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Madelen Holmlund, Umeå University Nice, 2005-01-27/28 WP3: Developing the guidelines Madelen Holmlund Centre for Educational Technology Umeå University.

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Presentation on theme: "Madelen Holmlund, Umeå University Nice, 2005-01-27/28 WP3: Developing the guidelines Madelen Holmlund Centre for Educational Technology Umeå University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Madelen Holmlund, Umeå University Nice, 2005-01-27/28 WP3: Developing the guidelines Madelen Holmlund Centre for Educational Technology Umeå University

2 Madelen Holmlund, Umeå University Nice, 2005-01-27/28 Activites Define patterns of teachers training for e- learning based on criteria of WP1 and WP2 in relation to Methodology Skills/competences Resources/tools Socioeconomic and political context Write guidelines

3 Madelen Holmlund, Umeå University Nice, 2005-01-27/28 WP3: Developing the guidelines Initial version of guidelines for Institutions involved in HE teacher training Teacher trainers Teachers The guidelines will be a resource in the VLRC

4 Madelen Holmlund, Umeå University Nice, 2005-01-27/28 Approach Focusing on a limited number of key issues Through a discussion driven analyzation find different perspectives of key issues to form a matrix Learning is communication and learning is doing

5 Madelen Holmlund, Umeå University Nice, 2005-01-27/28 Key issues Establish acceptance Student perspective Assessments Collaboration Technology and tools How do teachers learn themselves Didactical/pedagogical point of view Level of knowledge Train for the future Evaluation and feedback Quality …

6 Madelen Holmlund, Umeå University Nice, 2005-01-27/28 Perspectives Culture Field of subject Student perspective Didactical/pedagogical point of view Socio-economic context …

7 Madelen Holmlund, Umeå University Nice, 2005-01-27/28 Matrix: Issues with perspectives Issue Persp. Establish accept. Asses- ments ToolsQuality CultureExamples Resources Student persp. Didacti-cal view

8 Madelen Holmlund, Umeå University Nice, 2005-01-27/28 Activities Ongoing discussion forum Research paper concerning how the result evolve from the discussion

9 Madelen Holmlund, Umeå University Nice, 2005-01-27/28 Milestones 1. Key issues defined 2. Existing guidelines defined 3. Matrix (result from discussion) 4. Feedback on matrix 5. Research paper 6. First draft of guidelines

10 Madelen Holmlund, Umeå University Nice, 2005-01-27/28 Barriers/obstacles Lack of activity from partners Difficulties to sum it up due to cultural differences, etc To prevent this: Make clear what is expected from everybody and when Follow-up before deadlines Unconstrained communication

11 Madelen Holmlund, Umeå University Nice, 2005-01-27/28 Time plan

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