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Project Management WebEx 29 October 2009 Introduction of Student Teams and Exercise 1.

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1 Project Management WebEx 29 October 2009 Introduction of Student Teams and Exercise 1

2 Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. Applied Research Associates, Inc. 2 Project Management Course Teams Each team must select a leader

3 Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. Applied Research Associates, Inc. 3 Introduction to Exercise  This exercise will allow you to plan an approach to meet a critical client requirement on an urgent schedule.  The groundwork has been laid by others Excellent past performance on similar testing efforts Excellent past performance on related modeling efforts Persistent and continuing contact with client to:  Understand requirements placed on this DTRA Program Manager  Build trust by exceeding expectations on prior efforts  Introduce ARA capabilities and innovation on related jobs  The SPD is hoping this contract will provide a new continuing customer as alternative to complete reliance on TOTTS

4 Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. Applied Research Associates, Inc. 4 Proposed Testing at Pecos Site In-structure Equipment Testing Potential Explosive Charge locations Existing Test Structure Government Specified Suite of Ten Items of Equipment Hardened Military Vehicle Testing The Pecos Test Site is in Reeves County about 20 miles SE of Pecos TX. The nearest convenient commercial airport Is Midland (97 miles) and Pecos is 365miles from Albuquerque

5 Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. Applied Research Associates, Inc. 5 Exercise Objectives  Development of plan for accomplishment: Incorporating “best qualified” staffing from four ARA Divisions and building the basis for future cooperative efforts Produce following components of plan:  Organization of requirements into logical tasks  Organize schedule to meet required milestones in cost-efficient manner and so that progress and cost performance can be incrementally determined  Determine staffing at task level – provide org chart to show project team structure  Develop cost estimate that: Meets socio-economic commitment requirements of RFP Provides adequate resources for each task as well as a management reserve fo contingencies  Work as a team to meet requirements in a short period Not uncommon in proposal situations  Become familiar with using Eoffice tools, ARA procedures, other ARA business units and personnel

6 Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. Applied Research Associates, Inc. 6 Exercise Materials  RFP package is posted in Etest for each team  Instructions have been supplied with staffing and cost data  Due date for questions (answers sent to all) – Monday November 2 nd, Noon. Will respond ASAP, but not later than Noon Tuesday  Date proposals must be submitted via Etest Thursday November 5, COB

7 Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. Applied Research Associates, Inc. 7 Work the First Two Elements of Program Management 1.Organization a)Read the RFP Materials and the Scenario Document – understand what is required b)Break the Requirements into Specific Tasks 2.Plan and Budget a)Determine the sequence of tasks and identify performers/purchases required b)Arrange task sequence into a schedule 1)Determine quantifiable milestones for tracking accomplishment, cost performance 2)Determine amount of labor, materials, ODCs required for each step (and contingency) c)Assemble task costs into a budget

8 Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. Applied Research Associates, Inc. 8 Using the Cost Workbook  Understanding the Workbook organization is essential Summary Sheet  This sheet accumulates hours and material usage from Sheets 1 -20  Enter Staff, material and ODC names and rates ONLY on this sheet Names and rates are then carried to Sheets 1 – 20 Initial names, rates are already entered  Enter the dates (cost estimate date – Cell A9, Project Start – H12, Project End – J12)  Do not enter any usage on this sheet Sheets 1 – 20  Determine Task assignment for Each Sheet (e.g. Sheet 1 could be “Vehicle Testing” or “Project Management”. You can change the Tab label, but not necessary Enter the Task title in Cell A7  Enter the usage of each staff member and material or ODC item needed for the task. Enter these beginning in column K. There is one column for each month if you wish, or enter full task usage in column K.  Do not enter or alter any names or rates on this sheet Rates Sheet – has company load rates. Enter fee rate you will use for this proposal.

9 Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. Applied Research Associates, Inc. 9 Using the Schedule Template Enter tasks and subtasks in logical succession from start of task to end Make sure all SOW requirements met When happy with task breakout, add duration and determine what project elements must precede each step Assign resources (personnel, materials, ODCs) Transfer resource usage to cost sheets 1 1.0.0 2.x.xDevelop plan 40

10 Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. Applied Research Associates, Inc. 10 Using Cost Worksheets Workbook is complex, but designed to save time and accurately accumulate cost. Provides for up to 20 tasks Labor rates are escalated using the estimate date, start date and end dates you enter. You can enter task quantities by month, or accumulate elsewhere and enter in first month Titles are entered in first column Most entered only on Summary Sheet Task title entered on sheets 1 - 20 Estimate Date is entered in first column of Summary Sheet Start and End Dates also entered only on Summary Sheet Names, Titles, rates entered only on Summary Sheet Quantities entered only on Sheets 1 -20

11 Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. Applied Research Associates, Inc. 11 Submit proposal through test version of Eoffice (Pt 1)  Open Etest: and sign in if necessary.  Click Opportunities tab and create an opportunity entitled “Blast Response of Military Equipment – Team X”, where X is your team number. Customer is “DTRA” Lead division is fictional Test Division (TD) Proposal Manager is your team lead Service/Agency is DTRA Assume this is a new customer You should be able to work out the rest ( Business Area is ND&A Test & Evaluation) Assume there will be one award and you are aware of at least two other competitors ( Baker Risk, SAIC)  Since you have an RFP you can promote to qualified opportunity and request a bid decision.

12 Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. Applied Research Associates, Inc. 12 Submit proposal through test version of Eoffice (Pt 2)  Once the Bid Decision is approved, a proposal workspace is created and you can use this to assemble proposal. Team leader is Proposal Manager – be sure this is correct on Bid Decision form. Proposal Manager assures access to all team members  Submit your response in pdf format (if possible) uploaded into Etest Components may be combined or separate files. Due date is COB Thursday Nov 5 th. Submission should include:  Project org chart  Task breakdown and schedule  Staff assignments  Cost estimate with completed Socio-economic commitment table

13 Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. Applied Research Associates, Inc. 13 QUESTIONS?

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