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Challenge on ensuring representation at local and European (EU) level Killian Forde, CEO - The Integration Centre DFI National Conference 2014: Citizen.

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Presentation on theme: "Challenge on ensuring representation at local and European (EU) level Killian Forde, CEO - The Integration Centre DFI National Conference 2014: Citizen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenge on ensuring representation at local and European (EU) level Killian Forde, CEO - The Integration Centre DFI National Conference 2014: Citizen Engagement - Local Government for Local People

2 My Perspective  As a current manager of NGO  As a former City Councillor  As a former party employee  As someone who has lobbied and been lobbied  As a community activist DFI National Conference 2014: Citizen Engagement - Local Government for Local People

3 Characteristic of Irish politicians  White  Born in Ireland  Male  Middle aged  Catholic  Middle class  Able bodied  Hetrosexua l  Settled DFI National Conference 2014: Citizen Engagement - Local Government for Local People

4 But…….  Ireland is a diverse country  17% not born here.  51% female  6% non white  15% non Catholic  60% working class  9% people with disablity  2,000,000 25 – 44 year olds DFI National Conference 2014: Citizen Engagement - Local Government for Local People

5 Diversity in Political Parties Project (EIF)  In 2009 four out of 1,627 councillors  Low members - 1% to 3% reported  Low turnout. Polish @ 5% in 2009  Ignorance in how to engage  High levels of volunteerism  Not being targeted  Not approaching parties  Difficult to accommodate  Parties want migrants to show DFI National Conference 2014: Citizen Engagement - Local Government for Local People

6 Party Culture.  Passive recrutiment  There to contribute  Failure to absorb or retain non traditonal  Understaffed  Underfunded  Little experience  Legacy of failure - with women  Reluctance to change  Targeting of easier sectors  Rigid party structure and activities DFI National Conference 2014: Citizen Engagement - Local Government for Local People

7 Remember  Parties and politicians are benign  Phonebooks make bad lobbying documents  Sell your constituency  Voters are their customers  Offer solutions  Help them understand  Help them understand!!! DFI National Conference 2014: Citizen Engagement - Local Government for Local People

8 Sites of struggle  Political parties at local level  Resident groups  Sports groups  Local issue groups  Local forums, policing JPCs, Integration forum, community forum  NGO groups  Internet – blogs/webpages DFI National Conference 2014: Citizen Engagement - Local Government for Local People

9 Quiz time Upon election the first responsibility of any politician is………? DFI National Conference 2014: Citizen Engagement - Local Government for Local People

10 Answer To get themselves re-elected Thank you. Questions and Comments welcomed. DFI National Conference 2014: Citizen Engagement - Local Government for Local People

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