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ELene kick-off meeting : Down to work! Nice, 27th and 28th January 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "ELene kick-off meeting : Down to work! Nice, 27th and 28th January 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 eLene kick-off meeting : Down to work! Nice, 27th and 28th January 2005

2 Deborah Arnold, Vidéoscop-UN2 / CANEGE 2/16 First of all… WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!

3 Deborah Arnold, Vidéoscop-UN2 / CANEGE 3/16 eLene-TT spirit Three types of project management: The coordinator as director-general: Coordinator = strong leading figure who takes over full responsibility. Only partial tasks are delegated. The coordinator in the true sense of the word: Responsibility for different tasks is shared according to the expertise and interests of the project members. The coordinator as process manager: Coordinator role split among many, nominal coordinators only facilitate the project process, content given to outside expert.

4 Deborah Arnold, Vidéoscop-UN2 / CANEGE 4/16 Steering committee Two people from each partner institution: The local coordinators already identified Plus one other person to whom coordination work can be delegated Steering committee: Coordinates work at national level Is responsible for dissemination at national level Reports to project coordinator Participates in intermediate meetings

5 Deborah Arnold, Vidéoscop-UN2 / CANEGE 5/16 Team motivation time effectiveness Tell me how your project starts and I can tell you how it will end…

6 Deborah Arnold, Vidéoscop-UN2 / CANEGE 6/16 Reminder of Project Objectives / 1 The driving idea behind the eLene-TT project is to improve the pedagogical use of ICT by improving the training of HE teachers. All the partners have developed tools and approaches for teacher training in several projects supported by the EU or national initiatives. One of the main features of eLene-TT is to pool and test this experience in the wider, European context, with a view to generalising results and furthering their exploitation.

7 Deborah Arnold, Vidéoscop-UN2 / CANEGE 7/16 Reminder of Project Objectives / 2 The main objectives of the project are to develop a model for a Virtual Learning Resource Centre for teacher training with a view to improving the quality and efficiency of the learning process. This will be done through student-driven teacher training, aiming to improve both the skills of higher education teaching staff to teach in ICT- based environments and the learning process of these teaching staff themselves.

8 Deborah Arnold, Vidéoscop-UN2 / CANEGE 8/16 Reminder of Project Activities / 1 WPActivityWP leaderPerson responsible Dates WP1AnalysisUOCTeresa Guasch01/01/05 - 15/04/05 WP2Initial selection of tools and resources University of Helsinki Päivi Virtanen01/01/05 - 31/05/05 WP3Developing the guidelinesUmeåMadelen Holmlund 01/01/05 - 31/06/05 WP4Teacher training actionsUtrechtWilfried Admiraal01/07/05 - 28/02/06 WP5Evaluation and revision of guidelines resources and tools CANEGEYann Boivin01/07/05 - 30/09/06

9 Deborah Arnold, Vidéoscop-UN2 / CANEGE 9/16 Reminder of Project Activities / 2 WPActivityWP leaderPerson responsible Dates WP6Website (overall) Website (VLRC) Politecnico Bremen Ignazio Locatelli Jens Bücking 01/01/05 - 31/12/06 WP7Dissemination (overall) Dissemination: eLene conference, Paris Politecnico CANEGE Laura Besana Deborah Arnold 01/01/05 - 31/12/06 WP8Project management Knowledge management VDSCP-UN2 Politecnico Deborah Arnold Matteo Uggeri 01/01/05 - 31/12/06 WP9Evaluation and quality assurance Ext. evaluatorDaxa Patel01/01/05 - 31/12/06 WP9Evaluation of VLRCMCSU (PVU)Andrzej Wodecki01/06/05 - 31/12/06

10 Deborah Arnold, Vidéoscop-UN2 / CANEGE 10/16 Events: Meetings WPEventPlaceActivityDate 8Kick-Off meetingNiceLaunch project27-28/01/05 8Intermediate meeting 1HelsinkiReporting / launch WP4 (design of TT actions) 23/06/05 8Intermediate meeting 2MilanReporting / 1st assessment of WP4 April 2006 8Final meetingParisFinal reporting / evaluation / Prepare final report Nov-Dec 2006 Plus online meetings, every two months…

11 Deborah Arnold, Vidéoscop-UN2 / CANEGE 11/16 Events: Dissemination WPEventPlaceActivityDate 7EDEN conferenceHelsinkiElene-TT Presentation 20-23/06/05 7Online Educa BerlinBerlinTT workshop + presentation Early Dec 2005 7Online Educa MadridMadridTT workshop + presentation May 2006 7eLene-TT conferenceParisPresentation of Virtual Learning resource Centre model 01/06/05 - 31/12/06 7National events (2 per partner) In each country TT workshops + presentations 2005/2006

12 Deborah Arnold, Vidéoscop-UN2 / CANEGE 12/16 Timeline: Recap

13 Deborah Arnold, Vidéoscop-UN2 / CANEGE 13/16 Project management Financial aspects / 1 Payments of grant to partners: We will follow the usual rules for payments of grant, which will be in several instalments to each partner (corresponding to the payments we receive from the EC and to the advancement of the project): 1st payment at start of project = 25% 2nd payment on completion of 1st year's work (to coincide with interim report) = 15% 3rd payment on approval of interim report by EC = 25% 4th payment on completion of project = 15% 5th and final payment on approval of final report by EC = 20%

14 Deborah Arnold, Vidéoscop-UN2 / CANEGE 14/16 Project management Financial aspects / 2 In other words: Received from EC Distributed to partners Start of project (Jan 05) 40%25% Interim report (Dec 05) 15% Approval of interim report (Feb 06) 40%25% End of project (Dec 06) 15% Approval of final report (June 07) 20%

15 Deborah Arnold, Vidéoscop-UN2 / CANEGE 15/16 Project evaluation / 1 From project proposal: The idea of testing, evaluating and monitoring is central to the eLene-TT project. This implies that evaluation and monitoring will be ongoing and integrated from day one of the project. To ensure effective project management and internal communication, the steering committee will monitor the project progress as mentioned in 2.C.1 above. Furthermore, an external project evaluator will participate in key events of the project (partner meetings) and will have access to internal project management documents. This evaluator will design questionnaires and conduct interviews with project participants to enable partners to express their views on how they feel the project is progressing and will report back to the group at each project meeting. During the kick-off meeting, partners will decide together whether this feedback should be anonymous or not. The evaluator will provide a detailed report for the intermediate and final reports sent to the Commission.

16 Deborah Arnold, Vidéoscop-UN2 / CANEGE 16/16 Project evaluation / 2 : Indicators Indicators of results and outputs will include: For project management monitoring: - The respect of deadlines and budget as provided by the bi-monthly financial and progress reports - The effective number of working days spent on the project (bi-monthly timesheets) - The effective completion of Work Packages For measuring the impact of the teacher training actions: - The number of teachers effectively trained - The percentage of teachers actually implementing new methods and approaches with students - The number and profile of users participating in the online community - The feedback provided by teachers and students in the evaluation stage For measuring the impact of dissemination actions: - The number of hits and downloads on the website - The number of requests for information and the source of these requests (teachers, teacher trainers, others…) - The number and profile of participants in workshops, online seminars, conference presentations

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