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1 Climate Change LA/CCMA Conference Joe Crockett Kilkenny County Council. 4 April 2008.

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1 1 Climate Change LA/CCMA Conference Joe Crockett Kilkenny County Council. 4 April 2008

2 2 Global problem/global solution IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (2007) confirms global scientific consensus that climate change is happening and is directly related to human generated greenhouse gas emissions. Economic consensus (Stern Report) that the costs of inaction will greatly exceed the costs of action. Political momentum now for action.

3 3 Climate Change Agenda Key elements: International agenda; UNFCCC (1992); Kyoto Protocol (1997);  (Commitment period 2008-2012) IPCC – 4th scientific assessment report (2007). EU agenda: European Climate Change Programme. National agenda: 1st National Climate Change Strategy published 2000. 2 nd Strategy (2007-2012) published April 2007.

4 4 National emissions Relative to 1990 levels: 2001 – peaked at approx 27%. 2002 – 23.8%. 2003 – 23.5%. 2004 – 23.6%. 2005 – 26.5%. 2006 – 25.5%.

5 5 Kyoto Protocol Target

6 6 NCCS Projections to 2020

7 7 National Policy Framework National Climate Change Strategy (2000) Review of NCCS: Ireland’s Pathway to Kyoto Compliance, July 2006. Public consultation: Aug-Sept 2006. Energy White Paper, Bioenergy Action Plan, National Development Plan. EU commitments on 2020 targets. National Climate Change Strategy 2007-2012.

8 8 Objectives of Strategy Objectives: to show how Ireland will meet its Kyoto Protocol commitment in the 2008-2012 period, and to prepare for more stringent emission reduction requirements post-2012. Framework to achieve Kyoto target: variety of domestic measures to reduce emissions throughout the economy, supplemented, as necessary, by the purchase of carbon allowances.

9 9 Meeting 2008-12 commitment (Mt CO 2 equivalent) Emissions without any measures 79.829 Less Existing measures 8.660 Projected emissions after existing measures71.169 Less Kyoto target63.032 Distance to target 8.137 Additional measures 4.953 Flexible mechanisms (i.e. carbon credits) 3.607 Total additional effect 8.560

10 10 Sources of Emissions in 2005

11 11 Measures in key sectors Energy 15% of electricity consumed to come from renewable sources by 2010; 33% by 2020. Extended support for biomass through Bioenergy Action Plan. Wind energy critical ESB Plan published Transport More sustainable transport patterns, especially through Transport 21. Increased use of biofuels; 5.75% by 2010, 10% by 2020.

12 12 Measures in key sectors (2) Residential 40% increase in thermal performance from 2008; aiming for 60% by 2010. Building Energy Ratings. National Spatial Strategy Industry, commercial & services sector Higher energy performance standards for non-residential buildings and energy management programmes. Regulation of industrial gases.

13 13 Measures in key sectors (3) Agriculture and land-use Reduction in emissions from national herd through CAP reform. Improved manure management. Support for afforestation. Support for energy crops; biomass harvesting scheme.

14 14 Measures in key sectors (4) Public Sector Energy efficiency programme with target of 33% reduction in energy use. Measuring, reporting and reducing emissions. Biomass heating in schools. Use of biofuels in public fleets. Offsetting emissions from official air travel.

15 15 Cross-sectoral measures Use of Flexible Mechanisms under Kyoto Protocol (to purchase carbon credits). €15 million multi-annual awareness programme. Research – cleaner processes/technologies. Examination of taxation incentives. Spatial and planning policies. National strategy on adaptation – Ireland won’t escape the impacts of climate change.

16 16 Post-2012 agenda EU policy: a unilateral commitment to achieve at least a 20% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, compared to 1990, & a 30% reduction by 2020, as its contribution to a global comprehensive agreement for the period beyond 2012, subject to participation by other developed countries and the economically more advanced developing countries.

17 17 Meetings of the Parties 13 th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate change and 3 rd Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol in Bali, December 2007. Milestone in international agenda; formal negotiations on new treaty to succeed Kyoto Protocol started this week EU expectations – agreement on the new treaty at the meetings of the Parties in Copenhagen in December 2009.

18 18 EU climate/energy package 2020 EU climate action and renewable energy package (i.e. 2020 agenda/targets) published by Commission on 23 January 2008. Aim: by 2020 - reduce EU greenhouse gases by at least 20%, and increase renewable energies in total energy consumption to 20%. Emissions reduction target to be increased to 30% (by 2020) in context of a new global agreement to succeed Kyoto Protocol.

19 19 Proposed 2020 targets for Ireland EU Emissions Trading Scheme (to be administered by Commission from 2013): emissions from all EU installations in the scheme (including 100+ Irish installations) capped at 21% below 2005 levels by 2020. Other national emissions: transport, agriculture, waste, etc. – to be reduced by 20% compared to 2005; and Renewable energy – a combined 16% target for electricity, heat and transport.

20 20 Conclusion 1 of 3 Climate change is one of the greatest threats facing mankind, and the climate change agenda is a key cross-cutting policy issue for Government –central and local Global greenhouse gas emissions must be halved by 2050; emissions in developed countries must be reduced by up to 80%. Targets for 2020 and beyond will be much more onerous than Kyoto Protocol targets. Ireland will not escape the impacts – key is implementation of responses

21 21 Conclusion 2 of 4 Next steps for LAs Full Compliance with chapter 9 of NCCS Reduce emissions Individual reporting on Emissions Mgt Individual LA Initiatives – significant progress – many authorities – expansion

22 22 Conclusion 3 of 4 Draft National Adaptation Strategy –participation Local and regional analysis and adaptation preparatory work critical Inclusion of elected reps – Councils – SPCs – Oireachtas members Suggest Wide Dissemination of Information/ development of joint approaches/ use of participative structures CCMA/LAs – continuation/expansion of climate change process – continuing major focus for future

23 23 Conclusion 4 Multi-agency approach central to success – close relationship with Govt Depts and Agencies essential New partnership/collaborative structures? Continued and more intensified programme of Emissions Mgt and of Adaptation

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