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Communication. Monday 13 th & Tuesday 14 th June 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication. Monday 13 th & Tuesday 14 th June 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication. Monday 13 th & Tuesday 14 th June 2011

2 What is communication? A process that takes place on a number of different levels. Listening Understanding Explaining Questioning Responding

3 How do we communicate? Speech/talk/sounds Sign language Body language – posture, gestures, actions, eye contact Tone of voice Pauses Taking turns Written REMEMBER: Over 70% of messages are conveyed in non-verbal ways.

4 How to communicate effectively with children. Listen and respond Give time and patience Make sure it is an appropriate method Eye contact – face the child, use names Respect and warmth Age appropriate – level of understanding Posture – relaxed, nod – body stance Praise & encourage Use the child’s own experience Repeat and clarify Speak clearly Don’t force the issue.

5 Class Activity 1 Design a poster as a teaching tool for new teaching assistants to explain the key points in communicating with children/young people.

6 Class Activity 2 Identify 5 key points to effectively communicate with your colleagues in a school/nursery setting.

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