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Picking Walmart’s P.O.C.K.E.T.S. Michael Bergdahl International Speaker, Author & Walmart Competition Authority Casas GEO March 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Picking Walmart’s P.O.C.K.E.T.S. Michael Bergdahl International Speaker, Author & Walmart Competition Authority Casas GEO March 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Picking Walmart’s P.O.C.K.E.T.S. Michael Bergdahl International Speaker, Author & Walmart Competition Authority Casas GEO March 2011

2 Lions or Gazelles?

3 “Bird-Dawg”

4 X X Bentonville, Arkansas Walmart Headquarters

5 STRATEGIES of the World's Largest Company TACTICS of the World's Richest Man

6 1962 Sam Walton’s first store Rogers, Arkansas

7 Walmart Big Facts - World’s Largest Employer – 2.3 million - Weekly, 200 million customers shop its stores. - 89% of the USA public shop its stores annually - Its 2010 sales exceeded US$400 billion.

8 Sam Walton’s Goal was never to be the biggest...

9 Walmart 2011 USA, Japan, United Kingdom, Canada, Mexico, India, China, Argentina, Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua & Puerto Rico & South Africa USA, Japan, United Kingdom, Canada, Mexico, India, China, Argentina, Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua & Puerto Rico & South Africa

10 Mexico is Walmart’s 2 nd largest market!

11 Do you shop at Walmart? Why?

12 Walmart Venezuela & Colombia?

13 The Walmart Way To provide superior customer service Goal to be the best at serving customers To make customers the focus of everything

14 The Casas GEO Way To provide superior customer service Goal to be the best at serving customers To make customers the focus of everything

15 The Walmart Way Goal: To be the #1 Retailer in every Market

16 The Casas GEO Way Goal: To be the #1 Home Builder in every Market

17 The Walmart Way P.O.C.K.E.T.S. Price Operations Culture Key Item Promotion/Product Expenses Talent Service

18 1.Be #1 in Every Market 2.The Best Place to Live 3.GEO Culture 4.Meet the Budget 5.GEOmore The Casas GEO Way GEOstrategy – Doing everything for the client

19 “How did Walmart turn its Price Strategy into such a powerful competitive advantage?” Price Price Strategy Question:

20 Answer: Other retailers focused on how much they could charge for their products... Price

21 Sam Walton’s Discounting Principle Buy an item for 80¢ & price it at $1.00 Sold 3 times as much as he could at $1.20 Though he made ½ the profit per item He generated a greater profit overall Price

22 Shopping Cart Comparison “Walmart saves its customers US$2500 per year on groceries!” Price

23 Walmart’s Pursuit of Value 1. Buying at lowest prices 2. Controlling their own expenses 3. Get suppliers to lower expenses 4. Pass savings along to customers Price

24 Pricing Ideas for The Casas GEO Way Price Control your costs – pass savings on to customers Provide a better quality home for a comparable price Value price leader – “Building Communities”

25 Operations Strategy Question: “What makes Walmart’s Store Operations so unique?” Operations

26 Answer: Walmart is a logistics, distribution, transportation, & technology driven company

27 120,000 products 8300 stores 120 DC’s Cross docking distribution centers No Warehouses Largest privately owned IT systems in the world 7000 privately owned truck fleet – largest in the USA Operations

28 Hurricane Katrina “Walmart’s trucks arrived in New Orleans days before the United States Federal Government!” Operations

29 Benchmarking Best Practices Vendor Partners P&G Disney FedEx Operations

30 Operations Ideas for The Casas GEO Way Operations 1. Continuous Improvement 2. Leverage Technology 3. Demand Superior execution: By your leaders By your employees By your suppliers

31 Culture Strategy Question: “How did Sam Walton turn the people at Walmart into a competitive advantage?” Culture

32 Answer: “Sam Walton believed if you take care of your people...” Culture

33 What Makes Walmart... Walmart? Istanbul, Turkey Culture

34 The Sam Walton Way 1 agenda 3 values 7 POCKETS strategies 10 rules – his tactics Sam Walton

35 Walmart refers to its... - Employees as Business Partners - Customers as Neighbors or Friends - Managers as Coaches - Suppliers as Vendor Partners Culture

36 Culture Ideas For The Casas Geo Way Culture Communicate Your Primary Mission - SERVICE Drive decision making down - EMPOWERMENT Adapt quickly – EMBRACE CHANGE

37 “What is Walmart’s strategy for selecting products?” Key Item Promotion / Products Strategy Question: Key Item Promotion / Products

38 “An outside-in approach” Answer: Key Item Promotion / Products

39 One Agenda Sam Walton required every employee at Walmart to think like a Retail Merchant Key Item Promotion / Products

40 Saturday Morning Meetings Product Presentations by the Buyers Key Item Promotion / Products

41 Vendor Partnerships 3 kinds of suppliers Key Item Promotion / Products

42 Product mix is adapted “Walmart’s leaders manage as if it were a small company!” Key Item Promotion / Products

43 Key Item Promotion / Product The Casas GEO Way Key Item Promotion / Products Provide a product with superior value Be known as the best builder Be known as the best place to live

44 Expenses “How important is expense control to Walmart’s strategy?” Expenses

45 Answer: “Walmart’s success is driven equally by buying products at the lowest prices and continuously reducing costs.” Expenses

46 Sam Walton’s People Greeters Theft control specialists Expenses

47 Expense Control at Walmart Everyone is expected to negotiate The Walmart Price Walmart leverages Scale Expenses

48 Expense Control at Walmart Everyone is expected to negotiate The Walmart Price Walmart leverages Scale Expenses

49 Expense Control The Casas GEO Way As volume rises – expenses go down Leaders need to lead by example Pass savings along to clients Expenses

50 Talent “How did Sam Walton get hundreds of thousands of employees to execute his aggressive tactics?” Talent

51 Answer: “Sam Walton hired average people, encouraged them to perform at above average levels.” Talent

52 H.E.A.T.K.T.E. HE ATKT E High Expectations Are The Key To Everything Talent

53 Talent Pool - Bentonville - hired off the farm - 75% of managers promoted internally - The Walmart Way is most important Talent

54 Talent Ideas for The Casas GEO Way Hire for attitude and teach the skills Deal with Non-performers Adapt The Casas Geo Way standards Talent

55 Service “What is the importance placed on customers and customer service at Walmart?” Service

56 Answer: “ The focus of all of Walmart’s Strategies is to improve the customer’s experience.” Service

57 All for one and one for all Internal Customer Service Service

58 The Walmart Cheer Service Who is Number One?

59 Sam Walton’s Legendary Service Standards “99.9% of Customers are honest” The Customer is the Boss 2 rules of Customer Service Service

60 Service Ideas for The Casas GEO Way Empower employees to resolve complaints All for one and one for all mentality Drop everything else to serve your customers Service

61 The Walmart Way & The Casas GEO Way Focus everything on your clients

62 The Casas GEO Cheer Service Who is Number One? CasasGEO

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