 1 equivalent (adj) Equal in value, force, and manner. Heroes: Epic

12 Week 1 hallowed (adj) Sacred or holy. Heroes: Epic

13 Week 1 hence (adv.) Therefore or consequently. Heroes: Epic

14 Week 1 illuminate (v) To give light to or light up. Heroes: Epic

15 Week 1 inextricably (adv.) So involved that extrication is impossible. That cannot be disentangled or undone. Heroes: Epic

16 Week 1 invoke (v.) To call on for aid, protection, etc; to address as in prayer. Heroes: Epic

17 Week 1 mobility (n.) Characterized by freedom of movement. Heroes: Epic

18 Week 1 oppression (n.) The act of subjecting to unjust hardships; tyranny. Heroes: Epic

19 Week 1 palpable (adj.) That that may be touched or felt. Heroes: Epic

20 Week 1 prejudice (n.) A judgment or opinion formed without due examination of the facts. Heroes: Epic

21 Week 1 promissory (adj.) Containing or of the nature of a promise. Heroes: Epic

22 Week 1 segregation (n.) The act or policy of separating a race, social class, etc. from the general mass of society or from a larger group. Heroes: Epic

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