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Developments in eRegistration in Ireland Peter McHugh eRegistration Project Manager Property Registration Authority Dublin 21 st June 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Developments in eRegistration in Ireland Peter McHugh eRegistration Project Manager Property Registration Authority Dublin 21 st June 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developments in eRegistration in Ireland Peter McHugh eRegistration Project Manager Property Registration Authority Dublin 21 st June 2013

2 eConveyancing Spectrum ePlanning eSale eContract eSurvey eSearch eMortgage eFunds Release & Disbursement eStamping/eTax eRegistration of Title

3 eRegistration: How we got here Online access to the Land Register (EAS) rolled out 1999 – 2002 Document Imaging (paper folios to imaged format) 2002 - 2004 Digital Mapping programme 2006 - 2010  EAS renamed as online map searching added to services Folio conversion programme (images to structured folios) completed 2010 Land Certificates & Certificates of Charge abolished 2007 – 2010 eRegistration Phase 1  eDischarges (2009) & eCharging Orders (2010) Compulsory Registration: All counties since 1/6/2011 eRegistration – Phase 2 - 2013

4 Collaborating with Stakeholders All major stakeholders represented on Project Board including  Law Society  Irish Banking Federation (IBF)  Revenue Commissioners  Courts Services The collaborative/partnership approach proved to be the way forward. The “my way or the highway” approach would not achieve the same results.

5 The Electronic Discharge New process agreed with Law Society and IBF Inherent delays identified and eliminated eDischarge applications lodged by the lender New security arrangements Interactive access to the relevant data Improved communications and notifications Immediate adoption by all major lenders Significant efficiencies gained for all parties

6 User just needs to enter Folio number to display appropriate registered charges. Registered owner and selected charge details display

7 Selects third party for notification or opts to not send notice Fields highlighted in yellow compulsory

8 Create Application button only appears when all necessary data supplied

9 Application now added to pending cases which User simply submits for authorisation

10 Authoriser subsequently logs on and clicks on Authorise Application tab All applications with status Awaiting Authorisation display. In this instance there is only one case. Once selected details of application display and Authoriser can either Approve or Decline

11 Once Authoriser clicks into checkbox to confirm the application, the Submit button is then enabled.

12 Final screen before Submission

13 Confirmation that application has been successfully lodged and Application Number provided

14 Notice of Completion issues automatically Lodging Party and nominated 3 rd Party

15 The Electronic Charging Order Parallel project with the Department of Health and Children and the Health Service Executive Process agreed with both bodies and adopted into new legislation Built on successful eDischarges platform 100% of Charging Orders on registered land lodged electronically

16 Independent Validation Ireland’s eGovernment Awards eDischarges: Category winner 2010 eCharging Orders: Category Winner 2011

17 Phase 2: Timeline Phase 2  2010-2012 Stakeholder consultation  Q2 2012 – Scope agreed by all parties  Q3 2012 – Q2 2013 – System development undertaken by PRA Phase 2a: Transfers & Charges  Pilot completed March 2013  Deployment to live environment: April 2013  Awareness campaign and promotion: May 2013 - ongoing  Provision of web services: June 2013  Live applications: July 2013 Phase 2b - ePriority Entry: November 2013  Simple paperless application  Protects priority on Folio for 44 days

18 eRegistration Process & System Features Multiple user roles to suit all sizes of Solicitor Practices from sole practitioners to largest law firms. Standardised documentation (S.I. 483 of 2012) Direct access to Land Registry data inc. mapping detail, address of property, names of owners etc. Data incorporated into registration documents Preview of documents to be created in real time. Documents made available to other parties through secure URL circulated by system generated email.

19 eRegistration Process & System Features Finalised documents must still be submitted in hard copy with wet signatures in this phase. All data has been submitted electronically. Designed to be progress to paperless system when  suitable digital signature solution developed  relevant sections of the eCommerce Act 2000 commenced Electronic correspondence from PRA including notifications to issue to appropriate parties at key points in transaction i.e. lodgement and final status Fees paid by Variable Direct Debit.

20 User enters user name & password

21 & 3 digits from 6 digit Personal Access Number

22 User enters folios number and clicks on Search on Map button.

23 Land parcel highlighted and area, registered owners names and address of property displayed. Folio added to application

24 Applicant name entered and address copied from map

25 Application Type selected, in this case Transfer (Sale). Multiple application types can be added

26 User enters compulsory data for Transfer Sale i.e. Consideration, Capacity of Transferor etc. Option to add additional rights into the document

27 Option to add additional supporting documentation to the application

28 File reference entered and option to copy colleagues in on correspondence Vendors Solicitors details entered for correspondence purposes

29 Option to view the transfer document in html or pdf and to circulate to counterpart solicitor Select Authoriser to proceed to the next stage. In this case the User has Authorise rights too so selects himself

30 Authorise finalises document. No more changes can be made with the exception of adding the date of the deed. Can review the contents of the documents and application record if they wish in advance of this.

31 User enters date and Revenue Stamp Certificate number Select Fee Approver to proceed to the next stage. In this case the User has Fee Approver rights too so selects himself

32 User approves fee. Can review the contents of the documents and application record if they wish in advance of this.

33 Information concerning priority and direct debit etc.

34 Benefits to Customers & PRA include Improved data flows to and from PRA and reduction in re-keying data Improved communications and greater transparency and associated risk reduction New efficiencies and reduction in costs Intelligent forms and validation Improvements in the quality of documents lodged leading to significant reduction in errors/rejections – protects priority Fees payable by variable direct debit Another step towards paperless registration

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