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Locating and Using Electronic Global Education Curricular Resources 2005 Global Studies Summer Institute University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Robert J.

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Presentation on theme: "Locating and Using Electronic Global Education Curricular Resources 2005 Global Studies Summer Institute University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Robert J."— Presentation transcript:

1 Locating and Using Electronic Global Education Curricular Resources 2005 Global Studies Summer Institute University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Robert J. Beck, Ph.D.

2 An Overview  What?  Why?  So What?  Examples?  Where?

3 I. What are “ Learning Objects? ”  H. Wayne Hodgins is widely credited with coining the term in 1992  Various definitions have since been proposed  Despite variation, some common definitional elements

4 Learning Technology Standards Committee (LTSC) Learning Technology Standards Committee (LTSC)   any entity, digital or non-digital,   that may be used for learning, education or training -- March 4, 2002 “ Draft Standard for Learning Object Metadata, ” LTSC of the IEEE

5 Academic ADL Co-Laboratory  a self-standing  reusable  discrete piece of content  that meets an instructional objective  may be tagged with metadata -- “ Objects of Learning ” web site (2001)

6 David A. Wiley  any digital resource  that can be reused  to support learning -- Wiley, “ Connecting Learning Objects to Instructional Design Theory ” (2000)

7 A Spectrum  Of “digital, reusable, materials that support learning”  Images: photos, art work, maps  Course tools: java applets  Case studies  Course modules  Web portal sites

8 II. Why? “The main idea of ‘learning objects’ is to break educational content down into small chunks that can be reused in various learning environments, in the spirit of object-oriented programming” “The main idea of ‘learning objects’ is to break educational content down into small chunks that can be reused in various learning environments, in the spirit of object-oriented programming” -- David Wiley

9 III. So What?  Avoid “wheel reinvention”  Be more ambitious  Expend less effort  Avoid copyright problems  Create custom courses

10 IV. Global Studies Learning Objects  Maps  In-class Tools  Primary Source Materials  Reference Materials  Digital Images  Portals

11 Maps  The Cold War - Interactive Maps (CNN Interactive) The Cold War - Interactive Maps The Cold War - Interactive Maps  The Great Globe Gallery The Great Globe Gallery The Great Globe Gallery  UN Atlas of the Oceans UN Atlas of the Oceans UN Atlas of the Oceans


13 In-class Tools  Population Clock Population Clock Population Clock  Current and projected 10 years hence  POPClocks POPClocks  U.S. and World  History and Politics Out Loud (HPOL) - Searchable (streaming) multimedia database documents and delivers authoritative audio relevant to American history and politics. History and Politics Out Loud History and Politics Out Loud


15 Primary Source Materials  Liberty Library of Constitutional Classics Liberty Library of Constitutional Classics Liberty Library of Constitutional Classics  An extensive compilation of classic books and other works on law and constitutional government  Iranian Oral History Project Iranian Oral History Project Iranian Oral History Project

16 Primary Source Materials  The Nizkor Project The Nizkor Project The Nizkor Project  Comprehensive site dedicated to the millions of Holocaust victims. Features the full transcripts from the Nuremberg trial of the major German war criminals.  Foreign Relations of the United States, 1900-1918 Foreign Relations of the United States, 1900-1918 Foreign Relations of the United States, 1900-1918

17 Primary Source Materials  The Avalon Project The Avalon Project The Avalon Project  Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy  Sun Tzu: The Art Of War Sun Tzu: The Art Of War Sun Tzu: The Art Of War

18 Primary Source Materials  The Invisible Cryptologists: African- Americans, WWII to 1956 - The story of African- Americans employed by the National Security Agency, and its forerunners at Arlington Hall Station, from 1939 to 1956.  Draws upon exhaustive interviews and documents held in the NSA Archives and the National Archives and Records Administration. 

19 Reference Materials  The Library of Congress Federal Research Division: Country Studies   Online books can be searched or browsed by particular country  Include country profile, history, physical environment description, economy, government, national security information

20 Reference Materials: Newspapers  The Global Beat - A weekly updated collection of news and op-ed articles – original and linked from the most prominent sources – designed for "global journalists" and all those interested in war and peace issues. 

21 Digital Images  Afghanistan Afghanistan  Images from the Harrison Forman Collection  Poster Art from World War II Poster Art from World War II Poster Art from World War II  U.S. National Archives

22 Digital Images  Colección Cisneros Colección Cisneros Colección Cisneros  Features 166 works and emphasizes abstract twentieth century art from Venezuela, Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina  Manuel R. Bustamante Photograph Collection Manuel R. Bustamante Photograph Collection Manuel R. Bustamante Photograph Collection  Over 600 photographs of early twentieth century Cuba

23 Portals for Student Research  Foreign Affairs Online  Foreign Affairs Online Foreign Affairs Online Foreign Affairs Online 

24 V.Where? A variety of online repositories exist A variety of online repositories exist Search techniques vary Search techniques vary

25 Wisconsin Online Resource Center  General education materials  Economics  Sociology  Contemporary American Society  Requires Wisc-Online ID  http://www.wisc- http://www.wisc- http://www.wisc-

26 CAREO  Campus Alberta Repository of Educational Objects   Over 4000 objects, though relatively few global/international

27 GEM  Gateway to Educational Materials  Over 740 “ global ” materials 

28 MERLOT  Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching  856 “ Social Science ” materials 

29 GEODE  Global Education Online Depository and Exchange  Over 200 Global Studies materials 


31 IDEAS  “Provides Wisconsin educators access to high-quality, highly usable, teacher- reviewed web-based resources for curricula, content, lesson plans, professional development and other selected resources.”

32 IDEAS  “These resources help Wisconsin educators use technology to meet the Wisconsin Model Academic Standards and create the foundation for a statewide knowledge management system.”

33 IDEAS  Sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-System and the University of Wisconsin-Extension  K-16

34 IDEAS  “Global Studies” keyword indexed  Nearly 500 materials on “Information and Technology Literacy”  m m m

35 For More Information  “Learning Objects” Web Site of UWM’s Center for International Education  ngobjects.html ngobjects.html ngobjects.html  Includes comprehensive list of repositories

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