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Unit 3 Latin America Chapter 10-13 Pages 220-285.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 Latin America Chapter 10-13 Pages 220-285."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3 Latin America Chapter 10-13 Pages 220-285

2 2 Vocabulary 1.Plateau 2.Irrigation 3.Hacienda 4.Land Redistribution 5.Latifundio 6.Migrant Worker 7.Estuary 8.Maquiladoras 9.Gasohol 10.Mulattoes

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7 Population Distribution

8 8 Cultural Aspects of Latin America Mix of peoples from Asia, Africa, and Europe A site of civilizations and empires Greatest cultural contribution: Largest number of Native American groups in the world.

9 9 Conquest Spanish - first to colonize the region – Initial pursuit of silver and gold developed into a more diversified Economy Portuguese colonization - Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) – The Treaty was meant to divide the world between the Spanish and the Portuguese –Never recognized by the British, Dutch or French

10 10

11 11 New Spain - Mexico Aztec decline 4 Social Classes emerged –Hacienda 1810 – Began revolution Democracy? Indian Life

12 12 Mexico’s Industry Petroleum extraction Tourism –“Smokeless industry” Maquiladoras

13 Chapter 11 Central America & Caribbean

14 14 Central America People Indians Mestizos Africans Europeans Conflicts Land Wealthy Unstable governments

15 Agriculture and Fishing

16 The Panama Canal

17 Going Through the Panama Canal

18 Caribbean Islands Island groups Greater Antilles Lesser Antilles Bahamas People African European Economy Agriculture 18

19 Banana Plantation

20 Harvesting Sugar Cane

21 Growing Coffee

22 Rubber Industry

23 Brazil Chapter 12 23

24 Regions Landforms Plains & Plateaus Regions Northeast Southeast Brazilian Highlands Amazon Basin 24

25 Brazilian Highlands

26 Sao Paolo, Brazil

27 Overcrowding in Sao Paolo, Brazil

28 Amazon Rain Forest


30 On the Ground Floor of the Rain Forest

31 Three-Tiered Vegetation

32 Three-Tiered Canopy

33 Native Indians of the Amazon

34 Jungle Fauna

35 Minerals of the Amazon Region Diamonds Amethyst Quartz Bauxite

36 Deforestation in the Amazon

37 Original Forest Cover Future Forest Cover Current Forest Cover

38 Eco-Tourism

39 Brazil’s Economy Challenges Favelas – Poor Plantations – Wealthy  redistribution Growth Gasohol Service industry 39

40 South America Chapter 13 40

41 Northern Tropics Guianas – Human Characteristics –Differ because of colonization –Economic Activities Venezuela –Completely contrasts the Guianas –Use oil wealth to launch poverty programs –Climate based on altitudinal zonation Pg. 270 –Oil!! Could be Western Hem. Biggest oil & gas producer 41

42 Columbia –Most people live between Cordilleras –Coffee – Problem? –Drug trade 42

43 Andean Countries Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile Physical Geography Mountain stretches 5,500 miles from Caribbean Sea to southern tip of South America Divide countries into coastal plain, highlands and forest regions

44 Human Geography Jobs these people might hold 1.An Ecuadorian mestizo living on the coastal plain 2.A descendant of a European family in Ecuador 3.A Peruvian family living in the mountains

45 Southern Grassland Countries Economy depends on one single product! Paraguay – Democratic since 1993 Uruguay – 85% of land devoted to primary economic activity Argentina – 88% of people live in cities. Democratic since 1983

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