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Vocabulary and reading. J.K.Rowling Harry Potter 哈利波特与火焰杯.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary and reading. J.K.Rowling Harry Potter 哈利波特与火焰杯."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary and reading

2 J.K.Rowling

3 Harry Potter 哈利波特与火焰杯


5 哈利波特与魔 法石


7 appeal cafeteria envelope literary bond output parents schoolchildren typewriter 1. What did J.K Rowling use to write the first Harry Potter story? Work in pairs. Look at the title of the passage and the words in the box. Answer the questions. She wrote the first story with a pen because she couldn’t afford a typewriter.

8 2. Where did she write it? 3. Who did she write the books for? She wrote it in a cafeteria in Edinburgh. She wrote them for schoolchildren.

9 4. How many books a year did she intend to write? 5. What is the appeal of the Harry Potter series? She intended to have an output of one book a year. It appeals to readers of all ages, including parents.

10 Read the passage quickly. Match the questions and the paragraphs. There is one extra question. a.How long did it take to write the series? b. What is the appeal of Harry Potter? Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5

11 c. What does J.K Rowling plan to do next? d. Where did the idea for Harry Potter come from? e. How many people have read Harry Potter? Paragraph 1 Paragraph 6 extra question

12 f. How did J.K Rowling begin writing the first book? g. When did success arrive? Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3

13 Read the text carefully and put the following sentences in correct order according to the text. 1.She completed the first Harry Potter story in 1997. 2. It took her about ten years to finish the series. 3. She grew up in the southwest of England. 4. She began the first draft of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

14 5. She went to teach English in Portugal. 6. Her books have been translated into more than 55 languages, and have been distributed 250 million copies. 7. The idea for Harry Potter occurred to her. 8. Harry Potter has become part of the school curriculum. 9. She accumulated more than one billion dollars in 2005.

15 Answer: 3-7-5-4-1-2-8-6-9

16 1. When J.K Rowling added flesh to the bones of the Harry Potter story, she ___. a. sold the story for food b. created the other characters c. gave more details to the main ideas d. finished writing the story Into the text:

17 2. Looking after a baby and writing a book at the same time ___. extremely hard work b. means you haven’t got much money c. is impossible in Edinburgh d. make J.K Rowling give up

18 3. As soon as the first book was a success, ____. a. J.K Rowling finished the series more quickly than planned b. the publishers asked her to finish one book a year c. she wrote The Order of the Phoenix d. it was clear that the others would be successful too

19 4. Harry Potter stories are so appealing that they___. a.must be included in the school curriculum b. encourage children to read more c. are shown on television in other countries d. have been criticized for bad style

20 5. The Harry Potter stories___. a. can now read in only 50 languages b. are easy to translate c. have made J.K Rowling very rich d. are distributed in 55 countries

21 Match the words in the box with their meanings. Words revision: accumulate adjustment anecdote attain format gifted output roots stubborn thus

22 1. not prepared to change your ideas 2. the amount of work produced 3. to collect 4. the place you come from 5. to reach stubborn output accumulate roots attain

23 6. the basic plan 7. a small story 8. talented 9. as a result 10. a small change format anecdote gifted thus adjustment

24 1. Harry Potter has even become part of the school curriculum, much to the pleasure of the schoolchildren. 2. And the Harry Potter effect is not just restricted to the English – speaking world. Sentences revision:

25 3. Rowling’s style has been a target for some criticism, but what makes the books so important is that, because they appeal to readers of all ages, they create a special literary bond between parents and children.

26 1. appeal 用作名词。 (1) 意为 “ 吸引力 ; 感染力 ; 魅力 ”, 常用作 不可数名词。如: The Beatles have never really lost their appeal. 披头士乐队的感染力经久不衰。 Language points

27 (2) 意为 “ 恳求 ; 呼吁 ”, 常用作可数名词。 如: The boy’s mother made an emotional appeal on TV for his return. 男孩的母亲在电视上恳切地要求儿子 回家。

28 常用作不及物动词。 (1) 意为 “ 有吸引力;引起兴趣 ”, 常与 介词 to 连用。如: Does the idea of working for a foreign enterprise appeal to you? 你有没有兴趣到外企去工作 ?

29 (2) 意为 “ 呼吁;恳求 ” 。 appeal for sth. 如: They are appealing for money to build a new school. 他们呼吁希望得到钱来建一所新 学校。

30 appeal to sb. for sth. 如: Farmers have appealed to the government for help. 农民向政府呼吁请求帮助。 appeal to sb. to do sth. 如: Organizers appealed to the crowd not to panic. 组织者呼吁人群不要惊慌。

31 2. More than 250 million copies have been distributed around the world. 1) 分发 ; 分配 (+to/among) He distributed the tickets among the students. The teacher distributed the test papers to the class.

32 2) 撒开, 分布 The chairs were distributed around the classroom. The teacher distributed the pupils into three groups.

33 随堂测试 I. 根据首字母提示完成下列句子。 1. He addressed the e________ before mailing the letter. 2. She was an excellent scientist and a g_____ painter as well. 3. There are many serious health diseases a________ with smoking. nvelope ifted ssociated

34 4. The heavy b_______ on his back seemed to be crushing him to the earth. 5. Learners of a second language usually have many difficulties to o_______. 6. The books in the library were d________ according to subjects. 7. Dust and dirt soon a_________ if a house is not cleaned regularly. 8. The retired worker d_______ a certain sum of money in the bank each month. urden vercome istributed ccumulate eposits

35 9. More women are a_______ positions of power in public life. 10. Women’s social s_______ has changed much over the years. ttaining tatus

36 II. 用适当的介词或副词填空。 1.These cartoons have lost their appeal ____ most kids nowadays. 2. Education should not be restricted ___ any specific age group. 3. Chinese silk handkerchiefs made ___ hand sell well in Western markets. 4. The club is being organized __ the request of the college students. 5. I’ve made a few minor adjustments __ the traveling plan. for to by at to

37 III. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.Do you know who is the _______ (create) of Mickey Mouse? 2. She had some _______ (fantasy) idea that I was poisoning her. 3. The company has made an _________ (adjust) in my salary. 4. John arrived at Boston on a _______ (delay) train in the late afternoon. creator fantastic adjustment delayed

38 5. The workers are installing a _______ (heat) system in my new house. heating

39 IV. 根据汉语提示完成句子。 1._________________ ( 据估计 ) the total cost for the treatment will be over 12,500 dollars. 2. The chair ______________ ( 本打算给 ) you, but she took it away. 3. It’s a rather awkward task and they are not likely to ____________ ( 达到这个目标 ). It is estimated that was intended for attain this aim

40 4. ____________ ( 轮到你 ) to use the car this week. 5. She said she would ______________ ( 复仇 ) on Tom sooner or later. It’s your turn take her revenge

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