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Floyd Allen, MSW, LMSW CancerCare New York.  Founded in 1944 as National Foundation for Care of Advanced Cancer Patients  First social worker in 1945.

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Presentation on theme: "Floyd Allen, MSW, LMSW CancerCare New York.  Founded in 1944 as National Foundation for Care of Advanced Cancer Patients  First social worker in 1945."— Presentation transcript:

1 Floyd Allen, MSW, LMSW CancerCare New York

2  Founded in 1944 as National Foundation for Care of Advanced Cancer Patients  First social worker in 1945  Name of CancerCare and chapters - 1953  Leader in death and dying movement-1968  Mission focused on end of life services

3 Mission and Program changes:  Regional offices developed in 1978  Service at all stages of illness -1983  Worksite and Education -1985  Telephone Education Workshops -1991  National Program -1994  Launch of Website -1996

4  National financial assistance -1999  Publications programs -2003  Program Collaborations for services: - Lance Armstrong Foundation -American Society of Clinical Oncology -Susan G. Komen for the Cure  Establishment of the Co-Pay Foundation - 2007  Institute of Medicine Report, November - 2007

5  More than 107,000 people benefited from our programs in last fiscal year  1,500 + new requests for services per week  6000 website visits per day  All 50 states represented with international requests  85% of all US counties  More than 30,000 clients per year receive counseling  Currently 5,225 registered users in online groups

6  Connect client at point of contact with the organization, with a Social Worker who makes initial assessment of comprehensive needs  Provide client entry into the available services that organization can provide to address latent issues that are affecting their lives  Responds to presenting problem, easing anxiety and restoring a sense of control  Allows further exploration of other challenges present for client

7  Focuses on coping with the impact and effects of cancer  Staffed by Licensed Masters level Social Workers  Free professional counseling and facilitated support groups for people affected by cancer  Focuses on coping with the impact and effects of cancer  Child individual counseling and family events  Bereavement  Three modalities for counseling services - Face to face, telephone and online

8  Reach clients who are geographically isolated from resources for care  Provide support for elderly or homebound clients who are not mobile  Address emotional and psychological challenges despite challenge of circumstances  Medium does allow for an intimate setting that allows the client to access benefits of counseling  Provides Intuitive Community

9  Opportunity to connect physically in the company of others  Provides support and comfort  Information for coping and managing the challenges of treatment, side effects and effects of cancer on their lives  Organize resources and share information about best available services  Provides Intuitive Community

10  Allows flexibility in addressing emotional needs  Provides more options for an unpredictable schedule for both patients and caregivers  Allows ability to “look” and benefit from material being discussed without pressure of responding when overwhelmed  Allows client to post responses when they are emotionally able  Client is able to save material they find helpful for future use  Provides Intuitive community

11  Since 1944  2008: $4.2 million to approximately 24,000  Primary assistance; Transportation, Homecare, Childcare  Provide resource assistance for those seeking medical, legal, entitlements and benefits  Funders include: Avon, Komen, Mary Kay, Reader’s Digest, Lance Armstrong Foundation, pharmaceuticals

12  Designed to provide practical and emotional support information  Identifies areas of challenge within the continuum of the cancer experience  Helps communication with the healthcare team  Provides talking points to help patient and family navigate the emotional impact of the diagnosis, treatment, side effects, end of treatment and bereavement  Provides practical resource information to help secure and navigate benefits and entitlements

13  Organized to help our clients with anticipated and known challenges within the cancer experience  Provides entrée to addressing needs that affect the quality of life for the patient and family  Is a first step to helping the client give voice to their experiences which may be difficult to express  Illustrates what may still be possible for the patient to control within their cancer experience

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